Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I loathe

* leaving for work at 6am on Wednesday

* snow on April 5th (snowed all night too)

* the now covered, but recently revealed filth after the spring snowmelt

* the business model for selling new cars (except for Saturn maybe)

* Bush for making me ashamed to be American

* Hummers and the men who drive them

* wearing ties

* tardiness

* inconsiderate people in public places

* back seat drivers

* people who loathe too many things

(don't worry, at some future time I'll do a balancing "I adore" post)


Cincy Diva said...

You didn't loathe too many things! Of course since most were the same things I loathe, I would say that. My most loathesome is people cracking and popping chewing gum in public. Makes me insane! Have a Great Weekend!

Shauntae AuPair said...

The ugliness that is spring snowmelt...yuk. It's like devoting the cuffs of your pants to mud for a month or two.

If it's any consolation, it almost always snows in May in Edmonton. Big reason for my not having a great desire to return. Well, that, and it's *Edmonton*. LOL

In the meantime, it will be in the ungodly mid-80's in my part of Texas...

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

I loathe those too ;>

I've downloaded pictures onto my blog at last!!! I'm thrilled, chuffed to bits and now I'm going to be totally carried away!

think I need a cup of tea to calm down

_Psycho said...

Hummers would be so cool in the jungle or in the swamp, I don't see the point downtown thought, totally stupid.

Kevin said...

you left out "brake lights on the freeway"

oh wait, that's one of mine ...

St. Dickeybird said...

Wow, I totally agree with all of those!

Jason said...

* people that stop and talk at the entrance or exit of an escalator


Chunks said...

I would do a post like this, but it would take three days to read. Maybe I should do an "I Adore" post instead, would be much shorter! hahah!

No s-n-o-w here! (Don't want to say it outloud to irritate the snow gods!)

toobusyliving said...

Pretty good list; I can't speak to anything automotive though as I don't drive and never have and I like ties. But Hummer!! God - don't het me started. Madamerouge hates them more than me, and he has a couple of great stories...maybe I'll let him tell them.

As for inconsiderate people in public places, my BIGGEST peeve are people who "groom" themselves on public transit. I've actually been hit in the face with flying fingernail clippings. These people drive me crazy, are monsters, and make it less "difficult" to understand why "super flus" seem to always come from the same...."region."

r said...

don't get me started on what I loathe. Wait, there's a post in that. Okay, I'll get started...

madamerouge said...

You should see TBL when he wears an ascot...

_psycho is right: hummers in a swamp or jungle--somewhere that off-road capability is required--are fine. Army mission in Karbala or Patagonia? Great. Take a Hummer. Yuppies going to Home Depot? What a joke...

(At one of my favourite small-town stores outside Toronto, the staff told me a story about a man in a Hummer who couldn't fit the ottoman he purchased into the vehicle. The man was from... Toronto. We had a good laugh.)

madamerouge said...

p.s. - I once left a "note" for a guy driving a bright-yellow H2. It wasn't exactly "spitting" but the sentiment was the same.

GayProf said...

Ooooh -- I want to be on the "adored" list. Please? Please? I'll be your best friend.

Anonymous said...

Those are ALL good things to loathe... but what about people that do not use turn signals...

ink said...

Hell, I'm just impressed you managed to type - coherently, if not in complete sentences - at 5:17 in the morning! If I'd tried that it would look more like "URRG ... Mrjglwe tol cmeoent .... Phbbbt!"

(BTW, can anyone tell me - what is "the business model" for selling cars?)

Perplexio said...

* the business model for selling new cars (except for Saturn maybe)

I couldn't agree with this more! There are no longer any car sales... there are now "semi-bi-annual monthly sales EVENTS"

Maybe it's just me but attaching the word "EVENT" to a car sale cheapens actual events like say... the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Holocaust, Magellan's circumnavigation of the Earth.

Trying to make sales sound that important just makes the dealerships and manufacturers sound overly pretentious.

* Bush for making me ashamed to be American

Heck, I loathe what he's done to the entire Republican party. I see a tremendously wide disparity between the principles the party was founded on and the bastardization of those ideas and principles that they seem to stand for today.

CoffeeDog said...

In your profile pic you have on a tie!

Unknown said...

*people who don't know how to merge...ughh

toobusyliving said...

good point coffeedog!

Joel said...

I was thinking the adore list should include guys who GIVE hummers. lol.

Funny list I should say.