Saturday, September 08, 2007

A sad weekend at the roost

So terrible how yesterday ended. Spouse called me from the regular Friday night after work watering hole nearly in tears to tell me his bag had been stolen. After years of yearning, he finally bought a laptop two months ago. Now it's gone. Along with his wallet and all his keys including all the work keys that he was in charge of. I grilled him immediately on credit cards in his wallet and called them in stolen while he went to the police station. Poor Serge. He is gonna be so bummed all weekend. Apparently, he stepped 10 feet away from the table to smoke, claimed he was keeping an eye on his stuff, but somehow it disappeared anyway. It's eerily similar to my McDonald's theft in New York.

The only lesson I am able to glean is, keep your shit on you, as there are thieves lurking everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Serge's bag being stolen. He put a lot of valuable stuff in one place. Most guys carry their wallet in a pants pocket. It is a bummer when something like this happens. A reminder that not everyone is nice. I hope the thief lives to regret his lifestyle and pays for his crime.

Polt said...

I had my wallet stolen twic ein my life, what a pain in the ass it is taking of the drivers liscence, the credit cards etc. But to lose keys and a laptop WITH horrible.

He has my sympathies.


Anonymous said...

Your household insurance should cover the laptop, bar the deductible. I'm very sorry this happened. It's a violation that stings for days. Give Spouse lots of loving. Sometimes the worst pain comes from situations where you blame yourself.

That above Cooper comment is mine. I had just finished cut and pasting another blogger's site and didn't notice I accidently put it in the "your web page" under my comment instead of my own.

Could you please delete the first one. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yep, thieves are lurking everywhere...including in your own home as we discovered last weekend. It sucks and in the long run, the credit cards and i.d. are going to be the biggest pain to take care of even if the computer feels like the biggest loss. I can sympathize completeley on this post!

GayProf said...

I am sorry to hear that about Serge. That sucks.

Anonymous said...

That truly sucks! I've had computers and my wallet stolen several times in my life, but never BOTH at the same time! Not that it lessen the hassle, but as Cooper points out above, your household insurance should help recover most of your loss, financially.

Chunks said...

Tell Serge I am sorry for his losses (everyone is right, insurance should help cover the losses). While you're at it, tell him I think it's a sign from above that he needs to quit smoking! Don't y'all know that smokers are the easiest people to target? The moms who have to juggle the carseats and strollers are too, but he doesn't fit into that group!
/nagging off.

Anonymous said...

I lost my wallet in Dublin once. I just forgot it on the seat of the taxi and didn't cop to it until the cab was leaving the parking lot. It's a pain, but it was my fault totally-- not like getting it stolen. Luckily I had traveler's checks to get me through the rest of my stay. I keep a list of all my cards separately now, and only take one or two with me, leaving the rest at home. I also lost my wallet in a cab in Belfast and it was returned the next day by the driver. He said he'd had three passengers before he noticed it. It had all the cash and everything in it. Sometimes good people shine through.

Mark in DE said...

I agree with your assessment. Don't leave anything valuable, even for a minute.

A friend of mine was on travel and had her wallet stolen out of the pocket of her coat, which was on the back of the chair she was sitting in!

A Bear in the Woods said...

Quel horreur...
Poor Serge.

This Boy Elroy said...

Bleah, that sucks. Sorry to hear, I'd be a wreck too.

mainja said...

just to echo what others have said, you're contents insurance should cover the lost stuff. i mean, not the time and annoyance of ID and stuff.

but certainly the cost of the wallet, the bag, the computer, and anything else in there that may have been of value.

i know this because john and i had our laptop stolen lo these many years ago, and when we called the insurance they paid replacement value, not depreciated value. and even though we told them that we'd bought it used our adjuster said it didn't matter, we just had to find out how much it was worth new and that's what we'd be able to use for the new one. now, they wouldn't have just handed over a cheque, basically we build a computer at dell and dell billed the insurance company...

anyway, it's worth remembering everything that was in the bag, and the bag itself, and figuring out what the replacement would be. can be a reaonable amount really, and since you're going to have to cover the deductable then it's very worth figuring out how much other stuff there was in addition to the laptop...

Anonymous said...

SO sorry!!! As you well know, the loss of the items is only the beginning. The whole deal with the credit cards, etc. - getting everything shut down and reissued is the ongoing nightmare. SO Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I witnessed an attempted robbery yesterday at the bus terminal in Mtl. This very strange looking man who kept grabbing his crotch to intimidate female patrons finally made a mad dash and stole a backpack from a young girl who was reading a book. After a few seconds, when she realized what had happened, she yelled out that someone had stolen her bag. A fellow sitting just in front of her ran after the thief and finally pounced on him on the other side of Berri Street. He was able to return the bag to a grateful girl. At least that's one who didn't get away. Sorry for Serge's loss.

Devo said...

Oh yuck. That is just so not cool. Poor Serge, it feels so bad to have it happen to you. I hope insurance covers it all and it's not too huge of a pain in the arse to replace all the id. Well actually I know it is, cuz I've had to do it, but my sympathy abounds. People stink sometimes.

dpaste said...

I never bring anything valuable to a bar. It's just a bad idea. I'm awfully sorry for Serge. I've had a few things stolen in the past, and even when they aren't significant, the violation of it takes a terrible mental toll.

Travis said...

See what happens when you combine drinking and smoking.

A Lewis said...

See, I skip reading blogs for only a day or two and this happens. I'm really bummed to hear about that. And oh so weird that it happened to you earlier. Hum

Lacey said...

Memo to Serge:
Quit smoking.

crughy said...

Time to change door locks at home too... He has keys+address...

Maybe add a steering lock to the car as well...

Naked Boy said...

People are such fucking assholes and have no morals. How can people live with themselves when they do shit like this?