To the person who urinates on the floor
I'm not judging, but if it's impossible for you to urinate standing up without getting it all over the floor, and therefore making everyone else perform gymnastics in order to urinate without stepping in it, not to mention the odor that it causes, why not simply go and urinate sitting down in one of the stalls? This would be TRULY appreciated. Thank you.
I admire the person for the time and energy they put into it and that they even went and found a little picture to go with it. I found it quite funny and it was true, there was urine on the floor when I went to relieve myself there.
lol, you should send this over to http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/
All I can say is wait unitl they get old.
Word verification: screwpro...wow really? ed
That's just too funny.
That's awesome. I need one that refers to urinating on the seat for my 9 yr old son!!!!
Such civility.
Bad aim or maybe their peepee is too short to get a decent grip on. Maybe they need glasses or need to pee when they are sober.
Glad someone said something, that is one of my pet pevees.
its difficult not to pee on the floor! and i don't want to sit down to pee!! then there are the smells.... and i hate to clean the toilet!!! now we are back to smells,odors,stench...
this reminds me of the renter who was smelly. and i'm stealing the photo for my blog. too funny! it looks high brow in french...
I also wonder about people who seem incapable of flushing.
Love this! I hate cleaning the pee that doesn't make it to the bowl. There is one man in this house and he gets in big trouble when he misses!
For me, the fact that they added a graphic to the message sealed it.
How polite the message writer was. At least you can pee standing up. I hate when women try to do it, it gets all over the seat and then don't clean it up. I remember a saying from my childhood; "if you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and clean the seat."
I enjoyed that sign, too. I like that it didn't resort to melodramatic name-calling. It simply pointed out the issue and offered a suggestion to resolve it.
Mark :-)
This is cute, and I admire the author's efforts.
But notice the disclaimer we feel we must use: I'M NOT JUDGING, BUT...
Honestly, are we so politically correct that we can't judge even a wayward urinator? Go ahead dude... JUDGE AWAY. A guy is pissing all over the floor! Judge him!
God, I miss being able to pass judgement.
As usual, LBB speaks forth great wisdom.
I am glad I don't have to deal with this.
The picture...
Have a good weekend...
In the mens room where I work there is a sign advising you to flush twice.
Apparently low-flow toilets don't always get the job done the first time.
It brought back a memory from my high school days. The graffiti in the bathroom stalls said "Flush twice, it's a long way to Fred's"
Fred's was the food vendor in the school.
Alright, I admit....secretly...that I am that wayward urinator. It's a deep, dark secret of mine. Want to know any others??
Did Serge post that in your bathroom?
That is hilarious. I agree that the time and effort is quite amazing.
Where may I purchase those signs by the box...?
Hilarious! We had a similar thing at work in the ladies a few weeks ago about what tampons can do to rural New England plumbing and fragile female psyche...
I love it. We had the infamous 'toilet seat pisser' a while back. Turns out it was a dwarf colleague.
How bad did we feel? Not at all. If you can't reach it doesn't mean you can piss on the seat and not wipe it up.
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