Friday, February 02, 2007


* I've got no time for these today. This will become evident as you read on.

* Playing scrabble while inebriated and yakking with Serge, someone accused me of cheating. I poked fun at the person accusing me. They had been incensed because I played the word misspend.

* Why does a liquid cup and a dry goods cup seem to be a different size. Isn't a cup a cup?

* I tuck my long underwear into my socks.

* I love when pets hump things and their embarrassed owners get all flustered.

* Did you know regular soap also kills 99 % of bacteria. We are paying extra for the stupid word "antibacterial" on the label.

* Spouse hates it if you fiddle with his toes, especially the nails.

* If we could all just accept the one thing we are not satisfied with , we'd all be a lot happier.

* I can't fathom where the word "painstaking" came from. There is no "painstake" as far as I know.
* The snow collects much as bird guano on the tops of statues. Same effect, but without the ick factor.


  1. omg! I am first!

    You can fiddle with my toes, as you wish.

  2. ick... and that's for the snow, not the poo!!! brrrrrrr....

  3. It makes me laugh to think of someone becoming incensed over Scrabble.

  4. I'm like Serge, I hate having my toes messed with. I mean, there is a good way to do it and I don't mind that, but sticking your fingers between my toes is enough to send me over the edge.

    How do you manage to get me to tell you these weird things about myself?!

  5. Ew... guano. Never thought of that before.

  6. snow covered poopsicles are never as disturbing as the naked ones. less stinky, too.

    and painstaking is a funny word. putting two words, assbackwards like that to come up with a new word.

    ahhh... acceptance. but then what would we do with all our extra time freed up from the self loathing?

  7. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I tuck my long underwear into my socks too.

    I love your snippety bits.

  8. i love scrabble. i dont tuck my long underwear. my pup loves to hump the other female dog. i dont like my toes fiddled with either.

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    The snow hides the Pigeon Poop and covers all the ugliness. But it won't last so we have to learn to live with it.
    I've never had anybody play with my toes but if it was the right guy I wouldn't mind. The nails are another story. It is like rubbing your eye or picking your nose, only you can do it right. LOL.
    Todays snippets are great and as always very interesting.

  10. I'd be annoyed if someone fiddled with my toes. And that goes for Celloing, clarineting, and violining too!

    sorry, couldn't resist...

  11. You silly, silly man. It's not a pain stake, it's about takings pains. You know, what you get if you can't resist your illicit, lascivious urge to lick Serge's toes.
    Oh, the Humanity of it all!

  12. Anonymous3:23 PM

    My intense fear of feet -- toes in particular -- has me siding with Serge on this one.

  13. It's always about the guano with you, isn't it Torn?

  14. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Hey, I really want to start playing Scrabble online. I guess I start by buying Scrabble. After that, it should be a cinch.

    Drunken Scrabble -- sounds like heaven.

    Oh, I should think what I'm not satisfied with and then accept it: The 40-hour workweek standard. No way I'm accepting that!

  15. Oh I love the pets bit. Sadly our cats don't seem to ever do anything like that.

  16. That picture is aweseome. Almost makes me want to live somewhere with snow.


  17. That whole "humping" thing isn't cute when the animal is practically raping your leg.
