Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hello blog, I can't come in today

My morning class was canceled today (but I still get paid for it) and I figured I'd get up and think up something to write this morning. Instead, I woke up with a headache, congestion and that hurting eyeball thing. Ugh. At least it's sunny. I'll try to work on some snippets during the day today for tomorrow. Sorry, can't think right now, I think I'll take another nap before my noon class.....


Snooze said...

I hope the nap helps to clear your head. Literally.

Anonymous said...

Almost sounds like you have spring-time allergies, but I am pretty sure spring hasn't yet arrived way up there in Montreal.

Rest all you can, and hope you feel better soon. Health always comes first!

KipEsquire said...

At least you can take Sudafed in Canada -- it's practically banned here in the U.S.

Hope you're feeling better. :-)

Cincy Diva said...

Hope you feel better

bardelf said...

Chicken soup, hot herbal tea, and rest.
Feel better, torn.

Anonymous said...

What is it they say? - absence makes the heart grow fonder? We'll be back tomorrow. Rest and get well soon.

Patricia said...

ah, the beauty of having one's responsibility cancelled and yet still be paid for it. that is a thing of beauty!

i wish you good rest and happy snippetizing.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon, Torn. Naps help everything. A nap with your dog napping near you, even better.

A Lewis said...

Some days are like that....nothing happening, don't want to, just can' it. Share it another time.

dpaste said...

You're fired.

Normlr said...


They are your best friend and work in a couple of minutes. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

Watch those hurting eyeballs. Seriously.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Glad you got paid!

dirk.mancuso said...

Feel better soon.