Dinner was marvelous as I knew it would be. Though I was intrigued by the Tripe Pizza, I ended up ordering the catch of the day, Aile de Raie, which sounds oh so much better than the English "Skate". The ex had the cassoulet while Serge got the lamb. The appetizers were tomato tart, bison tartare (to maim for) and a special foie gras that had a buckwheat pancake, baked beans, cottage cheese and I don't know what but the flavor combo was to die for. We shared a delicious Maple Syrup Pie for dessert. Nobody was very happy when I whipped out the camera as you can see by the look on spouse's face.

Here's a sign I came across from some site that features signs from around the world. I love being adventurous when eating out which is why I almost got the tripe pizza. I have no idea what fried pimple is but I'm thinking they made a mistake with pickle. Boiled cake sounds kind of weird, but hey, it's cake, how bad could it be?
Finally, something I've been meaning to post since last week. Here's a clip from a recent Jeopardy episode (my guilty pleasure) where Alex made a joke. Gosh it was a groaner.
It's all very nice but I don't think there's an excuse for eating foie gras. Perhaps you are not aware of how it's made.
Alex would have been funnier if he hadn't paused and then said man instead of color. He said, "That's a Horace of a different...man". He should have said, "That's a horace of a different color." I saw that because I never miss Jeopardy! ed
I love that you called Alex Trebek retarded!!!!!
I also love that he admits it was his first original thought in 25 years.
So, exactly what is in those heavy-duty Melatonin things from the pharmacy? Do tell! I need some.
Tripe pizza? That is really disgusting. My friend Sara was recently at a pizza place in Japan where they served a brie volcano pizza. Sounds like heart-attack on a plate to me.
I didn't even know Melatonin was available for purchase.
Heh. All this time GayProf has been synthesizing melatonin in his bathroom lab.
I love melatonin, too. Though I only take 0.25 mg. Play around with the dosage. I started with the 3mg, and slowly figured out what worked for me.
The tripe pizza is a cringer. Almost as bad as Alex's joke (though I actually kinda liked it.)
A meal to die and maim for, that's a winner!
I used to love Jeopardy! but honestly, I can't stand Alex anymore. He seems so full of himself and those accents he uses, they make me want to hurl.
hm. i love fried food. if something doesn't taste nice, there's even a voice inside my head that goes: "what if i fried this thing?"
...but a fried pimple might be taking it a bit too far....
Serge's dinner looks delish.
OMG! What is Serge eating? Heart attack on a plate? Hope you enjoyed pdc, one of my fave Montreal restaurants as well. ChristopherYVR
Fried pimple?
I am imagining a dumpling with ricotta cheese inside for some reason...
i believe you are aware of how foie gras is made ... i wonder if nico has ever heard the screams of beets when they are harvested - they are PULLED from the earth by their greens
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