Saturday, April 17, 2010


Wow, so much feedback on such a banal topic as laundry. I suppose since it's one of those inevitable chores done by young and old, rich and poor alike. Well, not the uber-rich, surely they have staff for that. Speaking of laundry, another strange thing I've noticed is that there are always one or two unmatched socks at the end of the job. We leave the loners on top of the dryer and many times a match will be found on subsequent washings, but there are always a few lonely socks left over anyway. Once in a while I'll find one stuck inside my pants when I put them on, but I suspect there's a mini black hole in the dryer that absconds with the bulk of them.

It's a gloomy weekend here weather-wise and they are even mentioning the "s" word for tomorrow. I think they're full of it. You know that volcano that's wreaking havoc in the skies of Europe? Well all I can think of is how that cloud, if it grows and persists, can lower the temperature of the planet quite handily. I want it to stop because I'm fully on board with the global warming. I wouldn't if I lived in the Maldives of course, but what were they thinking setting up camp on a sandbar in the middle of the ocean anyway?

It was a bittersweet week for us in terms of television. Glee is back and we are major gleeks (as should you be) and both Serge and I squealed with delight at the closing Vogue video. But then we were sad when the last episode of Ugly Betty showed on Wednesday. I hope they make an Ugly Betty movie. Then last night we rented season one of Nurse Jackie and got sucked in pretty quickly. It's a good thing only the first season is available for rent up here or we might have lost the whole weekend.

I know I know I owe y'all a Georgie pic. Next time I promise. Have a fab weekend!


Blobby said...

I hate my mismatched socks at the end of the laundry cycle. A friend of mine has found a way to combat this: he buys only the same socks - make and colour. Maybe two colours: black and brown. A little limiting, but....

Birdie said...

Isn't it funny how we expect to be greeted by Georgie whenever we come over? Nice to see you; where's Georgie?

I think socks we see in the gutters in the street are the missing mates. The singularity created in the dryer is too small to carry them far.

A Lewis said...

I am a laundry queen -- and require it to be done exactly, precisely, right.

Phronk said...

I not only lose socks all the time, but using a shared laundry facility, I find other people's socks showing up in my laundry to replace them. Often in pairs, oddly enough.

Oh and I'm with Serge; I put shirts in inside-out most of the time, both because it washes them better (maybe), and because they come off that way. Re-flipping them is all part of the folding job.

I think you should start a laundry blog.

Snooze said...

I have a sock that I love. I have moved three times with that sock hoping its mate will show up. I need to face that the mate is gone. This time I'm putting all my mismatched socks in a pile and if their mates don't show up within two weeks, they are going in the trash.

Rox said...

I'm going to have to re-watch the ending of the Glee episode because I must have missed the Vogue part! Damn!

anne marie in philly said...

"so much feedback on such a banal topic as laundry" - ask the blogosphere and you shall receive!

I want to see serge AND georgie! woof for both of them!

don said...

Glee convinced me to cancel my cable for the summer. It was the last straw.
Ps. I have your single socks and am holding them for ransom.

Mel said...

One of my socks has gone missing at my sister's house, where I'm currently visiting. I'm hoping it turns up before I have to leave on Monday.

I don't suppose you don't want to hear about my day at the beach?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I do the same thing with mismatched socks. Leave the lone sock there until one day its mate is found.

It may take a long time. I know if I ever dug into the couch I'd probably find a few pairs.

But it's chaotic so it stays that way.

Anonymous, too said...

I didn't respond to the previous post because I didn't want to come off as a male bee-yotch. . .but aren't there more important things for you and Serge to argue about?

It is a well-known fact that laundry appliances consume a number of socks as a sacrifice to the Laundry Deities to prevent major repair bills. Sort of like sacrificing virgins to a volcano.

Clean the apartment very thoroughly. Be sure to check in/under/behind any luggage, sofas, dressers, or other furniture and fixtures the socks could be using to hide. Then, if you still have "widowed" socks left over, use them as dust rags, car polish applicators, etc. And/or use Blobby's tip, buying several pair of identical socks so the eventual "widows" can be used to replace those sacrificed to the Laundry Deities or discarded because of holes, snags, or fates too disgusting to mention.

Lastly, it is true we need 100% more Gorgeous Georgie. As well as 100% more pics of the ever-younger M. Serge and of you falling out of your bathrobe. (I heard a rumor you three will be in a movie remake to be (re)titled "Three Hunks and a Kitten" -- if they can find a kitten who is cute enough!)

Rebekah said...

The minute I throw out the singleton socks, their mates show up. I have, like Snooze, hung on to lone socks through moves, given up, thrown them away, and then found the missing one a day later.

It's the sock curse. They won't be controlled.

Lemuel said...

Continuing on laundry: Your sock story reminded me of how many times I have taken *off* clothing only to find that the dryer sheet from the previous laundry session was stuck in the sleeve or trouser leg and I never realized it while I was wearing it. I'll never make it as the Princess and the Pea. ;)

Rick Bettencourt said...

Gloomy weather down here too but I can deal after a week in Mexico!

You get those mismatched socks too!

CoffeeDog said...

There is a lone sock on out kitchen table as we speak.

Jim said...

Yeah, pretty dismal weather-wise here this weekend. But we managed to get in a walk at Sophie's, our dog, favourite park between rain showers.

The 'lone sock' phenomenon is everywhere!!! Mine usually turn up when I put on a pair of jeans. Actually, the other day a pair of underwear was clinging to the inside leg.

Nick UK said...

They are all in parallel sock universe, why dont scientists investigate useful stuff like this.

Speaking from under the ash cloud, the weather here is beautiful, the skies are quiet and empty and the trains are FULL. I have just made a "flying" visit to london which is full of weary travellers coming home overland from where their plane journey terminated...... mostly Germany it seems.

Another vote for more gorgeous Georgie, and of course you two as well!!!