It was a splendid sunny day yesterday, so I took a walk down to the botanical gardens. I was surprised to see monarch butterflies. The insects will all be dead shortly as freezing temperatures arrive.

There seems to be a lot of reds and yellows this year as opposed to orange.

All the never-wake-up berry trees are laden with fruit. I thought these looked just like tomatoes, or an old fashioned pin cushion.

If this were a puzzle, it would be difficult to get all the red part done.

I don't know, I just thought the olympic stadium looked like the stairway to the clouds.

This puzzle would be even harder.

The Japanese gardens always calm the soul.

Even the ground littered with leaves reminded me of a painting.

Walking home.

A collage of the walk. The fall foliage cycle happens so fast. In two weeks, most of the trees will be bare. I recommend paying attention.
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Fall has barely started down here. I always pay attention to fall :-)
Ah, what a soothing way to start the day. Thanks for those!
I can tell that you are an experienced "puzzler"! I thought the picture of the leaves would make a tough puzzle too and the one of the Japanese garden a beautiful one.
Beautiful shots...careful of your file sizes, though, or you'll find yourself at your limit, as I am. : (
Wonderful pictures. Don't worry about the Monarch Butterfly. Believe it or not they vacation in Mexico. The Monarchs are one of only a few Butterflies that actually migrate south.
Two things, beautiful pics and secondly, when the guy moves out downstairs, the one with the dead bodies(imho)take your camera to capture the first time you go into the place after he's gone, or better yet, get Serge to film your reaction to it! I just know there's something going on down there! And to ed, there's a great IMAX that's shows the migration of the butterflies to the Valley of the Dead in Mexico, it's incredible, thousands and thousands of butterflies on one tree branch so that the tree branch sags from the weight, it's marvelous and if you ever get the chance to see it, DO!
Those are beautiful. Fall is my favorite season. I used to like spring until it ceased to exist--we go from winter to summer here. Here in PA there are so many trees that the folliage is so breathtaking.
That red one is clever. And that stairway to the clouds looks like a frustrated Tower of Pisa.
Good to be here. Sorry I've been AWOL.
Um, all my leaves are already on the ground here. It was -10C on my front step yesterday morning.
Winter's a-comin'!
Gorgeous photos man.
Very purdy
I love the collage and the pin cushions :)
I love the collage and the pin cushions :)
What a gorgeous walk this was. Thanks for sharing it. You're reminding me to go check the butterfly bushes in town before the weather gets too much colder. It's in the 50s F today which is what, 14 kilobippies in Canada? And yes, the monarchs actually migrate. Can you believe it? Living pieces of tissue paper make it down to Mexico. Apparently a small number of them even make the RETURN trip. I hope I get to see one of those monarch covered trees someday.
Wow! I mean Wow, you make looking in Canadian look glamourous, I mean we've always had this "we're independant and sort of kooky" thing going but after each picture I was "Wow" and then "Wow!" (I must have vocab limitations today though I did use the word "ablations" as in "I am ready to begin my morning abliations!" in a sentence which makes me Victorian for a whole day. Back on topic, so great, so splendid, thank you. Wish you were put somewhere like a Canadian magazine: Want to be a cool Canadian, contact Tornwordo!
lots of berries usually means a hard winter ahead. you'll be expecting that though!
good pic's.
I love the color! I have to ask, though: what on earth is that thing in the stadium photo? Did you Photoshop it to get that angle?
It is a most colorful time of year, isnt' it? Reminds me a a rainbow. A gay rainbow. Full of colors. Happy sunny days.
Fantastic photos, Torn. You're getting better and better at composition.
Mark :-)
Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
"I love fall! Fall is exciting.
It's apples and cider.
It's an airborne spider.
It's pumpkins in bins.
It's burrs on dog's chins.
It's wind blowing leaves.
It's chilly red knees.
It's nuts on the ground.
It's a crisp dry sound.
It's green leaves turning
And the smell of them burning.
It's clouds in the sky.
It's fall. That's why...
I love fall."
- Author Unknown
I love fall too......: )
you can create your own jig saw puzzles with your own pictures. I do jigsaws on computer. though i haven't done one for a while. i guess it's time again.
Beautiful pictures, all.
Never wake up berries sound ominous and Gothic. I'll have to look those up.
Very nice pictures, thanks for sharing them. You have quite the eye!
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