It's been a pretty lazy weekend. I still did my workouts though. Only sickness or vacation gets in the way of the exercise regimen. I brought the camera down to maybe do the dancing video I considered doing. I'm sorry but the basement is just too ugly a spot for that. Besides I look like a total retard. And not in the funny retard way, more in the cringe and feel sorry for the guy way.

To make up for it. Here's me shirtless after the workout. Still in the ugly basement though.

It was a snowy day yesterday and as I was coming up from the basement, I had my camera in hand and so was able to catch this shot of a mom dragging her kid around town. As you might have guessed, strollers don't work all that easily on snowy, icy chunk filled walkways. It's a pretty common sight to see parents using little sleds for transport. I have a feeling the kids dig it too. I think they call it a traineau up here.

I was all ready for the Oscars with my caesar salad and fish filets. I only made it about 45 minutes until I fell asleep. Now I'm going to go check out who won. Have a lovely Monday.
Looking good!
ummm...I think we can all agree we'd gladly watch you shake your junk in any environment...thanks for reminding me what I will NEVER look like LOL.Now, about those UM pics we're all waiting for....
I vote for the dance video wherever you want.
Snow, bleah. I would like the sled ride though.
Look at you, lookin' all buff!
And the Oscars, it's the gay super bowl, shame on you for falling asleep (I did too!)
I'm sure no one would notice the basement if you did you video shirtless and pantless, they'd only be watching you flop around. hehehe! And my god, is it ever going to get sunny up there. It was freezing here too, it got down to 60.
I can't believe that you can eat fried fish and still look that great shirtless.
OMG! You are so cute!
Your outside and my outside look the same...miserable!
Give us a little dance, would ya?
Chicago...ahh, a lovely city...did you get that on your last trip?? Nice nipple, by the way. I'd give it a second look. And, does your hubby know you're in the basement shooting porn??
Hubba hubba...you improve the look of the basement, buddy!
Sorry to hear the snow lingers on...but how nice to be so happily settled in at home on a Sunday evening that you dozed off so early...or was it the martinis?
: )
I love the title of your post.
People that look as good as you are entitled to as much narcissism as they can manage
Oh my gawd you're in that dungeon again!
Dance gayboy! Dance!
Basements are intended to be rather ugly, but you prove to be as lovely as ever! Now, if you were calling it a dungeon... we would all want more photos! LOL
I had no idea you were so attractive! Congrats on what is obviously a successful workout regimen!
As much as I'm sure I would enjoy it, I say don't do the dancing video. It sounds too personal, and you know once something is on the 'net, it never goes away.
Ummm... fish fillets and caesar salad? You are so gastronomically adventurous!
Look at you! If only my own workouts got such good results. Yeah, I'm totally jealous of the eating fried fish and staying skinny thing.
Chin up, it has to get warm again, eventually. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
I'm lovin' the scruffy face look! You can pull that off.
I applaud your dedication to working out. I'm trying to get there.
It takes dedication to work out in a dank basement enough to get good results like that, so good for you.
WOW! Whe did this chest of yours happen? I'm not just proud...I'm drooling! Danm!!!!
Yummy! And the fish looks delicious too.
Whether you record it or not, the important thing is just to keep dancing.
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