When I got up yesterday, I noticed the fridge was ajar, and the motor was complaining about it. When I looked to see if anything was interfering with the proper closing of the door, I saw that spouse had prepared a sandwich for me for lunch, replete with admonition due to its garlic content. (Roasted pork sandwich.) I couldn't be mad about the fridge being open (which occurred on his watch) when such a loving gesture was in evidence.

I couldn't help but admire the message on the back of this fella's jacket. Do you have these types in your neck of the woods? Who hang out at intersections to squeegee your windshield for money? It's rather annoying at times because they can make it dirtier than it was to start with, but at least they're doing some work for the begging.
Oh and happy Thanksgiving to my American readers.
This is for you. That link, by the way, has been the most popular on the blog for the past couple of weeks. I linked it once before in 2005 and each year it gets a zillion hits around this time of year. Have a happy day gobbling up the bird y'all.
Happy Thanksgiving a month ago. Better late than never, we may not have much to be thankful for but if we think about it I'm sure we'll find something.
Spouse left the frig ajar like his heart which he opened for you, sweet. ed
And people still ask me why I'm a vegetarian. :-)
Spoiled pork sammich aside, I think that note is just about the sweetest ever, and if you didn't smooch him for it, I may just have to.
It is the small gestures of affection and love that really melt the heart he most isn't it?
That is funny...and disgusting. The turkey, not the sammich.
I'm not a vegetarian, but I also don't eat the bird.
You're cruel and evil and you have garlic breath.
Lucky spouse!
FYI: That is the worst head anyone has ever given me.
Giuliani cleared out all the squeegee guys years ago.
Off to the folks today. Enjoy your porking from your husband.
Happy Normal Day to you and Serge.
Ewww...now I don't know how tasteful my Thanksgiving will be. Anyway, there's always the pies.
My first encounter with roadside squeegers was in Toronto. Since then I think I've seen them in a couple U.S. cities.
Happy Thursday to you. I'm told we're having roast pork, so the image has no affect on me. I'm impervious! Bwaaahahahahah!
We just have bums here that beg at freeway offramps and do nothing for it. I will probably be among them in a few months. But wow, yours not only have a sense of humor but a great sense of fashion! Love the pants! If they had been bell bottoms they would bear a striking resemblence to those worn by Jan Brady when the family went to Kings Island in Cincinnati.
I'm with the retard above, I was struck by the coolness of the squeegie guys' pants!
Where did Serge get the paper to write the notes? It looks like a newspaper that was left in the subway! Y'all need some Post It Notes! :)
You are rotten. Rotten, rotten, rotten. You miss it and you know it..you turkey. I concur with Breenlantern....the worst head ever!
It's W's hood ornament!
Happy Normal Day.
You know, based on the comments above and your history of TMI, I'm gonna pass on that link. I haven't eaten yet. Happy Ordinary Day. Enjoy your sandwich!
Word ver: jampon - a product that soaks up spilled jam.
Something told me not to click that link, but I did anyway. Damn me for ignoring my instincts...
I had lobster yesterday, so the link aside from the gross out factor was not as effective as it could have been.
I will admit though, I'm jealous Serge is porking you in the morning.
I know, Dan...I knew better, as well and still clicked...perhaps I'll remember next year.
Hope your Regular Thursday sandwich was a lovely one. The pie was nice...can we mail you a piece?
Ha! Was that one of the pictures that didn't make it to press from the Sarah Palin interview where she "pardoned" a turkey?
Just randomly found your blog! Vancouver used to have a lot of squeegie kids just like those in your photo, and what's interesting is that the majority of them were from Quebec who have chosen to squeegie here as a lifestyle.
p.s. The sandwich note is the cutest thing ever. I hope the sandwich was still okay!
You're right, you absolutely couldn't scold spouse for leaving the fridge ajar after such a lovely gesture.
I don't appreciate having my windsheild washed by anyone unless I ask for it.
Mark :-)
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