Sunday, May 03, 2009

Miserably happy

I got taken down by Serge's cold finally. I thought I had escaped but no, my throat caught on fire Friday night and yesterday I lived on cough drops. I felt bad enough to skip my workout, (which in an alarming turnabout did not make me feel guilty, only mature) but not enough to stay in bed all day. I noticed the magnolia bloomed down the street so I hoofed it over to the botanical gardens to see how things are progressing. I walked for a long time because each time I sat down I felt sickiness and then I adopted a "keep moving" mantra. As long as I was moving and doing, I wasn't focusing on how shitty I felt. This was the logic of yesterday anyhow.
There were pretty much just magnolias, rhododendrons and tulips blooming at the gardens, though I did see one cherry tree blooming. Those and the apples will explode later this week.

The bee was tired and soaking up sun. The sun makes both him and I happy. The tunes that I was listening to also made me happy. I spent a large part of the day contemplating how I could feel so miserable and yet have these little punctuations of joy sprinkled in. I decided it was a nice metaphor/reminder about life in general. I can't get the song Luz Negra out of my head. So hauntingly beautiful. Specifically this version (which is much better on the disc.)

I was all psyched about the springtime, "It's really really spring," kept running through my head so I headed over to the garden shop and bought potting mix, flowers, herbs and strawberry plants. Spent the afternoon ("amenaging" popped into my head here, but that's no word, at least not in English) potting my purchases and now looking at my patio makes me smile.


Mel said...

Ack! Swine flu!

Only a month to go before we're up there. Be sure to keep all those flowers blooming for us.

Verification word is "comic".

J-o-h-n-n-y said...

Spring into life, bebe!


Rox said...

Isn't spring amazing? I spent the day in high gear yesterday, doing yardwork. I felt high! I hope your cold goes away soon!

Greg said...

Wonderful pictures...glad the flowers, tunes and sunshine are distracting you from your misery. What a heck of a lot of tulips that is!!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you are ill! Get well soon.


GayProf said...

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. There is something really therapeutic about planting something.

Patrick said...

I often have that experience of feeling more ill if I stay put, and better off if I keep moving. Sounds like you got your aerobic work-out as well, whether you noticed or not. I get the impression that Spring may come a little later up there than it does here, but maybe it comes faster. Is that your sense? You seem to be about as far along as we are, judging from the photos.

evilganome said...

Sorry to hear you've been felled by a cold. I'm dragging my way through tree pollen season. However, it is better than the cold and snow.

Things look beautiful up there. The crabapples and cherries are just starting to bloom here and my tulips in my garden are looking pretty nice too.

Feel better!

dr. mo said...

How Canadian of you to experience such profound joy at the arrival of spring! Love it! I believe the closest thing to "amenaging" in real English is "landscaping", although that does suggest a much grander enterprise...

Hang in there with your spring cold; it will soon be over and the sun and flowers will make it all better

S said...

I have been planting the garden and flowers this weekend, too.
Amazed at how good that makes one feel. :)
Beautiful photos.

Birdie said...

I am enjoying the fruits of everyone else's labors as the flowers fill the gardens. Show us pictures of your progress! Hope you're feeling better soon.

lattégirl said...

I guess the word would be "arranging."

Little punctuations of joy: every day should have them.

anne marie in philly said...

yep, you are 1 month behind us.

down here, the dogwoods are out and the trees have leaves. the magnolias/tulips/daffodils/hyacinths have come and gone.

and the pollen is sooooo damn thick...

but the montreal botanical gardens sont tres belle!

PS - lerve the pix with the resting bee!

wcs said...

So... did Serge make you sleep on the couch? Just askin'.

Rick Bettencourt said...

I know. It's hard to believe it's spring isn't it? Hope you're feeling better.

Mark in DE said...

Hope its not swine flu!! Just kidding, of course.

How nice that someone's seeing the sunshine. Think you can spare some for the mid-Atlantic region of the US?