Did you see the news the other day about breastfeeding? That they have now established that breastfed babies end up more intelligent? (I though it interesting to note that the increased intelligence did not translate into more financial success in life.) I don't think we really neede an extensive study such as this, I mean, nature has had millions of years to perfect its creatures. Man always thinks he can improve on nature's design. We are nothing if not proud.
As we speak, there are probably people out there trying to improve the tulip. I'd wager it can't be done.

Behold perfection.
Purty picture. I have made this my desktop!
I see the study as just another way of heaping guilt on women. Breast milk is great, but if a woman chooses to bottle feed, she is made to feel worthless nowadays. And I had the same question as you - not with respect to finances - but more along the lines of "who cares if you are 2 IQ points higher?"
I wuz not breast fed. I not so dumb. Gee thanks Mom. That is a purdy pitcher. I like them yeller tulips. Ed
My wife chose to breast feed both of our sons. (We had to back off of the decision with the second because of medications that my wife was put on at the time.) I want to emphasize "chose". We were not forced to do so, and we do not look down upon those who choose not to. But we will affirm that there are many benefits to do so. Among them are the antibodies that are passed from mother to child that assist the child in resisting illness.
In a rather snarky way, I would also like to add that, from my experience, most wealthy people that I have had to deal with have evidently not be breastfed.
It's a well-known fact that babies who are breastfed develop a stronger immune system than formula-fed babies, but I hadn't heard about the intelligence factor. Inneresting!
Thanks for your kind comment while I was in hospital. I'm out, recovering, and feeling better every day.
Beautiful tulips, my fave flower. As far as breast feeding, I didn't do it. I had to go back to work at 6 weeks and I worked in the office of the gas and electric company. Mostly male employees. I didn't want to have to explain that I have to go and pump. Today both of my boys are smart and responsible. I know that there are benefits to breast feeding but it's not the end of the world if you don't. I do know from personal experience that women can be made to feel bad if they choose not to. What I like about your blog is that you never know what you will write about!
I agree with Snooze. Did this study also take into account that women who breastfeed are probably in an economic situation that permits them to do so? That supposed bump in intelligence might also be related to economic class.
It seems there are always studies out there to make women feel guilty for their choices.
You know, I was told that I had a greater chance for breast cancer simply because I've never breast fed.
What am I supposed to do, become a wet nurse?
I tried breastfeeding and no one tells you that it frigging hurts and you don't get a damn break! I didn't last long. My kids are both honor roll students. Clearly, I was not asked to participate in this study. :)
The only thing better than tulips is this many of them all in one place!!
I'm with you, Rox. No one told me how much it hurts. I had to give it up after excruciating pain for three months. Benefits, yes, but not everyone can do it.
Hey: what's better than roses on your piano? Tulips on your organ. Badum-bum. Thankyew.
Look at all the pretty flowers!!! I just tried to comment and it fell into the blogger abyss. I love the controversial topics this week, are you feeling feisty? I don't trust studies anymore at all, they change so often based on who is funding them. Who spearheaded this one? La Leche league, or some other pack of boob thumpers?? haha BTW, I did breastfeed, and have been known to be a boob thumper myself.
Boob thumper. That made me blush.
I do think it's worth noting that the tulips are some of the most hybridized, manipulated flowers we have. People have been fooling with their genetics for centuries... not that this contradicts your actual point. I agree that nature is beautifully creative and efficient in its solutions.
My word verification is 'pihole'. I wonder if I'm being told to shut mine. I'm going to post this anyway.
Patrick beat me to it. Tulips have been genetically manipulated by mankind for centuries.
I would like to point out that the word choice is often used in situations where there is less choice than one would imagine. Is it really a choice not to breastfeed if you try for three months and you are in terrible pain and there is no one around you to help with the latch or thrush problems that are probably causing the pain? Is it really a choice if our culture stigmatizes breasts to the extent that it's embarrassing to say you are going to pump? I personally think those are both examples of the way in which our culture has failed to support people even *having* a choice.
Also, it really angers me when people then are made to feel guilty about not breastfeeding. (Or homeschooling or anything else for that matter.) How sweet that the culture doesn't support individuals and then blames the individual themselves. (sarcasm.)
To play devil's advocate...if breastfeeding really does have benefits to health and IQ, shouldn't someone feel guilty for not doing it (if they have a choice)?
If a father or mother failed to give a sick child easily-available medicine, yes, I would judge them.
At the same time...I wonder what the study actually found. If it's just a correlation, it's equally possible that high IQ causes parents to breastfeed, and the smarts also pass on genetically to their children. There could still be a relationship without breastfeeding actually having an effect on IQ.
The yellow tulips are beautiful! Thank you. Low IQs and High IQs, and those in between can find the beauty in this picture I would think.
You're right. Stunning.
Mark :-)
Oh! I feel the same way about the tulip. My very favorite flower. No one better mess with it!
I asked my mom why she didn't breast feed her kids. Her answer."It just wasn't done". When I asked my mother-in-law (who was ten years older than my mom) why she DID, she said "What else are they there for??"
DUH!......It's a no brainer to me!
Wait, what's a brain?? I forgot, hehehehe
"Perfection is not inherent in nature. It is only a concept that we ourselves have invented — and a concept much more deeply ingrained in western thinking than in eastern thinking."
Nature is all but an untidy mutation process... making some mistakes along the way, and that to me,is beautiful!
I also made this photo my desktop background - trusting that your permission is implicit - because it is so gorgeous.
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