Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Some people will say anything to get you off their back. We've been trying to get Pascal to pay his rent, which he has in dribbles and bits, always with a sob story and a promise of "tomorrow" for the rest. Twice now on the phone, he has claimed to have the rest of the rent, and then when we knock on his door, he doesn't have it. Last night it all came to a head.

In my mind, it's our job to make him uncomfortable until he pays. So each day, we either call or knock on his door to "remind" him of his obligations. Since he lives directly above us, it's really quite easy to know when he's home and when he comes and goes because WE CAN HEAR HIM. So last evening, when I arrived home, I knocked on his door and there was no answer. About ten minutes later, I hear his door close upstairs and steps coming down the stairwell. The fucker was hiding when I knocked! So I opened my door as he was trying to skulk out and he claimed he'd be right back with the rent. I rolled my eyes at him and said "Uh-huh" in the most sarcastic way I could. (Oh and this is after he claimed to have the rent already in an envelop, and could he just leave it under our door mat. We declined this method of him paying and said we'd like it in person thank you. He thinks we were born yesterday.)

Festering with anger over his repeated lies and broken assurances, we discussed our options. Then we heard him come back home at 10 so Serge called him.

"Stop bugging me every five minutes. I don't have it!" he (in what might be his first truthful statement) cried.

"Stop telling us you have the rent if you don't have it!" Serge barked back at him.

"I already have parents, I don't need anymore," he groused.

"Stop acting like a child then," Serge said.

And then he slammed the phone down and stomped around his apartment impetuously for the next hour.

If only he knew how "nice" we really are. We are very understanding if you're straight with us, but the constant lying magically turns our hearts to stone. I'm sure it's hard for him, he's not that hot for a lap dancer so he probably earns much less than his hotter colleagues and his roommate split on him without paying his half of the rent. And now we are bugging him daily about it. I wouldn't want to be him.

Still, I'm not going to subsidize him with my pity. I just want him gone now.


toobusyliving said...

I'm sorry about all the stress - and the fact the "realities" of other peoples lives, financial and otherwise, have such a direct bearing on you and your own well-being.

I'm hopeful that you will find some truly "suitable" tenants, and that your paternalistic relationship can if not end, at least lessen.

(Does he work at Campus? LOL)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely! Kudos to Spouse for his retort!

I sympathize with you guys in a task that is less than tasteful, but don't back down. He is an adult and has accepted a responsibility (rent). He must learn to grown up and fulfill that responsibility. It sounds to me like someone (parents) failed to instill that in him. To bad you have to be the "dads" that must teach him.

Snooze said...

Can you work out a payment plan with him? I mean, I know that sounds ridiculous, but in case you can't get another tenant lined up, at least it sounds like he isn't damaging your place or throwing constant parties. Maybe he is just stuck right now because of the roommate situation. What a headache for you.

The Lone Rangers said...

So he admitted he lied, time to turn up the heat. "work" on his water pipes at inopportune(sp) moments, like when he showers...:)

joey said...

I can't imagine what that must be like. I am so glad I never had the urge to be a landlord. And if I ever do, I am sure I will be thinking back to these posts.

Jack said...

In all my life as a renter, 17 years, it happened 3 times that I did not have the rent.

I went to see the landlords and asked if they could hold off till my pay day.

They all understood, and it doesn't happen all the time.

Why not just say you don't have it and that you will try your best to get it ASAP?

I don't get it.

Why lie?

Timmy said...


best of luck! I wouldnt want to be in your position.

Polt said...

Hmm, too bad he's not hotter, cause then he could pay the rent off in lap dances?

Or at least he would in my fantasy. :)


Anonymous said...

Not sure what the laws are in Canada... but getting someone out in Florida...

Anonymous said...

I'm with Tim. Let him tell his lies to the eviction notice on his door.

GayProf said...

Lying never makes things better. It is also a sign of irresponsibility and childishness, in my estimation. Why not just be up-front and say, “Hey Torn and Serge, things have been slow for me at the boy-a-go-go. This made me depressed and I kinda let my body go, so now things are even slower. I promise, though, to pay as soon as my sugar daddy comes through the door.”

I have always heard that it is really difficult to evict a tenant.

A Bear in the Woods said...

An immature person may be so unused to telling the truth and dealing with people in an adult way that it may not occur to him to be straightforward with you.
But It doesn't seem as though you should inherit the job of training him in basic relational skills. He may have no clue of how his behavior is affecting you and Serge, having previously rented from "Easy Money" Porn Star. I'm entirely too sympathetic, I know. You would be telling me to "grow some balls" (and I would be getting excited at the rough treatment). I would never make a good landlord.

S said...

What about quid pro quo?

He performs a lap dance for you, and you lay off him for another day...? Then, you can evict him.

Patricia said...

well this situation just stinks. it might be a long process, but i am jumping on the eviction bandwagon. nice and fair are one thing, but he's breaking a legal contract and making your life hell. time to force him to poop or get off the pot.

Rye said...

If he is over three weeks late or frequently late which causes you serious prejudice, you can apply to terminate the lease - chekc out civil code 1971 - 1978.

I'd call the McGill Legal Information Clinic that can provide you with the info on how to take the next steps

The Persian said...

Sounds like a nightmare. I would want him out as well.

dawn said...

maybe he could pay in lapdances? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

just evict the fucker, he could actually screw you for months, that is how long it could take to get his ass out and with no rent....the longer you wait, the worse it will be for you, tenants are nightmares, i know i've been renting for yrs and i've seen/heard it all. good luck. yikes.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I agree. I have been late with rent in the past, and I don't lie; I say what's up. Where I live, they charge a late fee and I pay it. Of course, this motivates me not to be late, but sometimes circumstances don't go your way. If you deal openly with people, they tend to respect it, even if they aren't going to change the rules. But lying to the landlord is a big no-no. I don't get this guy: how can you call your place home, when you know you are being dishonest; the landlord knows you are dishonest--how can you feel comfortable? I know: for some people it's easy enough. I don't know what the proceedings are where you live, but I would start the process of removal now.

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate a tease?

Sunshine said...

I think you have every right to demand rent. You're not running a charity there. And he can't afford to pay, he shouldn't be there. As simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Is it just as hard (read impossible) to evict people in Quebec as it is in Ontario?

dpaste said...

I know you guys are in the right, but this situation just makes me uneasy. I will never be a landlord.