Thursday, April 17, 2008

And now for something lighter

So I was up way early the other day and fixed my bagel as I usually do. It was still dark. As I was eating it, there was a slightly bitter taste, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It was just bordering on unpleasant, but as in many things culinary, I could and did convince myself that it was good. I ate it and wondered if perhaps the bagel was turning and that was the reason for the funkiness. I thought nothing more about it.

The next day, I woke up a bit later. The sun was shining brightly into the kitchen. I pulled out the bagels, and there was just one left in the bag. It was fully covered with a coat of green fur. Gagging commenced. Nausea ensued. This week I'm having english muffins.


Java said...

Oh, ICK! That's not "lighter." That's just fuzzier. Honey, turn the light on!

Snooze said...

Ewwwwwwww. Although it probably got significantly worse overnight. The one you ate probably only had a few spots.

Petie said...

I think you should stop your lazy/cheap behavior when eating.

Since I am a picky eater, I prefer to see what I eat while I am eating it.

At least you are not sick, yet...

Lemuel said...

Perhaps you just wanted a bit of unprocessed penicillin to boost your immune system. :)

Anonymous said...

English muffins in French Canada. Is that unpatriotic? Mold is a fungus like mushrooms. The Bleu in Bleu cheese is fungus. On the other hand, Athletes foot is a fungus. Ewww! Ed

RJ March said...

You could light a candle or something-- what, are you Amish?

Patricia said...

Grrrrrossssss. For the love of carboyhydrates, if something doesn't taste right, check (or chuck) it out!

ChickenStrip said...

Oh. My. God.

I don't think I could eat another again for a while.

Anonymous said...


Summer said...

As much as I love to eat I always check it out before I eat it. Maybe you will start a new health craze!

Anonymous said...

This happened to me once when i bought a prepackaged submarine sandwich. Got halfway through it, eating in the van and when we turned on the light in the van, I realized the whole inside of it was rotten. It still makes me gag a little to think about it!

Try pre-slicing your bagels and freezing them. Then you can pop one in the toaster in the morning and you won't have to worry about the fuzzies. Just a handy tip from your Martha-Stewart-wannabe friend.

Lyvvie said...

I was babysitting for my sister once and was starving! There were meager selections for a teenager, but I settled for a bowl of all bran cereal. I was half way through the bowl when I realised that not all the long bits were bran, but were in fact dead bugs.

I phoned my mother in a panic, fearing intestinal infestation. She laughed at me. The wicked bitch just laughed. She'll laugh again if the story is mentioned.

I could've DIED

Never eat at my sister's house.

Anonymous said...

Oooh. I'm feeling a little sick.

Cooper said...

As an almost daily bagel eater, this made me gag. I always toast mine, though. Funny how reading these stories has made me queazy. The power of suggestion can be so strong.

travelling, but not in love said...

OK, so that's just dirty behaviour. But I do approve of the english muffins. Or 'muffins' as we quaint english-folk like to call them.

English muffins with butter and strawberry jam. Heaven on a plate.

I love a bagel too, but they're few and far between here in la belle France. And even if you can get a bagel, what are the chances of getting philadelphia to spread on 'em? no way, jose.

travelling, but not in love said...

btw, I've linked you in over at my place, hope you approve!


Butch said...

Ah, the adventures of eating in the dark. I suppose you could pretend that you had a wee salad along with the bagel. ;-(

There are times I eat in the near dark and this, I'm sure will pop in to my mind the next time I do it.

(I keep my bagels in the freezer and pull one out, put it in the microwave for about 20 seconds, then, cut it and put it in the toaster. The bagels last longer with no worries of mold, etc. I haven't noticed any difference in taste from freezing them to keeping them on the counter.)

don said...

ur use to put 2 much air in ur mout. tabernac eh?

A Lewis said...

Topped with peanut butter and honey or jam I hope.

GayProf said...


Mark in DE said...

Don't you have a LIGHT in that kitchen? LOL...

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

Seek a doctor's care immediately Torny! Please don't wait! This could develop into something horrific!

Anonymous said...

It obviously didn't kill you, probably even gave you a bit of a benefit.

I too have accidentally eaten slightly moldy breadstuffs and curiously it clears up sinus infections.

Doug said...

Always remember: look before you lick.

Greg said...

Oh, god...well, hopefully, this'll lick any remainders of last week's dread illness.

You know, it's fine to *eat* in the dark...but it's always good to at least peek at what's being consumed!