I hope everyone had a piece of pie for me yesterday. I certainly don't miss black Friday, but turkey day makes me a bit wistful. As I mentioned yesterday it was just another work day for me up here. On my morning break, I decided to check out the fall fashion clearance at
The Bay. The sale was so good that I not only bought a couple of shirts, but after work I dragged Serge back over there to do some more shopping. I spread it all out on the table. 2 sweaters, 5 collared shirts and 2 pairs of pants for $130 out the door. The best part was seeing the original price of $80 having been marked down to $18 and then it was 60% off of that so that most of the things were about 10% of the original price. It was work though, everything was organized by color, not size so you had to hunt hunt hunt. If you're going shopping today, I hope you score as well as we did.
Good finds indeed. That's amazing
I certainly had a piece of pie (or three) for you. I can't move today.
I didn't have a piece of pie yesterday but I did have Turkey, Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Yams, Cottage Cheese, Broccoli Casserole, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, And Eclair Cake. I won't go shopping today. I think I'll have to buy some stretch pants. Hey, Thanksgiving comes but once a year. OMG! Christmas isn't far away. Replace the Turkey with Ham and you'll have my Christmas dinner. ed
Wow, what a haul! I love a good bargain and that certainly qualifies as a great bargain. That's a better deal than the resale shop and it's new! SCORE!
Shopping? on Black Friday? You're nuts. If I didn't have to go to work, I wouldn't go out of my house at all.
I'm glad you scored on the shopping though!
Hey Sticky, you got a great deal on your clothes!! Sounds like the company really wants to put stuff on sale to get rid of clothes and get more moved in. Sweet story about your husband fixing you a sandwich. Hope things are going well for you up north!!
I can't believe they have fall stuff on sale now! That's insane! Spring/summer is the best time to buy sweaters...and lord knows, in Canada, we needs us some sweaters!
Wow! $130 for just the shirts is a deal. I may head over there during lunch.
FYI, my word verification is "cenis"
cool...sounds like you're having lots of fun! I'm more of a treasure hunter then holiday shopper...: )
I would scratch my eyeballs out with an X-acto blade before I'd go near a mall or shopping center today. Like I have the money to do that anyway!
Wait one cotton pickin' second here! I don't see the plaid pants like in the post below!
A good sale makes my heart pound. Love it.
Nice job! I don't always have the patience to shop like that, but I certainly love it when I have the time.
I'm staying away from the stores today. No shopee for me.
*makes a note that grid checks are what the fashionable gays are wearing, heteros to follow soon*
I love a good sale. Good sale. Hard to find.
I'm like you, living outside the US now, so I too did not get to celebrate with turkey and the rest but unlike you I was not able to score big time in the clothes department. Oh how I wish my favourite store was having a sale like you found, but alas it is not to be. As for your good fortune I say; Well done!
Je t'aime La Baie
Mark :-)
That's a great buy. I recently purchased two shirts and a belt that cost nearly as much as you paid for those items. ;-(
good score!
i got exited just reading about it!
I love finding incredible buys like that. Looks like some good stuff.
I saw about 20 people camped out next to the Best Buy on Tuesday. I can't imagine waiting three days in line like that but to each their own.
I don't shop at all on that day. I don't shop too much at all for the holidays - too much pressure.
You win. I went out on Black Friday, ONLY because my daughter had to have some work clothes before she left that afternoon. We found a few good deals, paid full price for her shoes, and even wandered into the Apple Store just cuz. That was an exercise in frustration because it is literally the only day of the year they put anything on sale. And the prices! I showed excellent and uncharacteristic self-restraint and purchased nothing while there. Sigh.
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