10. Sweat just makes you smell more manly.
9. The ability to pee standing up.
8. Same work, more money!
7. Sex and love are easily separable.
6. Cheaper haircuts.
5. Everything needed for the day fits in one's pocket.
4. Gaining weight just makes one a bear.
3. Everything takes less time: getting ready in the morning, eating, having sex.
2. Can't ever get pregnant "by mistake".
1. Not only are we cooterless, but we don't bleed like stuck pigs every month.
* I was tagged by Petie, and I'd love to see women post the feminine version.
What a hoot! I loved 'em.
#7 is something I envy.
I wish I could seperate Love and Sex. It will never happen.
Anybody have some nail clippers?
Bears are sexy. LOL.
#5 i need to work on... and someone said to me once, "never trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die!"... ugh... it was one of my redneck brothers right before his divorce!!! lol...
ROFL! Can't get pregnant on purpose, either!
Suddenly my self-esteem rises...
Thanks Wordo!
ps. you didn't mention the fact that it's more socially acceptable for US to pick up 20yearolds?
LOL at #1. You're brave to put that one up (but it's true).
I dunno, I've seen some chicks eat pretty fast (re: #4).
Um...how about a gay version and a lesbian version too. That would be a hoot.
11. Accidently wearing your spank rag aka t-shirt out in public just makes you a jock.
great list
happy VD
i love the smell of sweat. but i have problems/troubles with #7.
You left out the #1 reason to like being a guy.
Having a dick / jerking off.
I'm working on the female version.
And we can pee standing up. Doesn't mean we hit our target, but we can do it.
I think we are gaining on you in the #7 area. I know plenty of girls who have no problem with that seperation.
And I'd give you the extra money for the same work if only I could pee standing up.
I spent my teen years peeing standing up because it pissed me off that I was a chick.
Kevin beat me to having a dick (you know what I mean).
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