While walking home from the subway station yesterday, all the trees were letting loose their leaves, like a psychedelic rain. I smiled as I walked up the hill, seeing the eddies waft the leaves to and fro in what can only be understood as dancing. I stooped to pick up some of the prettier leaves, each one a guaranteed original, no other one quite like it on earth. (and there's far more leaves than humans) Sometimes the leaves toyed with me, just scooting away as I reached down to grab one. I said, "I'm only going to try to get you three times." If they don't want me picking them up, hey, I can hang with that. Some of them heard me though or just let me pick them up. I brought them home to show you.
moments like this are why autumn is the most beautiful time of year.
if only it didn't have to be followed by that evil "w" season.
Every leaf becomes a flower in the fall :-)
"...all the trees were letting loose their leaves, like a psychedelic rain."
Among the many lines you have written that I have admired, this one will rank among the very favorites.
that'll happen down here sometime in january... if at all...
I feel energized just reading about your joy in the everyday.
Here in the Midwest we are on the verge of the leaf changing time. They tell me no two snowflakes are alike either even though there are Gazillions of them. Being the nerd I am I see that some of the leaves look like Silver Maple leaves, yet here the Silver Maples only turn yellow. The Norway Maples turn a buttery yellow and the Red & Sugar Maples turn Red and Yellow. I think it is the amount of Limestone in our ground. The Sassafras turn a blood red and the Sweetgums turn red, yellow and purple. It is a wonderful time of year.
I'm enjoying watching those leaves change from my balcony view. The great swath of green is now an amazing mess of colour.
leaves are just starting to change here on Long Island as well. I'm thrilled. This has always been my favorite time of year. You describe it beautifully. I enjoyed your enjoyment of the season.
So you're the "Leaf Talker".
I miss the maple trees of my youth. They make the best leaf-show! All I have here are poplar leaves. Thanks for sharing with us!
Those are spectacular. Our leaves are just starting to turn a bit golden.
Lovely. My boys and I have been hard at play doing the same thing. Autumn leaves cling to our boots. I have filled a big copper jug with them. I particualrly love all the shades of red.
The best season of the year.
I love that you were talking to those wily little leaves. It reminded me of the bag in American Beauty.
wow. those are awesome! so pretty.
i brought some leaves home i found on a walk. i got home from work the next day and theyd been turned into mulch by 1 of the 4 legged friends in the house.
See, now I expected you to say how you reached for one leaf only to find it's underside covered in dog poo. Given the thematic trends here, I just assumed that was where you were headed.
Glorious time of year.
Isn't nature amazing? Enjoy!
Thanks for the pic! It made a beautiful desktop for my computer.
Those leaves are quite beautiful on their own, but even more dramatically beautiful against that royal blue background. Good work!
There are no signs of fall yet here in southern DE. Temps are still in the 80s and it seems Indian Summer is preventing Father Fall from reaching us. Spouse & I are going to MA for the weekend and hope they have more 'Fall' to see than we have at home.
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