Monday, November 01, 2010

This and that

It's not even November (well it wasn't when I took this yesterday) and we got our first snow. Sure it wasn't all that much. I figured it would all melt during the day yesterday but nope, it's still covering the patio. It's pretty cold here. Last Tuesday we hit 70 degrees and now this. The next t-shirt weather will come in about 7 months next May. Oh well I'm gonna look at the bright side - cozy cuddly weather, hot chocolate and peppermint are on the menu. I'm not looking forward to the window scraping and snow shoveling all winter though. I smashed my thumb in the trunk when I went to get out the scraper yesterday. It's all blue now. I really hope I don't lose the nail, it took several months for the last one to grow back.

We finally sprung for the meat grinder attachment for the Kitchenaid mixer. We have been interested in getting it but balk at the price each time. Eighty bucks for a little plastic thingie? Then it was on sale for 20 percent off so we got it. So cool! Serge makes a mean ham salad with it and Saturday night we had steak tartare for dinner. It was awesomely delicious. We used fresh filet mignon to make it and cooked up an artichoke to go with. Oh yeah that was funny when I bought the artichokes. It was the first time in four years I've seen them at my local market. Usually I have to go to the farmer's market to get them. Anyway, they looked really good and were heavy too (heavy means lots of flesh) so I put two in my basket. When I got to the cashier, she had to look in the book to find the plu code. Then she punched it in and asked me, "They're 5 for two dollars, right?" As much as I wanted to lie and say yes, I said, "I think they're $2.99 each." She looked at me and said, "No, that's too much." and just left it as it was. So I got two for eighty cents. Love when that happens.

As for Serge's mystery malady, I have been quietly nagging him to call the hospital for the blood test results, but I can't really do much more than nag. He got really mad at me yesterday about it so I'm just going to back off and let him sort things out. (That's all we can really do anyway - ever tried to get someone to quit smoking? How did that work out for you?)

Maybe the cold weather is getting to Georgie too. He does this new thing now where he comes and gets under the covers at night. This morning he was way down by my knees. Usually he falls asleep on the sofa but at some point during the night he comes and crawls in with us. Yesterday, after we had gotten up, he stayed in the bed and when I went to get in the shower, this is how he looked. The little dickens thinks he's a person.


Rick Bettencourt said...

Wow, first snow of the season. I dread that. cute!

Snooze said...

Agreed that all you can do now with Serge is let him decide what to do. I've gone through similar experiences with family/partners.

Georgie is so adorable. I wonder if he loves the warmth or the scent of you. Perhaps a bit of both.

Anonymous, too said...

Georgie's no dummy. He gets to stay in a nice, warm bed while you're slamming your thumb in the car's trunk lid!

Maurice said...

That picture of Georgie is just too adorable. You're right: he obviously does think he's a person.

Blobby said...

Oh hell, call the hospital yourself and pose as Serge. That's what I'd do. :)

Georgie shots get cuter and cuter.
...and as you know, I was there in mid-may, and it was NOT t-shirt weather yet.

Jim said...

Oh, come on Georgie! How cute are you! Snow in Montreal! That means snow in Nova Scotia anytime soon! As you said, look on the bright side......have our gas stove/heater a-blazing and it's very cozy indeed.
Have a great day.

GayProf said...

Man, I was complaining about the frost we have. Seeing snow makes me realize I still have it lucky.

rox said...

We ALWAYS have snow in October, it's still rude though!
I've often wondered if I would use the meat grinder attachment, obviously I haven't purchased one yet.
Serge is probably worried too but is just processing that fear differently.
I'm glad Taz doesn't sleep with me. He sheds, he snores, he snaps and growls if you move him when he's asleep. He's a real piece of work.

A Lewis said...

Mason goes back and forth during the night...from the top of the comforter to buried underneath it somewhere.

And we do have to pick our battles as to what we're willing to endure with confronting and asking of our partners. I have a feeling that we'll be dealing with it for the remainder of our lives.

Mel said...

The northern part of the state has had snow, too. I figure it will arrive here, too, but I still need this week to get my garlic beds in place.

Mark My Words said...

Drats, I had to turn on the furnace today. But it's true: the upside is that it's cuddly cozy time. Georgie is TOO cute.

Anonymous said...

Dogs are funny like that. They like to be warm just like we do. So Georgie isn't abnormal at all.

But then I've had cats that were the same way. In fact the current felid will get under the covers with me.

The meat grinder, I want one of those old fashioned types that you crank.

Cubby said...

I can't wait to read about your first sausage-stuffing experience :-)

Lemuel said...

We've not yet had any snow, but it is significantly colder. I chuckled at the last picture of Georgie because last night the princess climbed under the covers with me and stayed there all night.

My adventures said...

Tell Serge to call the damned doctor already, when you put that kind of stuff off, it only gets worse. Trust me, I know. If I'd done what I should have done sooner my cancer treatment wouldn't have been nearly as horrific as it was. The 3rd degree radiation burns (now scars) on my ass are proof of my procrastination. Tell him I'd be more than happy to fly up there and pull down my pants and show him my ass and what procrastination can lead to! But only if he wants to see it! Ha!

David said...

Guys. Straight or gay, we hate doctors and we hate knowing what might be or not be wrong with us.

I often wonder if that's why we die so young, as compared to women. They have to go to the doctors, and have since they were teens.

He should go, but your right, you can only nag and not push him.

BTW, Georgie is getting cuter every pic you post. His looks always make me smile.

Patricia said...

I've wanted the meat grinder attachment for a while, too. I also want the pasta attachment. And the other day, I saw an ice cream maker attachment, how cool would that be?

Your artichoke honesty paid off. I love that the clerk said, "That's too much."

Indi sleeps under the blankets with me every night. She comes up by my head, paws at the blanket a little and this is my cue to lift up the corner so that she can go into the "garage". She circles through like this a couple of times every night. I swear, I wanna come back as one of our dogs, they have it good!

Anonymous said...

LOL - It must be a Beagle thing - My Beagle (Finnegan) does exactly the same thing. He burrows down under the blankets and as soon as someone gets out of bed, he takes their place with his head on the pillow.