Upper respiratory tract infection. That sounds so much better than "cold", because when you feel like you are dying, you need a nasty sounding condition to give how you feel merit. I've always liked the phrase "death warmed over" too and find it particularly apt this morning.
I tried to head it off. Valiantly. Yesterday, I felt it coming on and crammed liquids, popped vitamin C and echinacea hoping to make my body so slippery inside, the virus wouldn't get a toehold. Alas, the virus laughed and sneered while digging its nails into my throat. 10- 14 days is how this thing goes, dammit. I'll do my best to whine cleverly in the upcoming days.
This was supposed to be a free weekend too. The first one in a while that has been chore and plan free. Of course I still made a list of things to do, but this morning I've changed the list, scratched off working out, scratched off painting the bedroom. I doubt I'll get out of my peejays today.
I hope your symptoms ease quickly. I hate it when I've got a "free weekend" and then illness takes it captive. Rest. Drink plenty of liquids. And send me $60 for the office call. :-D
Seriously, get well soon!
Sorry you got a code in your node.
It's going to be nice here this weekend, 60's and sunny. I think I'll do some yard clean up.
I use Zicam when I feel a cold coming on. It comes in two forms. One is like a Q-tip and you stick it in your nose the other is a tablet that you let dissolve in your mouth. Both of them seem to ward of a cold and/or lessen it's severity.
Feel better Torn and rest. Let Serge play doctor. He will look very hot in scrubs. I can hear Serge saying, "I know I will". Ed
Ick. Yes, stay in your jammies all day, snooze on the couch with Sara, watch movies, and drink lots of fluids. I hope you feel better soon, Torn.
Feel better! When I get a cold, it isn't even the cold I dread so much as that horrible nagging cough that sets in after a week or so and will sometimes camp out for another month afterwards. Knock on wood, that hasn't happened this year.
The research indicates that echinacea is not efficacious. Try elderflower.
Getting over an upper respiratory tract infection is more than enough work for one weekend. That's all you need on your to-do list. Feel better. I look forward to the clever whining.
You should quit smoking while you are sick since you already feel like crap anyway...
I Love You!
Chicken noodle soup, that's my suggestion. Rest, sweetie.
BTW, what do the PJs look like? (I'm imagining fire truck red, and footed)
I find that Oil of Oregano is very effective in fighting off cold symptoms. It is more targeted than echinacea which stimulates the entire immune system.
Wow, Ed is so right about Serge.
Elderflower with peppermint is a good combo, I like oil of oregano too.
I'm with Rox. ANd I like thinking about you in your peejays.
Sorry to hear that you're under the weather. I've had several of these "colds" this winter and they do indeed take at least 14 days to get over. Hope you recover quickly. Make friends with your couch, blanket, book and cups of teas this weekend.
I feel your pain, Torn. I've been out of commission all week with pneumonia.
Feel better soon!
oh, I'm sorry you feel crummy.
Take care of yourself, and watch comedies. Laughter is the best medicine...
I was also going to recommend the Zicam. I couldn't believe how much it helped. And yes, I'm sure the smoking would be easier to quit right about now. Damnit.
I was hoping to be the first commenter to advise using this opportunity to QUIT SMOKING, but Rox beat me to it!
I've found that "Cold-Eze" (a homeopathic version of zinc) is VERY effective at knocking out a cold, especially if taken within the first 48 hours of symptoms.
In the States, Cold-Eze can be found at any major grocery store or drugstore -- health food stores generally don't stock it for some reason.
The good news is that in a few years viruses will be a thing of the past. The bright guys have figured out that all viruses are resonant at the same frequency. In essence they'll hook you up to a machine and run your blood through a laser that will resonate the viruses into little itty bitty pieces. The resonation essentially shatter the virus.
So take heart knowing that we're about to vanquish one of mans greatest enemies.
You are right, I was FAR more impressed with "Upper respiratory tract infection" which made me go "Euw!" and sounds like it could be added to a resume under hobbies/things survived instead of plain old "cold" - well er, hope you get better and don't die.
From what I understand, by the time you start to feel symptoms it is already too late to stave off illness, and all the preventatives will only potentially lesson the severity of the cold/flu/infection. Far better to start a regimen of vitamins and herbal supplements when the cold/flu season starts to build up the body's resistance before it gets attacked. But still hope you feel better soon.
The colds are running rampant in blogville. Every where I go someone has a cold/flu/pneumonia. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.
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