Thoughts from an American turned Canadian in Montreal.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Couple of downers
I got some bad news last Friday and I've been angsting about it ever since. It turns out the night classes that were supposed to start this week, well, aint. At least not for me. Not enough sign-ups is the word I got from the college. It sucks too because I reserved blocks of time for them and turned down at least one contract because of it. Anyway, it means I'm a few grand short going into (what now just turned into 5 months) a long summer season. As of April 7th, I've got no work. What I'd really like is to take the five months and enjoy it but then I'd have to pull from the (very small) savings account.
There are lots of options. I can teach for less money and pick up some work that way, but I get kind of burned out on the teaching and look forward to some time away from it to charge my batteries.
I could do a restaurant gig for the summer. I know I've said I will never do it again, and I probably won't, but that didn't stop me from putting out some feelers at the last place I worked.
Oh and Air Canada is hiring flight attendants. I may pop into the HR meet and greet thing this weekend. I went through that process before with TWA (that dates me) and was refused due to my 6'3" height. As I recall, the limit was 6'2" but maybe that's changed now. Plus I'd have to move to Toronto or have a pied-a-terre there.
The dinner cruise tourist boat will be hiring as well. When I mentioned it to Serge, he seemed embarrassed by the prospect of having to tell someone that his husband was working as a waiter on the riverboat.
In the end, I'm hoping an easy contract of a month or so will pop up for me teaching to tide me over. Universe, are you listening?
In other news, Georgie got sick the other day. He must have eaten something bad because he really shit brown water there for a day. Poor little guy. Oh and then yesterday, I took him on a really long walk and just as we were coming home there was a guy with his two unleashed pitbulls. He had a carton of milk in one hand and a carton of orange juice in the other and he started trying to distract his dogs from seeing Georgie by batting at them with his legs. This maneuver didn't work and one of them came running over to Georgie. Georgie wagged his tale and the pitbull started low growling at him. The owner started shouting at his dog as the other pitbull started to come over. I grabbed (dirty, muddy) Georgie in my arms, the guy threw down his cartons and grabbed one of the dogs while the other now started jumping on me trying to get to Georgie. I turned and started walking away as the guy shouted out, "Sorry about that man!" I said nothing, I mean what is there to say? It's shocking to be reminded of the level of irresponsibility some individuals exhibit, but I doubt my yelling at them is going to change it. What a freaking moron. It's called a leash dude.
Beagles are so kind and trusting. So glad Georgie had you to protect him.
There was a pit bull that used to come to our local dog park that my little beagle boy befriended. I was always a little nervous, but figured if must be one of the good pit bulls if in an enclosed dog park.
Then one night out of the blue he attacked my guy - no blood, but had him down and by the throat.
I know it's instinct to pick up your dog to protect him but doing this can put both you and Georgie at greater risk. I don't know the reason why, just that dogs react negatively to a dog being picked up. I have little dogs and have followed my instinct and have learned my lesson. Fortunately no one was hurt but it was scary.
I can't believe that anybody would have pitbulls off their leash. Those dogs don't exactly have the best reputation. They are kinda the O.J. of the dog world.
Sorry about the employment news. Even in a tenure-track position, we are under lots of pressure to keep our enrollments high.
Okay. You just described my worst fear about Charlie. He would be pitbull chow in a second. He's like Georgie too; he loves all other dogs and thinks they're just great.
He's never had a problem in SB, but once in a dogpark in Silverlake? He was playing with two other dogs when all of a sudden they turned on him and had him down. His little belly turned up and those snarling snapping dogs... I knew I shouldn't, but I jumped in and grabbed my little guy.
Damn owners did nothing. "They were just playing..."
The whole pit bull story is giving me an anxiety attack. My dog is so dumb, he'd pick a fight with a growling pit bull. That's why he stays in the yard.
I wish I had a magic wand or a winning 6-49 ticket for you, dude. Something will turn up for you. You're like a cat, you always land on your feet.
Well, poop. You usually seem to come up with something, but having to worry about it still sucks.
Between my own bad experiences and having to deal with the aftermath of other people's, I'm always really wary when I have my dogs out in a public area. It's important for them to socialize, but there are so many ignorant fucks out there who just won't control their dogs.
I'm hoping the guy does think twice and get some good leashes. Maybe your lack of yelling at him will have a positive effect. You do put out good energy to the universe and I hope it gives it back about your job.
Your comments about the teaching assignment falling through reminded me of my years as adjunct faculty. Many were the courses for which I was contracted that fell through because of lack of enrollment or in at least one case that were taken from me by full time faculty because their course was under enrolled. It sucked because I also had turned down other opportunities as well as having hoped for the income.
We have new neighbors across the street as of the past weekend. On the first day they were there I had my dog out in my yard on a leash when suddenly the guy lets his dog out without a leash and it makes a bee line to my dog. It is no pit bull, thank God, and did not attack. (My dog and I "froze".) All I got out of him was a "sorry" as well.
You took the high road by not saying something to the dog's human asshole. I wouldn't have been so noble. I get scared and I get angry and then my mouth just flies. Indi sees someone charge her at the dog park and she literally flops on her back and shows her belly. I'm all, stick up for yourself! but she doesn't listen.
I am glad the pit bulls didn't get you too! I *heart* Georgie (and you too)
I hate when other dog owners can't control their dog. I've been in your situation a couple of times. It's not fun.
That's why I don't take Sophie out in our neighborhood. Many of our neighbors don't leash their dogs, and Sophie will be the loser in most encounters.
Good luck with the job search, sweetie.
Beagles are so kind and trusting. So glad Georgie had you to protect him.
There was a pit bull that used to come to our local dog park that my little beagle boy befriended. I was always a little nervous, but figured if must be one of the good pit bulls if in an enclosed dog park.
Then one night out of the blue he attacked my guy - no blood, but had him down and by the throat.
I hope the universe comes up trumps for you.
Very cute pic of spouse and puppy.
I know it's instinct to pick up your dog to protect him but doing this can put both you and Georgie at greater risk. I don't know the reason why, just that dogs react negatively to a dog being picked up. I have little dogs and have followed my instinct and have learned my lesson. Fortunately no one was hurt but it was scary.
I can't believe that anybody would have pitbulls off their leash. Those dogs don't exactly have the best reputation. They are kinda the O.J. of the dog world.
Sorry about the employment news. Even in a tenure-track position, we are under lots of pressure to keep our enrollments high.
Bummer about work and thank goodness Georgie is light enough to lift to safety.
Okay. You just described my worst fear about Charlie. He would be pitbull chow in a second. He's like Georgie too; he loves all other dogs and thinks they're just great.
He's never had a problem in SB, but once in a dogpark in Silverlake? He was playing with two other dogs when all of a sudden they turned on him and had him down. His little belly turned up and those snarling snapping dogs... I knew I shouldn't, but I jumped in and grabbed my little guy.
Damn owners did nothing. "They were just playing..."
Yeah, right.
The whole pit bull story is giving me an anxiety attack. My dog is so dumb, he'd pick a fight with a growling pit bull. That's why he stays in the yard.
I wish I had a magic wand or a winning 6-49 ticket for you, dude. Something will turn up for you. You're like a cat, you always land on your feet.
Well, poop. You usually seem to come up with something, but having to worry about it still sucks.
Between my own bad experiences and having to deal with the aftermath of other people's, I'm always really wary when I have my dogs out in a public area. It's important for them to socialize, but there are so many ignorant fucks out there who just won't control their dogs.
Bullshit he was sorry. I'm hoping his milk and orange juice cartons broke.
I hope Georgie wasn't too scared.
ZERO tolerance for dogs off leash. especially scary ones that don't belong around people or other dogs or in the city. I would have let him have it.
I'm really sorry to hear about your job situation. Really disappointed. That's the last thing that anybody needs.
Sorry to hear about your confrontation with the pitbull and owner.
I'm hoping the guy does think twice and get some good leashes. Maybe your lack of yelling at him will have a positive effect. You do put out good energy to the universe and I hope it gives it back about your job.
TWA, that does date you, I missed out on that one too, being too tall, and it was 6'2". I so wanted to be an air whore!!! ha!!!
Your comments about the teaching assignment falling through reminded me of my years as adjunct faculty. Many were the courses for which I was contracted that fell through because of lack of enrollment or in at least one case that were taken from me by full time faculty because their course was under enrolled. It sucked because I also had turned down other opportunities as well as having hoped for the income.
We have new neighbors across the street as of the past weekend. On the first day they were there I had my dog out in my yard on a leash when suddenly the guy lets his dog out without a leash and it makes a bee line to my dog. It is no pit bull, thank God, and did not attack. (My dog and I "froze".) All I got out of him was a "sorry" as well.
dog owners that don't leash there dogs are assholes .
Goodness but it's getting crowded in this boat I'm in.
Hope things sort themselves out beneficially and soon.
You took the high road by not saying something to the dog's human asshole. I wouldn't have been so noble. I get scared and I get angry and then my mouth just flies. Indi sees someone charge her at the dog park and she literally flops on her back and shows her belly. I'm all, stick up for yourself! but she doesn't listen.
Whatever you choose for the summer, just make sure it's a job that you actually like. That way, it won't seeeem like a job at all.
Hope you get a contract to teach.
Pet owners who walk their dogs off leash drive me crazy!! I admire you for not saying something snide to the owner about having those dogs on a leash.
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