Sunday, February 24, 2008

Boring weekend update

The moose dinner was divine. Not gamy at all. It was a marvelous evening with good friends and lots of laughs. It was kind of a repeat of a dinner we had 10 years ago, same friends different residence, and I forgot how well this particular mix meshes. Of course ten years ago, I didn't speak French, so this time I got the jokes. Also I guess we're more grown up now, because instead of ice cream for dessert, we had cheese.

Yesterday was kind of dull. I finished up our taxes, prepped for work this week and practiced the piano. Boy am I rusty. I haven't played since before Christmas. I had to feel my way through a few songs trying to remember them. My fingers remember better than my brain, so that if I think about it too much, I won't find it, but if I play real fast without concentrating, my hands will remember and I can watch them to figure out the chords. Weird actually. I wonder what memories are locked up in other body parts.

Serge went out to home depot in the afternoon. He invited me to come along, but I hate going there with him, because we have to do every single aisle, and I turn into a bitch questioning the merit of everything he puts in the cart. So I said, "You go honey, I'll stay home and practice the piano." He was looking for the lights to replace burned out ones in our kitchen and bathroom. It appears they don't make them anymore because we can't find them anywhere. Anyway, he didn't find them, but that didn't stop him from buying things. Things like a toilet seat. "Why did you buy a toilet seat?" I asked. "Because ours is disgusting and you can't clean it," he reasoned. I wondered aloud why we couldn't just paint the underside (where the icky stains are that bother him). I also asked if it was going to fit, seeing as how we have a kind of designer toilet (bordering on oxymoronic, that) and he said, "They're all the same." I don't think it's going to fit. I'm 99 percent sure of that. Oh well, I should just be happy he didn't buy a whole new toilet.


Petie said...

I have a piano song for you :) I love this song very much. I don't know where to find the music sheet though... but maybe you can trace the note?

When I heard the song, it made me visualize people dancing in royal court :)

bardelf said...

I'm curious as to how the moose was prepared. My few experiences with it have not been satisfying, but yours sounds good.
Enjoy your Sunday!

RJ March said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your moose. And I trust you'll enjoy your new toilet seat all the more. I had no idea about your piano skills. I knew in my heart that you'd find fault with Serge's cart skills.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a very productive day yesterday. I know you didn't reccommend painting over the stains on the toilet seat. Designer Toilet, Oxymoron, so funny. Have you ever tried Buffalo? Actually it is American Bison, my sister and her hubby raises them and I find them quite delicous. They don't have all the fat that Beef does. Have a nice Sunday. Ed

Anonymous said...

I think the simple aspect of any recipe becoming a success is having dinner among loved friends. Moose, Bison, Elk, Turtle... are all wonderful when properly prepared, but divine means the ambiance was spectacular as well!!

As for music and other things that we can't manage with our brains... perhaps when we stop thinking our soul, or life force takes control and manages those function for the brain. I'm not sure myself, I just have a hard time thinking the brute force of muscle being capable of thinking and reasoning. But, I've known a muscle or to to take over the body before.

Hope to hear more on the toilet seat escapades soon!


My adventures said...

i love home depot... i could spend hours there... and they only make 2types of toilet seats, the oblong and the round... i think that's right, that's all i've seen at homo depot...

Laverne said...

Didn't Coffeedog and Mrs. Coffeedog have a very similar situation with a potty seat several months back?

Maybe it's a couple's thing.

I have a friend who Mod-podged her toilet seat cover with cowgirl decals. Cute but odd.

Dinner with friends. Miss that.

CoffeeDog said...

HA, Laverne remembered about our toilet seat dilemma! You can't just walk into a store and buy one, esp. if you have a fancy toilet. I tried to make her carry the old seat into the store, she refused.

I went out this week and bought Middlesex, btw. :-)

Jen said...

re: piano playing: When I was a teenager I was a competative fencer. Practices were comprised of long sessions of drills which I thought boring and pointless until I got better at bouts. Then I discovered that all of those drills had been driven into my "muscle memory"(<--a real sports psychology concept) and I'd react to my opponent's attack with all of these defenses (the cliche is fencing = chess at 100km/h)and then afterward think "I'm glad I didn't take the time to THINK about that..." The thoughtful fencers always lost AND they knew exactly why, poor sods. Jen

GayProf said...

Whenever I move into a new apartment/house, I almost always replace the toilet seat. I side with Serge.

Cooper said...

No, you can't just paint over the icky stains! I'm pretty economical (okay, cheap) myself, but Torn, bebe, that is just gross. lol

dpaste said...

I"m with you, I'd let the other half have their fun at Home Depot. I'd lose my mind there after 5 minutes.

Rox said...

I always buy new toilet seats too. Now I'm in the market for a new toilet as well. I do love me a good hardware store and almost never pass up a chance to go hang out in one!

Mark in DE said...

"...and I turn into a bitch questioning the merit of everything he puts in the cart."

Boy, does THAT sound familiar, only with us its the grocery store.

Mark :-)