Friday, November 10, 2006

Snippets in a rush

* Compassion is not the same as "tough love". One label adheres more readily to liberals and the other to conservatives.

* I was lost for three months. I finally feel myself again.

* Most languages in the world do not have the verb "have". In such languages, possession is expressed with a prepositional relation. "The coffee is to me" or "This house is with me" for example.

* I believe the "trickle down"' theory can only work if there is a "maximum wage".

* This just in. Holes in your socks can lead to foot blisters.

* I saw a girl that looked just like my friend Donna. Same vintage coat, same hair, same distinctive face, same walk. It's your twin D! (I really thought it was you at first.)

* One remarkable thing about the internet - it's turned into a great equalizer. The reins of creativity are no longer held by the elite.

* Spouse often bemoans his hairlessness. But I like it.

* In other spousal news - he turns 40 next week. I still don't know what to get him.

* Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister? (You do not need to know law to answer this.)


Anonymous said...

It is legal to marry your widow's sister but impossible since you are dead if your wife is a widow.
Get Spouse something shiny, our kind eat that shit up.
Still loving the snippets each week. Hugs and More.

Anonymous said...

Most languages in the world do not have the verb "have".

No, we can't say that most languages lack the verb "to have." And many that don't include syntactical equivalents of the verb "to have" instead use other verbs (not just prepositional phrases) in semantically equivalent ways: own, possess, bear, carry, etc.

Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?

No, but in China, a woman can marry her widower's brother.

toobusyliving said...

Congratulations on feeling like yourself again - maybe that in itself is a great present for Spouses Birthday, non?

Anonymous said...

Interesting note on "have". cool!
Trickle down economics is like a rain drop trickling down a wall, by the time it gets to the ground where it is needed most there is nothing left.
There is nothing wrong with Spouse!
As for his birthday, think not what you can get him, but what you can give him. I know it would be what I would want. ;)

Snooze said...

I agree with you on a maximum wage, or at least a maximum proportion when it comes to companies. There's no way CEOs should be making hundreds of times over what the workers make. I wish shareholders would revolt.

Anonymous said...

I understand where Spouse is coming from with his hairlessness issues... for I have the same ones. You hairy people just don't understand our plight...

Doug said...

Glad you found yourself again. Hope it lasts.

The reins of creativity are no longer held by the elite.

So true! We each have our voice and a place to make it be heard thanks to the internet.

Darn socks!

Kevin said...

No it is not legal. He's dead.

Anonymous said...

I feel stupid now. Lots of people figured out that widow's sister question and I didn't.

Patricia said...

i'm so very glad you feel "found" again. for me, there's nothing more freeing than the sense of feeling grounded. ironic, but true.

write spouse out a list of your favorite 43 things about him. and tell him you couldn't possibly have been able to trim it down to 40. i fall for that mushy crap every time. oh, and then spend some cash. that always helps.

Timmy said...

holy socks!

S said...

Don't know what to get the spouse?

Wrap a bow around yourself and make him guess if he knows what the package is.

dpaste said...

The grass is always greener on the other side of the body hair fence. I would be more than happy to transplant my back and shoulder hair to any part of Serge's body that he'd enjoy.

Look up gifts for a 40th anniversary, choose something he'd like but scale it down somewhat, and tell him it is a sneak preview for the real thing.

Anonymous said...

I can sympathize with the lost feelings. Moving will do that to you every single freakin' time.

I'd rather have a many who's too hairy (you can always trim) rather than hairless. Hair is very sensual.

Q turns 40 in a couple of weeks. I still have no idea what to get him either. good luck!

Anonymous said...

So was it the black socks you wore yesterday that had the hole?

Hair is overrated! You're either wishing you had more or less, straight or curly, some where you don't and none where you do. Judging by your leg pics yesterday, you have enough for both of you! Har har!!

GayProf said...

I bet Spouse would just love a trip to Boston. ;-)

A Bear in the Woods said...

It might be legal but don't you have to be alive to get married?

But in ancient Hebrew law, a widow's brother in laws were required to marry the widow, to "give" their deceased brother seed. It's more about inheritance law than abou love, obviously, but it did keep any number of earlt Hebrew widows off the streets. It's called the Levirate inheritance system.

A Bear in the Woods said...

should have been "brothers-in-law". Oops.

The Persian said...

"Spouse often bemoans his hairlessness. But I like it."

Serge is adorable so I'll overlook the hairlessness :)

You guys make the most incredibly beautiful couple.

Polt said...

a man cannot marry his widow's sister, because if he has a widow, then he's dead.

Maybe for Spouse's 40th, you could buy him a toupee? Or if he's hairless elsewhere, then get him a mink coat and glue it to his hairless parts. ;)
