* Pom-poms on your cap are definitely not in this year.
* Sometimes spouse and I talk about selling everything and becoming renters again. I know this is "wrong" thinking, but we think about it anyway.
* I love the French equivalent to the English term "brown-noser". It's "asshole licker".
* There is no such thing as language purity. All languages evolve to the point where they become uncomprehensible after a few hundred years. No part of the language is safe from this evolutionary force: neither the structure, grammar, noun forms nor word order are safe from it - all of it changes.
* I dreamt I ran into the one who broke my heart (whom I've never written about here btw) I was irritated in the dream because he's dead and I wasn't prepared to see him alive. I purposely avoided acknowledging him. Maybe I never really got over that one.
* New Canadian dietary guidelines are out. If all previous guidelines are now bunk, why should I believe the new ones?
* How about these for dietary guidelines: Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full. Avoid sugar. Oh and if something doesn't agree with you, don't eat it anymore.
* Here's why you shouldn't listen to me. In the store yesterday, I needed vitamins and the children's and elderly vitamins were both on sale - half off. The adult vitamins were at full price. So I bought the old man vitamins since I'm closer to 50 than 10. (Plus I'm a cheapskate.)
* Having "perfect abs" is such a waste of energy. Having them serves nothing (except perhaps one's vanity). I believe I'm speaking from experience, so this is perhaps only my truth. Changing your attitude is probably easier and healthier. (Incidentally, humans are meant to have some fat on their bodies, just as dogs are meant to have tails.)
* When I was a boy, my penis was known to me as "my doodle".
I think your dietary guidlines make much more sense (seriously) that 95% of what the "experts" tell us. They are reasonable and rational.
I really MUST learn French! ;)
That gives Doodling a whole new meaning. LOL. Vitamins are vitamins. You have my permission to ue my old man vitamins. I can see your point about becoming a renter. No headaches and you have a landlord to complain at. I thinketh thou art rite thee language doth changeth o'er tyme!
There are such things as dietary guidelaines?
brrr... that looks cold... i've had late/ex boyfriend dreams, it's usually to get something off my chest that i didn't get off my chest when he was alive, like "you're such an idiot, you skanky cheating MF!!! and lots of other stuff... lol...
And in my book, a doodle is FAR MORE IMPORTANT that your abs... and you are so right - the snow makes the wind so beautiful...
Until I was about five my penis was known to me as "my binky". Who knew it was really a doodle. I have so much to learn...
Funny, I saw the new dietary guidelines story on the news and thought exactly the same thing you did!
I'd have bought the geritol too, but then I can't resist a bargain ... aka cheap.
I've always thought the wind creates beautiful sculpture of snow.
I always suspected the vitamins labeled for different age groups were a scam. I mean, if they are giving you 1700% of your vitamin C, does it really matter at that point whether it's intended for a 30 year old or a 65 year old? The exception, I suppose, being "gendered" vitamins. Women's vitamins contain lots of iron, which men don't need (and could even be bad for our health).
My penis was known to me as my penis. Somehow, that is just less fun.
My new diet consists of noodles and doodles. Ahem.
Cooper wrote that his penis was called a binky. I thought a binky was something to suck on. Duh. Guess it still is!
I don't know about "perfect abs", but strong ones are good for the back. And the French definitely have it down when it comes to the American version of brownnoser.
Re: your diet guidelines. While they make sense for the 20% of the population that is intelligent, the rest have no judgement. "Hungry" or "full" are subjective terms, as there is pleasantly full, and full to bursting. Most eat until another bite would cause death.
I've seen pictures of you that you posted, and your abs are pretty damn fabulous, so your scoffing at "perfect abs" rings a little hollow to me.
My penis was know to me as my "boo boo."
I'm turning into a prude, I don't like any name for penis -- especially "dink" (my boss says this --ew)
oh i have those return-to-renting fantasies from time to time, too. and this time of year, all my fantasies are the kind that come with free heat.
it's interesting that someone visited you in your dreams. it sounds like you were lucid in your dream. you "weren't prepared to see him" and you "avoided acknowledging him". this is fascinating to me. but then, i have a lot of unfinished business.
Great bulletins, TW. This one intrigues me:
* Sometimes spouse and I talk about selling everything and becoming renters again. I know this is "wrong" thinking, but we think about it anyway.
I understand. What you and Spouse are wondering is, Do the financial benefits outweight the the hassles, headaches and financial risks. The law doesn't extend much consideration to landlords. And I'll bet this is doubly true in Canada.
Also, great point about the new guidelines. I feel the same way about global warmin which, not long ago, was global COOLING!
Have I ever told you how much I love these inspiring snippets?? :)
Doodle? Oh mylanta, that was funny! Doodle! heehee!
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