Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The wrong kind of air freshener

I had classes yesterday at the sleek and shiny financial building in downtown, where the stock exchange is. I stopped in the bathroom for a quick piss and facecheck and remarked the lovely smell while I was peeing. It was so familiar and yummy that smell, ah yes Fruit Loops. The bathroom was equipped with one of those mister things that sprays a pleasant odor every couple of minutes. Pissing away, I remembered my incredible infatuation with Fruit Loops as a child, never permitted to have it since the parents decided it was too "sugary". I thought how cool it would be if they had a cologne with this scent and even more apropos if it were marketed to homos. "Bring out your inner fruit with new Fruit Loop cologne." But I lamely digress.

After class and a jumbo coffee, I again stopped into the elegant bathroom with cloth towels and wood paneling on the walls. What assaulted me as I entered is difficult to describe. That fruit loop smell was mixed with something else. Slightly nutty and pungent but not in a wholly disagreable way, well not until my brain lit upon the idea that it was shit that was the mixed in smell. Ok, this is wrong and something I hadn't anticipated. Fruit Loops is not an overpowering aroma, it is sweet yet gentle like honey. Ain't no way honey is gonna cover up no shit smell - you hear what I'm sayin'? So why are they using it, they've just ruined a perfectly good smell memory for me, and now every time I smell it, I'm going to think about the Fruit and Shit Loops smell.

Christ I'm forty and I'm still amused by bodily functions. Will I ever grow up?


Anonymous said...

LOL I hope you never do grow up, for where else am I going to be able to spew orange juice out of my nose while reading? nowhere else, I tell you...

r said...

well, if you go to this website,
You'll see that they do have scented candles in Froot Loops.

You must've known I'd be able to find this scent for you. Give me time, and I bet I'll be able to find lotion too!

r said...

Okay, I did it. This website:
has lotions in the froot loop scent.

(as well as triple wax dipped teddy bears, whatever the hell those are).

_Psycho said...

Quite a story you have there, hehe

Just Me said...

OMG...thanks to you i now water all over my screen...that came out of my nose...that was great...maybe a different cereal next time...cookie crisp?

dantallion said...

Christ I'm forty and I'm still amused by bodily functions. Will I ever grow up?

For your sake, I hope not.

(I am a little concerned, however, about the nutty 'not wholly disagreeable' smell of shit to which you's been my experience that shit smells very wholly disagreable.perhaps a visit to an ear, nose, and throat specialist is in order?? ;) )

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

I feel sick ;-)

Anonymous said...

There really needs to be a fruit loops cologne. I would where it. I was googling it and found this blog. I WANT SOME.