Saturday, February 04, 2006

No death threats, please

I'm a little disturbed by the whole brou-ha-ha over the cartoon depictions of the prophet. I'm not surprised about the Muslim reaction (I remember Salman Rushdie) but more about some countries and press denouncing the depictions as insensitive. Insensitive? I would be put to death living in their countries simply for being a homosexual. Here, let's tune in to some of the "sensitivity" of the protesters and Islamic leaders raging across the globe at the moment:

Early Friday, Palestinian militants threw a bomb at a French cultural
center in Gaza City, and many Palestinians began boycotting European goods,
especially those from Denmark.

"Whoever defames our prophet should be executed," said Ismail Hassan,
37, a tailor who marched through the pouring rain along with hundreds of others
in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

"Bin Laden our beloved, Denmark must be blown up," protesters in
Ramallah chanted.

An imam at the Omari Mosque in Gaza City told 9,000
worshippers that those behind them should have their heads cut off.

"If they want a war of religions, we are ready," Hassan Sharaf, an imam
in Nablus, said in his sermon.

Don't worry, I'm aware this is a sampling from fringe extremists and that the vast majority of Muslims are just trying to get through the day like us. But still.

Really, there should have been no brou-ha-ha because it's a smattering of pissed off people, pissed off over a couple of satirical cartoons. Normally that is handled with a nasty letter to the editor, but no, this has become a WORLD EVENT.

It's like a bad movie I tell you.


Chunks said...

I watched a documentary about the Gaza strip (I think it was called Gaza?) and the effects of the two thousand years of turmoil in that part of the world is amazing. I feel so badly for the children who grow up in that part of the world. They can't even be kids, they all want to be martyrs. It breaks my heart.

madamerouge said...

Religion does such nice things to people. I, too, have been disheartened by the vehement reaction. These fringe extremists have no problem with the most offensively anti-semitic depiction of Jews in their own publications.

Adam said...

I think the media is partly to blame for proportion that this non-issue has swelled to.

Mostly though I think that the radical muslims need to simmer down and learn a thing or two about freedom of speech. Just like our very own Pat Robertson they are so righteous and so quick to point the finger at everyone but themselves. Its a common theme in all extremism.

In this case as in all other cases of terrorism I think we should go on with our lives and let them throw their temper tantrum. You know what happens when you caudle a crying a baby? They keep crying. If I die as a result of their tantrum then oh the fuck well. I'd rather die being free than live in fear.

Jason said...

I posted all the pics if you are interested in seeing what the fuss is all about.