Give up?
Anyone can Roast Beef. (I know, I know, I'm always telling the same damn jokes.)
Bush addressed the nation last night. Did you see it? See how he continues to insist on pronouncing it nukular? He's been doing that for what, 6 years now? I half expected him to say "amotic" too. As usual, I hurled balled up papers at the screen. As he babbled on about the "necessity" for war in Iraq, you know, to render the world "safer", I couldn't stop remembering his reaction to events five years ago, and his subsequent insistence on invading a country based on information he knew to be untrue.
And I felt rage at my countrymen with their heads up their asses for putting him in power.
Just look at him! Does he inspire confidence and trust? He looks like a bumbling buffoon to me.
(This is what happens when you're tired of being tired and the muse is on sabbatical.)
Right on, Torn!
You had more stamina that I did. I left the TV off last night and sat in silence and held my dog.
I knew that I would have hurled something other than paper wads had I watched it.
I didn't watch it!?
Didn't believe in it then, don't believe in it now!?
We did it to ourself=ves but seriously Kerry was a doof too
Nope, I don't trust or respect that buffoon either. There is just something artificial about him, let's not even go into the fact that he's an idiot.
I never watch Shrub. Nuklar, yes, what a ninny!
You are so right Tornwordo - a BAD joke we have to deal with for 2 more years...
And so Tornwordo lived, married to a man, in Montreal....happily ever after.
I was horrified to see that he was going to speak. As of course he would.
I knew it wouldn't have a positive effect on my psyche.
And I secretly pee into Wifezilla's soup - does that count???
Here is what freaks me out. I'm not one to jump on conspiracy theories, but after reading this, I have to admit, it has crossed my mind. Please tell me it isn't possible.
He can't say "terror" either, he says "terra", I keep thinking he is Scarlett O'Hara. Who cut his fucking hair is what I want to know?! Looks like an SOS pad. A monkey with an SOS pad on his head. Nice.
warring for peace...isn't that like fucking for virginity?
Just sayin....
Bush was re-elected in 04 because (in a nutshell) "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't."
The third ring of hell is reserved for this turdball. I was so waiting for some New Yorker to scream obcenities at him at the 911 memorials yesterday. How this man can hold his head up in New York, shameful.
Now breathe, here's some nice hot tea and bourbon chaser.
That's one of my pet hates too. Why on earth is it so hard for him to say nuclear? If he can't even say a simple word right, how can he run a whole damn country? I just don't understand. *head shake*
he is such a sock puppet! I had to turn it off after watching 3.375 minutes, I was nautious.
I kept the tv's and radio off last night. I generally try to avoid eating things like arsenic, so why would I poison myself by listening to anything that fuck has to say anymore.
Every time I hear dubya speak, I think of a bit of a Rupert Brook poem, "A Channel Passage."
...Retchings twist and tie me,
Old meat, good meals, brown gobbets, up I throw.
That's what Bushie inspires in me: brown gobbets.
Oops....that's Rupert Brooke. Sorry Rupert.
In the words of the boys from Green Day:
Zieg heil to the president gasman
Bombs away is your punishment
I couldn't stand it through the first paragraph. AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGH
It's not like there was any actual informational content, anyway.
But I am curious of one thing. At the end of it, did he remember to say, "Be afraid, and be sure to vote Republican"?
That reminds me of the old woman at the retirement home kept openiong her robe, flashing the old men and shouting "Super Pussy." Finally one man looked at her and said "Eh, I'll have the Soup."
(You have to say the joke aloud for it to really make sense.)
I had no intention of watching. I'd rather pull my fingernails out with pliers. Today is Primary Day in nine states. Hopefully it will be the first step in a change in leadership.
We can only hope that the American public will wake up soon.
HE is such a colostomy bag.
Bush was not elected. He stole both elections.
I believe this with all my heart.
Bush the buffoon. Perfect description. Bush says if we pull out of Iraq they will follow us here. On what rafts? If he would stop calling countries and their leaders Axis of Evil they wouldn't be stirred up to fight back. I'm afraid the same fucktards that always vote Republican will do it again. The muse is not on sabbatical the muse is on fire!
I really think this is a strategy, and he's not stupid. Or maybe I'm just dumb.
i did myself the biggest favor of all and didn't watch.
he makes my blood boil.
see? even my verification word is "eusbag" i think that's close enough to "assbag" to count, don't you?
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