Monday, April 07, 2008


As I was preparing my morning bagel yesterday, I discovered a hidden cave in my tub of cream cheese. This cave occupies at least a fourth of the container of cream cheese. It's hard to tell, but the whole middle is a big air bubble. Thank the baby christ child (hi Kevin!) there's a number on the tub to call if you are not satisfied. I'll be calling today. What do you think they'll do?

We are blessed with sunshine and spring temperatures. The snowpack scoffs at such things and though it is shrinking, it's going to be another couple of weeks until it's really gone. Oh and I thought spouse was cute with his rugged unshaved look.

We crossed the St Lawrence river yesterday and you can see the broken chunks of ice still littering the channel. That water is cold. It's cold like the atmosphere here this morning. Last night, spouse and I argued about, gee what could it be? Yes, money again. And this morning we are not really communicating with each other. He is especially good at this "cold war" game as I've seen him stew in silence for several days before. Good. Let him stew. I'm busying stewing myself. Anyway, this only happens when we overdrink. We had both had two king size martinis before we started spatting, and frankly the argument was really stupid. Doesn't matter, once that alcohol gets in touch with aggression, it's a losing game. I'm hopeful we'll be fine tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

The Cream Cheese people will do the same thing that Pres. Bush has done about the high price of Gasoline.
Spouse does look good with his rugged look. "What Serge?" he said he knows it.
Perhaps the Alcohol isn't worth the trouble it causes. I learned a long time ago that it was best for me to abstain.
It is so great to see the snow melting and the sun shining, isn't it wonderful? Ed

CoffeeDog said...

Serge should do the rugged look more often, he does look cute? He said "I know" didn't he?

Fights : The latest fight here involves decorating. We never run out of topics here at the doghouse.

Anonymous said...

I think maybe a stroll down the ice laden beach casting yourselves into the the glorious sunlight hand in hand will push the malice of cash flow from your minds.

Hope, things work out and the stewing of the minds is soon over.


Anonymous said...

We get cream cheese quite regularly and those air pockets are a regular occurance. Though I think there is the same quantity of cheese in there. The top of it was probably a bit higher.

I noticed that the level of the St Lawrence was much higher this morning that last week. I'd say a good foot or two. I'm wondering if it will get much higher with those rapidly melting snow packs this week.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

As long as there's nothing living in the cheese :>)

bardelf said...

I predict they will send you a coupon for a free cream cheese.

I don't even bother arguing when my sweetie drinks too much. He becomes a blabbering idiot and you can't have a good argument that way. Besides, ha, I'm a Gemini -- he doesn't stand a chance at winning! LOL

Doug said...

:( I hope it's just a temporary stew.

don said...

You could probably end your money woes by selling that cheese hole as a religious artifact on eBay. You did say something about baby Jesus having a call-in number...

You two are as stubborn as mules (sounds familiar). Big hugs to both of you

Greg said...

Probably they'll tell you that everything's portioned according to weight...and they can't help when the machine "burps"...but they might send you a coupon. If they don't, you'll let us know their company name?

Sorry about the "cold war"...been there, do that. Hope the sunshine and melting helps...

ChickenStrip said...

I like Don's idea.

And alcohol always makes an argument worse!

Anonymous said...

Money's not really the issue, it's control that's the bottom line. It's time to renegotiate the way you handle the finances so you both feel heard and appreciated.

Holy shit, I went all Oprah there for a minute, didn't I?!

The sun shone here this morning for six minutes, now it's back to being cloudy.

GayProf said...

Rox is wise.

The cream cheese will likely say that they sell by weight, not volume.

Cooper said...

I'd love to hear the conversation you'll be having with the cream cheese company! "There's a hole in your cream cheese, sir?"

Our rivers here look like your Seaway ... chunks of ice floating in very, very cold water.

Rox is always wise. Sometimes I just ask myself "what would Rox do?" :)

Patrick said...

Stewing cold wars and alcohol enhanced arguments notwithstanding, it's nice to sense in your writing that you know you and Serge will work it out eventually, that the bond is unbreakable, you just need some time. And maybe going all medieval on the Cream Cheese Company's ass will take care of some aggression. Who knows?

Mark in DE said...

Oooo, such variety in your post today!

1. The cream cheese company will likely tell you the product is sold by weight, not by volume, so you were not ripped off. Then they'll probably offer to mail you a coupon.

2. Serge does indeed look rugged and handsome with his unshaved face.

3. Do you experience flooding with all that snow melting? Hopefully your storm drain infrastructure was designed to handle this.

4. Your account of the "spat" sounds all too familiar. Fortunately my Spouse usually can't keep up the game very long because he needs to ask me to do something for him.

Mark :-)

Lyvvie said...

How annoying on the cream cheese front! I'm glad you took pictures, but I'm sure the previous commenter is right and they'll pull the "sold by weight" argument. BUT, for air bubbles to be in there makes me think of germs partying in the bubbles. You'll update, right? Remember I complained about the three shredded wheat biscuits per packet, but two biscuits equal one you have my support for questioning!

Anonymous said...

the tiny christ child and I say "Hi" back at you.

Snow, ugh! Ice, Ugh! It's finally almost 70 here today and that crap is loooong gone! Which probably means it will snow by the end of this week.

Adam said...

That cave was left since they don't add transsexual fats to cheese anymore. It's a trans-hole.

I'm sure you'll make up just fine. Brad and I have never had an argument over money but we argue often about syntax and connotation. Life with a philosopher is riddled with semantic disputes, but we always make up.

Patricia said...

Oh sure, the person signed it Rox, but I'm pretty sure that was Dr. Phil in the comments.

Serge should do the scruffy lookmore often. He wears it well.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rox moves in for the win! So alcohol *and* control issues, combination of doom.

David said...

While 3 days of cloudy, windy days are nothing to sneeze at here in SolCal, considering you and Serge live in the legendary land of Ashley MacIssac and the Corner Gas and, of course, snow measured in tons, I still feel the need to whine.

I admire you, crazy that you are, but I moved away from the bitter, snowy Chicago winters for a reason: flip-flops year 'round.

Sarcasm returned. Hehe. :-)xjaqos

dit said...

Maybe they will send you a coupon for a free tub o cheese. I love sunshine. That river looks cold!

Anonymous said...

So, you all got into the liquid courage. Say everything you would not do sober. The rule should be to try to keep the discussions positive when drinking.

Anonymous said...

hope you make up with each other soon!

Java said...

Superman and I don't usually drink at the same time. He drinks, gets really silly, and I laugh at him. I drink, begin to tell everyone how much I loooooove them, he gets that worried wrinkle on his brow and shakes his head at me. It works for us.

Don't you wish some settling had occurred during shipping that cream cheese? Bubble be blamed.

Butch said...

Life's too short to stay at arms length for too long with your other half and the negative feelings that come from a disagreement do their damage emotionally. Here's hoping you both are able to resolve it sooner than letting it stew over the next few days.

YNAGER '65 said...

LOL U2 sound like the Canadian version of me and my partner! Yes, once alcohol is involved with an argument, I just go to the guest bedroom, it's not worth the hassle and aggravation!