But you know what? I was right, the one in the fresh deli section was almost half the price. So I went back and grabbed them. Both of the two remaining. And I felt smug as I finished my shopping. Bargains are like happy beans for me.
Yesterday, I made my famous Caesar Salad. It is a huge pain in the ass because I make everything from scratch including the croutons. (Secretly, I love the egg coddling part) It makes a whole dishwasherful of dishes to make it. So we sit down and start eating it and put some of the Parmesan on the salad (it was also in the dressing) and we just didn't find it to be as perfect as it usually is. Since the parmesan was the only possible deviation from the recipe, I had a look at the package.
My eyes widened in horror when I read closely:

Anyway, I had to laugh at my cheapskate ways, and remember an oft learned lesson - Read the packaging!
I never coddle my eggs. i suppose someday i'm going to poison someone...
Although I must admit that I do enjoy a teeny tiny bit of parmesan on spaghetti or in the olive oil with fresh bread, I really do not like cheese. And something tells me I would dislike "cheese product" even more.
I love grating fresh parmesan and never damage my knuckles. Too funny about your mishap though. I probably would have missed the fine print as well.
Ugh. You and all you other "I make everything from scratch" people. You make me feel like a failure. *sniff* I hope that makes you happy. (Actually, I'm just jealous I don't get a chance to enjoy your meals)
So share your recipe, cheapskate!!!
I wonder what Grated Cheese Product really is? You should do an investigative report. (oh I just shivered at the gross possibilities)
No, no, Tía Torn, it says nothing about your old-lady ways that you took the time to find the price per gram but didn’t read the whole label. Don’t even think that!
“Cheese-product” sounds like such a code word for something. This item, apparently because of provincial and federal laws, can’t even claim to be in the “cheese family.” It had to have a modifier.
Actually, I am horrible at shopping when it comes to prices. Basically, I just go into the store with a list of things that I know I want to buy. I have no idea how much money I will be spending until I check out. It explains a lot about my current financial situation.
Ok I worked in a cheese place eons ago but I remember that Cheese product is made from soybeans. It is little comfort to know that it is actually better for you than real cheese. If it is to good to be true...No it doesn't make you a little old lady...much. Another tip: the store brand comes from the same factory as the national brands and is usually cheaper.
I've never met a cheese I didn't like, as long as it was recognizably still cheese. Cheese food product is the mark of the beast. And lastly cheese is one of the elixirs of life.
I'm a bargain hunter too but there is one thing I learned, Never, ever skimp on cheese or fois gras..
This is very disturbing. :P
Never heard of coddling your eggs
Perhaps I know it as curdling the eggs ;>)
enjoy your hols!
I'm with Daniel the Desert guy on this one.
All cheese is good.
Cheese product?
not so much.
oh now that is just wrong. i feel positively duped, right along with you.
why in hell does the good cheese have to be so expensive, anyway?
This is tragic! But I hope that you used anchovies in your dressing as well...
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