Monday, June 19, 2006


Spouse has been bugging me to post this video he took of me. (He claims that I never put anything up that shows me in a bad light.) I used to do this really neat trick where I could roll one "roll" of skin down my abdomen. But since I've gained some weight, the effect is diminished. Anyway, here's the trick:

Spouse is delighted that I have gained weight so he can tease me. We're not going to mention his Buddha-like appendage that he calls his stomach. Oh wait.


  1. That's amazing ab control! The most I can do is jiggle the fat on my belly. I love the way you and Spouse interact.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    That is so funny. I'm glad you were outdoors. I can hear the neighbors. Henry come here! What Madge? Look at those two! What are they doing? I don't know! I think it is some kind of Gay mating ritual! Henry, how come we never do anything like that?

  3. Oh from one budda belly to another! I am still trying to get rid of mine

  4. I know people who WISH they were
    "fat" like you!!

    Too cute! Serge, you adorable bully!

  5. Sighhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Just when I think you two cannot be a more perfect couple, you post this.

  6. you should be a belly dancer!

  7. Let's never talk about big bellies again! OK?

  8. Aah – It’s so sweet to see a couple in love who can still inflict scarring psychological damage on each other.

    I was unclear, though, how spouse thought this video put you in a “bad light.” Other things on the blog seem more indicting. Did the half-eaten sandwich hanging from your mouth not qualify for him? Or the tales of green-lint trapped in you butt crack?

  9. Now that's talent.

    Is it me, or was Serge having too much fun singing, "You are a fatty. You are a fatty. Fatty, fatty..." in the background?

  10. You're full of tricks!

    My fat is unimpressive, thus the rush to dispose of it.

  11. Did you ever see The Simpsons episode where Homer sets the can of beer on his stomach, raises it up to his mouth, drinks it, lowers his stomach, and the top roll of fat folds over and crushes the can? Classic.

    But yeah, I don't want to hear about you being "fat." Cripes.

  12. If I were you, I would severly wound him for singing the Fatty song to you. That is not nice!


  13. A new Olympic sport division, perhaps? Belly Rolling. I bet you can do something riveting with every part of your body.

  14. That is hilarious. One guess what I'll be doing tonight. Or trying to do.

  15. Dude, you grossed me out whe you said that you ate bellybutton lint. This pales in comparison.

  16. I can really feel the love in that video.

  17. Oh my! This is "fat"!? It's very cute. Buddha bellies are hot, and I will never stop promoting them.
