Thursday, April 10, 2008


So do you have to be a millionaire to be elected president? This seems counterintuitive to me, since most people are not millionaires, why are millionaires disproportionately filling the ranks in Congress? I read recently that McCain said that people facing foreclosure should get a second job and skip their vacations. (While the organizations who overcasually lent the money are being "rescued", I'd like to bitterly digress) But McCain is exceedingly rich. It's so rude and pompous to say such a thing when you'd never have to face that. As ludicrous as me giving advice on the female orgasm. I really try to be open minded but it's really hard when I see the very wealthy governing and dispensing advice to the poor. Maybe if you're rich I expect you to be humble. (I know, who the fuck cares what I think.) To express gratitude for the serendipity that led to this station in life. Yes, you worked hard, we all do. You cannot get through this life without working hard one way or another.

I still feel like hell, maybe that's where all this crankiness is coming from. I keep working, rationalizing that I can feel miserable at home on the couch or in the classroom, it doesn't really matter. It's bad though. Every time I cough it feels like I'm being stabbed in the sternum. And I still have a fever, low grade yet persistent. It's times like these I really wish I had paid sick days.


CoffeeDog said...

I share your pain, though mine is related to insomnia :-(

Agree w/your view on the uber rich, so easy for them to cast their opinions on what We The People should do.

Rick Bettencourt said...

Sorry to hear about your sickness. Take care. I'm sure you'll be better in no time!

Snooze said...

I get what you're saying about the rich, but then again, mcCain is a politician and he has to give a message to the public, most of whom, as you note, are not wealthy. Way too many people bought things on credit and live way beyond their means. I'm not talking about people who need credit for the basic necessities of life, but I don't have any sympathy for people who wracked up debt by living big.

bardelf said...

And this man may very well become the next US president. Makes you shudder, doesn't it?

Perhaps it's time to visit the doctor, torn, before the weekend arrives. Sending healing thoughts your way.

Sh@ney said...

Its the rich schlong slurrpers that don't work that make me wanna puke in their shoes!! You mention the word 'politician' and immediately I think of verbal gastric...Wealth & Politics = Power which in turn = hypocrisy! I could care less about either. giggles...Im happy to scrape by in life and not have to live up to expectations!
kisses for feeling better soon!

Lemuel said...

Hie thee to a physician, Torn!

As for your crankiness over McSame, it is well placed. I am tired of hearing how the wealthy "worked hard". I've not know one in nearly 61 years who did not get where they are without some breaks (such as parentage or marriage or "knowing someone") or without raping the poor of their money, labor, and/or resources.

I have no time for anyone who has the wealth McSame has (and got it the way he got it) telling someone to get another job to stay afloat in an economy that he [McSame] has had a vital role in ruining. Perhaps he should have suggested a "second wife" rather than a "second job". After all, that was McSame's "secret to success".

GayProf said...

You know what would make you feel better? Money. It makes everything easier.

McCain is also the man who didn't feel that Martin Luther King, Jr. deserved a federal holiday and voted against it. He is just a lovely individual.

Greg said...

A combined response to the last two posts: I never expect full on fairness in society, but I do always hope that my fellow humans will treat one another with reasonable fairness. McCain is a jack-ass, just like the people I hope he doesn't replace.

I'll be posting a crow pic to help you feel better, Rick.

RJ March said...

So, what exactly is you advice on female orgasms? I'm crazy curious now.

Feel better, kiddo, and take the sage advice of your friends and get thee to the DR.

Patricia said...

I hope you can rest all weekend, it sounds like that's what you need to really kick this bug. At least that's what always helps me: hibernating.

Cooper said...

I reckon you know more about female orgasms than McPain will ever know about the average human being having to work and budget so carefully.

Have you been visiting Dantallion, by any chance? It sounds like you may have the same virus he has. Take care of yourself, Torn.

Polt said...

No this opinion is NOT caused by crankiness, cause I feel that way too about McCain's economic "plan" and I'm not cranky.

Although i tend to be after I read about his "plan"

Hope you feel better soon!


Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself, Torn. Have you thought of maybe asking some of your students to reschedule, if only to avoid getting whatever it is you've got?

As to McCain, I'm sorry to say that the system is set up so that only wealthy people can actually run for anything with any chance of winning (and btw, this is perfectly in line with the philosophy of the Federalist Papers, not some sort of pollution of the initial project). And I agree with Lemuel, really rich people didn't work hard for what they have; they are usually born into wealthy, well-connected, white families, and all of these characteristics give them a significant advantage that is totally inaccessible to anyone else.

What really gets me is when not-so-rich or even quite poor people actually lap this crap up, such as blaming welfare recipients for their poverty, lack of education and unsurprising inability to get a well-paying job. Then again, I'm feeling cranky too...

travelling, but not in love said...

Maybe you could ask McCain what would be good for your cough...he seems to have the answers to every other question in the world, doesn't he.

I worry that he's going to win though. Not that I should, I live in France after all.

Patrick said...

I know it's cliche, but I really do feel like all politicians believe in welfare, they just disagree on who should get it. McCain and other Republicans believe wealthy corporations and their CEO's are the ones that deserve bailing out. Just about makes my head explode, especially when I'm sitting next to a guy who clearly doesn't have a home, or the medical attention he needs.

Devo said...

Go to see the doc, Torn. You sound borderline pneumoniac, is that a word? Well it is now-haha. When it stabs like that it is not a good sign. No more smoking, mr. :)

Anonymous said...'ll be just fine! Let it run it's course and save your money from going to a doctor. I have to go against the grain of all the panicy people advising you seek medical attention. I never do and I almost always live.

I really like McCain's advice! I think I may do just that...find another job to fill those few wasted hours I used to sleep. The Working Class and their lives of idle luxury...ay yai yai!

Butch said...

You probably should go see a physican if this persists or becomes worse. Sometimes, an antibiotic can speed this thing along. A wee bit of cough syrup may help with abating that cough. Hope you're feeling better, soon.

Anonymous said...

You are so right! And you know what pisses ME off even more: the fact that you are a teacher (one of THE most important jobs in there is) and you don't even get paid when you're sick! Talking about crazy!
My country has a lot of flaws, but we do take care of each other when we're sick. Everybody gets paid when they're sick and everybody has health insurance.

Wow, it seems that I'm cranky too.

David said...

That's the probelm with the rich, they think they DO have all the answers. This arrogant presumption is what is killing America.

Anyways, troubled to hear your still sick, though I applaud you for working through it.

I'm more impressed with someone willing to work, than a namby-pamby person who woke up with a headache and decided they could not go to work today. Pop some Excedrin and get your ass to work, bitch!

Mark in DE said...

You hit the nail on the head. People who have never been poor, thanks to families with money, giving UNhelpful advise is quite nauseating.

The idea that poor people should "get a 2nd job" and "skip their summer vacation" is about as stupid as saying "homeless people need to stop being scary so they can get jobs and places to live".

I'm not even sick (like you) but I still sound rather cranky, eh?

Mark :-)

A Bear in the Woods said...

Ouch, poor baby!

I bet i know where you saw that stuff about McCain.