Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day one

We're still up. Haven't slept for 32 hours. I think we look pretty good considering.


Anonymous said...

It looks like Serge is sleeping on his feet!

Have a wonderful time!

don said...

As Madame Mitterand once said, "There is nothing more important than Hap Penis". Bonne vacance mes amis!

Mark in DE said...

Eh, there'll be time to sleep when you come home. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

And Darling, you both look fabulous!

Mark :-)

Adam said...

I want to step out on the Rue de la Pays.... Bonjour Paris!

Patricia said...

Oh my gosh, I can hardly believe that's not a postcard. You're really there! Forgive me if I print out this photo and draw little berets on it.

Drink a glass (or 3) of wine for me!!

Fatinah said...

glad you made it safe - have fun - Serge does look asleep on his feet!

A Lewis said...

Like I always say: I'm in pretty good shape considering the shape I'm in. Happy travels!

Anonymous said...

Travel safely guys!

Greg said...

Yay, you've survived the journey, and looking darn good, too!! Enjoy!

TJ said...

Yea, pictures already. Hope you have a fantasmagorical time! Also, who needs sleep anyway? You can sleep when you get back.

Anonymous said...

In case you hadn't noticed, Serge fell asleep five minutes ago.

Try to beat my no-sleep record of 47 hours! I'm rootin' for you!

Summer said...

You look good to me, I'm so very jealous. A great pic with the tower in the background!

Birdie said...

SERGE! WAKE UP! Look behind you!

Thanks for thinking of us, Torn. Y'all are looking great.

Anonymous said...

Who needs sunshine? You're in Paris for chrisakes! Enjoy! Sit by the Seine, have a bit of cheese and a bottle of Wine. Enjoy! Ed

A Bear in the Woods said...

You lads look so charming and gorgeous(in a somewhat loopy, fatigued way), standing there at the navel of the universe.
I, of course, am camping out in my private chapel, saying non-stops prayers for your safe return.
The world needs you and Serge, and Sara needs people to take care of. she's just too old to break in a new set of humans.
I hope you have sex in naughty places while you're there.

robert78 said...

You're in PARIS! That's wonderful. I love random photos with the Eiffel Tower as the backdrop. Hope you're enjoying yourselves - and have fun on the cruise too :) Safe journey!

RJ March said...

Such squinting on a cloudy day!

Have a great time!

Take a nap!

Anonymous said...

Bon jours!
I'm excited! Man - you're right there!

You both look great to me. I'd like to hear about the food - if you get the chance.

Have a ball!

Polt said...

Everyone looks good with the Eiffel Tower in the background! :)

Have fun, guys!


Butch said...

I'm glad I stopped by your blog and seeing a new entry to it. Glad you made it safely to Paris and I think after 32hours without any significant sleep, you're both looking great! Enjoy, the city awaits you!!

David said...

Serge is not sleeping. He's winking. At me.


Anonymous said...

Fairly clean-shaven as well. But the photo is a great composition with the Eiffel Tower between the two of you in the background.