Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tagged by LBB

"Each player of this game starts with the '6 weird things about you'. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog."

1. Each night before going to sleep, I listen to the weather radio. This is a special weather band radio you can get at Radio Shack. Government issued weather forecasts and conditions are broadcast on three frequencies. I've been doing that for over 30 years and it might possibly be my oldest habit. Sometimes I fall asleep with it on and spouse has a phobia that the telescopic antenna is going to poke his eye out one of these days.

2. I hate putting anything on my skin. All my friends know this. Dry skin? Get that lotion away from me. And I use nothing but barsoap for body and face. In fact, my entire skin care regiment consists of Lever 2000.

3. When I am walking, I have dialogue in my head with the trees. "Well, you are looking mighty fine this morning. What's that? Oh thank you. I bet most people just walk right by you and don't notice your majesty and your steadfastness, rooted there for decades." And then sometimes I pet them.

4. Most days I drink coffee and water and a couple glasses of wine at the end of the day. Occasionally, I treat myself to a diet coke. Then I refill the diet coke bottle with water a hundred times.

5. (I am going to copy what LBB wrote. It was perfectly stated. Maybe it's not so weird after all...) I stopped maturing at 12. Other than taking an interest in the opposite (ahem, same) sex, I haven't changed since childhood. As a teen and then as a young adult, I assumed one day the aging process would instill a decent work ethic and a sense of responsibility. I figured a codified adult mentality would “kick-in” at some point. I'm in my mid-30s (I'm 41!) and I'm still waiting. My biggest priorities are still: sleeping in, dodging work and responsibility, watching TV, surfing the Net, scoring good meals and dessert, playing games, working out, hanging out, wasting time and doing as little as possible. No joke, people. Honest Indian. Mind you, I don't just long to do these things. I actually DO them. I've worked part-time most of my adult life, including my present job. I still watch cartoons. I still eat candy. I still play with toys. I still contemplate what I want to be when I grow older. Between leisure time and a chance to earn more money, I'll take leisure every damn time. I've tried, but I can't give a damn about adult stuff. Who gives a shit about careers, productivity, mortgages and retirement funds, really? Fuck that shit.

6. The evidence for number five can be found in my years long fixation on Scrabble. I have played over 4000 games online, and at half an hour a pop, well, you do the math. I am not proud of this, but it is free and noodles my mind. Also, every morning I play this game.

So now I am supposed to tag six people. I don't really like tagging people. If you would like to participate, you can consider yourself tagged.


Anonymous said...

1. I could comment about what Spouse should be concerned in terms of poking his eye out, but I won't. :)
2. This one REALLY surprised me about you. I had you pegged as one of the Family who had a bathroom cabinet stuffed with "product". (I hate the use of that term!) I am similar to you, only my choice of soap is Safeguard.
3. One of these days I am going to dirty my pants when they talk back to me. Do they do that already with you?
5. Sometimes I think it is these things that are the true mark of maturity.
6. Go on! Surely you jest! :)

Thanks for a mighty interesting list (again), Torn!

bob said...

I was just discussing my #5 with a friend the other night. She lauded me for it.

Hmm, I wonder if we have played online Scrabble together?

Anonymous said...

GREAT - another game for me to play - where do you go to play Scrabble on line?

Anonymous said...

Really you don't use face cream? Not even Spouse's Anti-Dullness Cream? Remember never put foot cream on your face. I'm still laughing about that great video!
Apparently I'm not smart enough to play that game. It kept saying you can't use those letters or something like that.

S said...

This is what I can think of now...

1. I like to rearrange displays (fold sweaters, etc.) in stores.

2. I play a soundtrack of dance music when I walk even though I don't have a music device with me.

3. I have a hard time not singing along to songs when listening to music previews at the store.

4. I constantly pick at my nails b/c I hate seeing black stuff underneath them.

5. I unconsciously tuck my hair behind my ears even though I have short hair.

6. I always walk with my mouth open a little (like a model pout) because I have a hard time breathing through my nose.

Pretty boring/stupid stuff, huh?

GayProf said...

Sometimes I fall asleep with it on and spouse has a phobia that the telescopic antenna is going to poke his eye out one of these days.

Where exactly are you keeping this radio? Under your pillow?

I also hate lotion, which is why my hands crack and bleed in the winter. After shaving, though, I have to put some face stuff on otherwise my face would crack and bleed -- much more noticeable than my hands.

As for Scrabble, I can't spell to save my life. That game, therefore, makes me cry.

Anonymous said...

First off, thanks TW, for the link to the puzzle. I played it a bit ago for the first time (scored 69) and look forward to making it part of my daily ritual.

Six Weird (Unique) Things About Me:

1) I wear only Argyll socks, unless hiking (then I wear white cotton ones).

2) After having hernia surgery last year, I became lactose intolerant. It has been an interesting process this year, working with my doctor, to tweak my diet. So now in addition to following a low sodium-low cholestrol diet, I eat no dairy. Because of that and my daily exercise routine, I find that I have loads of physical energy and mental alertness.

3) I enjoy kinky sex; 'vanilla sex' bores me.

4) I am a witch and follow the Wiccan Rede.

5) I am ultra organized and find it very difficult to function in chaotic environments.

6) I always hold a pillow in my arms when sleeping.

r said...

After em introduced it to us at your wedding, I play set online all the time too.

Not so much tangleword anymore.

Doug said...

I am a strong #5 as well, but my mood swings make it inconsistent. It makes it difficult for me to work at home sometimes. Other times I have no problems.

As for #6, proof comes in many forms (or many computer games).

#3: that is VERY cool. More people should talk to the trees. It would be a better planet.

Anonymous said...

I love you for #3
Have you realised that the container #4 filled with water, laying on the counter for months, has disapeared?

Anonymous said...

i thought one day being a grown up would kick in and i'd think about grown up things and possibly carry a brief case and own a house with a yard and a mortgage i couldn't afford and have my perfectly dressed children in private schools while I played martha stewart.

Um, no. I'm blogging at midnight and washing whites with colors. The closest thing to adult is that I have a dozen daily pills to take and i have a planner in which i write all things important and paper clip prescriptions, mail, and important bits of paper i shouldn't lose.

Hell, today I bought toe socks with penguins on them and a shirt that said "save santa the trip, be naughty"

i will never, ever, ever be grown up.

oh, and tomorrow I will be going to get dark violet hair with lavender and silver highlights. that is going to rock out.

(my teenage gothic ideal still exists)

Anonymous said...

i thought one day being a grown up would kick in and i'd think about grown up things and possibly carry a brief case and own a house with a yard and a mortgage i couldn't afford and have my perfectly dressed children in private schools while I played martha stewart.

Um, no. I'm blogging at midnight and washing whites with colors. The closest thing to adult is that I have a dozen daily pills to take and i have a planner in which i write all things important and paper clip prescriptions, mail, and important bits of paper i shouldn't lose.

Hell, today I bought toe socks with penguins on them and a shirt that said "save santa the trip, be naughty"

i will never, ever, ever be grown up.

oh, and tomorrow I will be going to get dark violet hair with lavender and silver highlights. that is going to rock out.

(my teenage gothic ideal still exists)

Anonymous said...

i thought one day being a grown up would kick in and i'd think about grown up things and possibly carry a brief case and own a house with a yard and a mortgage i couldn't afford and have my perfectly dressed children in private schools while I played martha stewart.

Um, no. I'm blogging at midnight and washing whites with colors. The closest thing to adult is that I have a dozen daily pills to take and i have a planner in which i write all things important and paper clip prescriptions, mail, and important bits of paper i shouldn't lose.

Hell, today I bought toe socks with penguins on them and a shirt that said "save santa the trip, be naughty"

i will never, ever, ever be grown up.

oh, and tomorrow I will be going to get dark violet hair with lavender and silver highlights. that is going to rock out.

(my teenage gothic ideal still exists)

Anonymous said...

i thought one day being a grown up would kick in and i'd think about grown up things and possibly carry a brief case and own a house with a yard and a mortgage i couldn't afford and have my perfectly dressed children in private schools while I played martha stewart.

Um, no. I'm blogging at midnight and washing whites with colors. The closest thing to adult is that I have a dozen daily pills to take and i have a planner in which i write all things important and paper clip prescriptions, mail, and important bits of paper i shouldn't lose.

Hell, today I bought toe socks with penguins on them and a shirt that said "save santa the trip, be naughty"

i will never, ever, ever be grown up.

oh, and tomorrow I will be going to get dark violet hair with lavender and silver highlights. that is going to rock out.

(my teenage gothic ideal still exists)

Anonymous said...

i thought one day being a grown up would kick in and i'd think about grown up things and possibly carry a brief case and own a house with a yard and a mortgage i couldn't afford and have my perfectly dressed children in private schools while I played martha stewart.

Um, no. I'm blogging at midnight and washing whites with colors. The closest thing to adult is that I have a dozen daily pills to take and i have a planner in which i write all things important and paper clip prescriptions, mail, and important bits of paper i shouldn't lose.

Hell, today I bought toe socks with penguins on them and a shirt that said "save santa the trip, be naughty"

i will never, ever, ever be grown up.

oh, and tomorrow I will be going to get dark violet hair with lavender and silver highlights. that is going to rock out.

(my teenage gothic ideal still exists)

Anonymous said...

damn, way sorry about that. kept getting error messages
:::hangs head in blogger shame:::

madamerouge said...

#2 and #4 are ringing testimonials to how healthy your skin looks. Factor in your appreciation for leisure in #5 and you get a model for living well.

Anonymous said...

So, do you play that game once, or until you get the "high score"...because I just went there and couldn't get myself to leave w/o getting 99 points.

dpaste said...

Has spouse ever commented before? That was so sweet, I melted.

Anonymous said...

I sort of do want to ask about the telescopic horse penis in the more recent post, but I'll obey and instead take this quiz meme.

Also, bravo on saving the cat. Animal cruelty's disgusting. Nude dancer sounds like he was nuts on crystal.

Patricia said...

that's it, i'm coming back as a tree.