Here's something that you can always find in our fridge. When I first moved here and spouse stocked the fridge with this, I was aghast. I threatened to take away his gay card in fact. What properly raised person eats this crap? Over the years though, when I'd see him put it on morning toast, I had to admit it looked kind of good. At some point, when we were out of other breakfast fixings, I tried it and much as I didn't want to, I liked it. It's tangy in a good way. Anyway, I've been having a bagel and cream cheese every morning for the last five years. The other day, I decided to compare the nutritional information on the Cheez Whiz to that of the reduced fat (light) cream cheese. I got that kind because it's easier to spread on the bagel. You know what? They both have the exact same protein/fat/calorie/vitamin content. Except for Cheez Whiz having more salt, they are practically the same nutritionally. Plus, you put much less Cheez Whiz on the toast than you do cream cheese. So I've switched to Cheez Whiz every morning now.

My dad mentioned to me that all of the food pictures I post are rather alien to him. It's not that they look bad, it's just that they're things that you would never find on his plate at home or in a restaurant. Here's something he might recognize though. Last night I made this for dinner. Could there be anything better (once mixed together)? Don't hate.
That's one hair forearm :P I like hairy men though :PPP
What will those mix into? : With those beans, it looks like it you should not be sleeping under blanket that night :P
I have to say I am appalled. A liberal like you (grin) would have better taste than that!
I used to love cheesewhiz on english muffins. Very interesting about the nutritional content.
I see cheese whiz is fortified w/calcium. Bon appetit!
The "nutritional value" listed may be similar (and that stuff is suspect in my book anyway) but what about the ingredients? Are they both highly processed foods? If so, then whatever, but I try not to eat anything that has more than one or two ingredients that you'd only find in a chemistry lab, whether it tastes "good" or not.
Actually, David, Cheez Whiz is also surprisingly devoid of chemical additives. The radioactive color comes from annatto and oleoresin paprika, the latter being natural but likely processed with hexane. It does, however, contain anchovies (in the Worcestershire sauce), which eliminates it from my diet.
What's to hate? Finally, someone who eats like I do. I was beginning to think most gay men are foodies, eating exotic meals that take forever to plan and execute. I don't have time or the inclination for that. Good and simple food for me.
Cheese Whiz and light cream cheese are probably the same basic materials, just add some orange food coloring and cheese-flavored additive. I bet in 20 years all toppings will be that way.
Love the taco salad! One of my all-time favorite meals. Love the olives and avocados, too.
When the first picture slowly appeared on my screen I thought it was some exotic Canadian concoction. Gee Whiz it was Cheez Whiz! I love a good Taco Salad too! I may be wrong but I put Italian dressing on it. ed
Here in Indiana, at least my part of the woods, we make CheesWhiz and peanut butter sandwiches on white bread. YUMMMMMMMMM
Caddy Jean
I'm with David. Not literally. Because I'm here and he's there.
Oh that pb & CW comment there made me throw up a little.
Cheez Whiz? Really? I just can't go there.
I've been making my own veggie cream cheese with lite cheese, and finely diced radish, scallion, carrot, garlic and a little salt & pepper. It's unbelievably good and far better than the premixed stuff in the tubs.
Pet Sauce in, Pet Sauce Out, Pet Sauce in, Pet Sauce Out,Pet Sauce in, Pet Sauce Out,Pet Sauce in, Pet Sauce Out,Pet Sauce in, Pet Sauce Out,Pet Sauce in, Pet Sauce Out
I thought the dinner fixings shown in the photo were for chili.
"Take away his gay card..." LOL!
I cannot eat cheeze whiz, it makes me gag.
My kid read (in a Bathroom Reader book) that cheeze whiz is grey before they add the coloring. Grey. Blech.
You eat the same thing every morning? That's weird. LOL
I'm too much of a cheese snob to regularly imbibe Cheese Whiz. To me it's like Fair Food, something I eat maybe once a year in certain social situations. But I practice tolerance and acceptance for those with different tastes from mine. I don't hate. I might instinctively wrinkle my nose a little bit, but I don't hate.
Mmmmm Cheez whiz on celery sticks... almost as good as Squeeze Cheese and celery. In fact I hate celery sticks without either CW or peanut butter(or PB & raisins, yum). BUT not both CW &PB together! I found that comment rather gross too.
Give me a good CW and yum yum pickle sandwich anyday!
Taco salad!
I used to love Cheese Whiz in cauliflower. I felt sort of wrong about buying it though, being into less processed food and all. Last year I made cheese sauce from milk, cheddar, smoked Gouda, and worchestershire sauce. Oh and mustard powder. Dude.
I was never a fan of the Whiz. It's not that I consider it a sign of gay superiority, but it never appealed to me.
I have to admit, I am a little leery of Cheez-Whiz. I think it's all those bad experiences with high school cafeteria mystery food.
PB and Cheez-Whiz? I'd have to think about that one and I'm usually willing to try anything. Though a friend got me to try tomato and PB and I love it. So who knows.
When I was young on our visits to Canada my parents always went to a grocery store to buy Ingersall's cheese in a jar. Every year when I go now I look for it in stores but it must no longer be made. All they have in cheese in a jar is Cheez Whiz
Ya know what? I'm with your dad on this one. I just figured it was a geography thing. This latest picture I can relate to. I'm gonna have to pick up a jar of cheese whiz and give it a try.
OK, hand over your card and go find you a woman.
Cheez Whiz is my kind of midnight snacking...with just a spoon all to myself! But I don't like the "light-version!"
: )
Don't you prefer the taste of cream cheese to Cheez Whiz? I'm sure I would. I adore cream cheese.
Mmmmm, taco salad!
Mark :-)
take away his gay card?
first he needs to pick it up. come visit mother at http://fairygaymother.com
Cheez Whiz kind of scares me.
I've eaten worse though, so I can't say anything more about it.
Here is a little recipe you might like, I thought the idea of it was disgusting at first... LOL
I gotta cast my vote here...I used to be a big fan of the Toasted PB and CW sandwich...it's really not much different than those cheesy peanut butter crackers you get in vending machines, taste-wise, except meltier.
I thought those were avocados...
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