* While on Tuesday's bikeride this week, I got a chance to do my Yul Gibbons impression on video.
* Do you think you could sell your forehead as advertising space? As in a tatoo?
* For me, weather is the constant amazing movie in the sky.

* Spouse squished a big ant yesterday. With his bare foot. Gross.
* You'd think after three months, I'd stop desiring a ciggie. Of course you'd be wrong.
* The only thing "wrong" with fat is visual. Feels great in bed.
* In high school, I was beaten up by a couple of guys who were essentially gay bashing. I remember several kicks to the face while I was curled up on the ground all the while hearing "fucking faggot" hurled at me. Now I see these guys on Classmates and they are all smiley and have families, and all I can think is that I want them to die, to lose a child or to suffer some terrible thing. Jesus Christ I ain't.
Yikes! Kicks to the face? Hunt them down and kill them.
And guess how their kids will grow up? Sad.
I feel bad for their kids.
As for the advertising tattoo, I once offered to get my bands logo tattooed, for a fee. $20,000.
They didn't go for it.
Keep in mind that you can have the tattoo removed (painful and expensive) or covered, so for a higher cost it's not as dumb as at first thought.
Living well is the best revenge. And you are.
I hope you weren't injured in the horrible bike seat incident! OUCH!
Your hair looks like it has lots of silvery strands, is that just the video or are you getting "wise" on us? It looks great! That teeny strawberry made my mouth water.
You may crave cigs for the rest of your life, the key is to remind yourself how disgusting they are and how brave you are.
The fat fact is totally true! At least for me!
The gay bashers will be dealt with, just give me their names...I have connections. Bastards. I ain't Jesus either.
Re: your last point...
Can you post a comment on Classmates saying something about that event?
Like, I dunno, "This man beats up people and degrates them for his own sick and twisted pleasure"?
Oh, what a happy way to start off the weekend!!
Hey, at least you have quit smoking. I have cut back to lights. I have a date 60 days from now to quit completely. I am going to need the patch, or 4.
I quit smoking 10 years now & although I no longer desire a ciggie, I dream that I am smoking all the time. Do you?
It may comfort you to know that the cravings go in fits and starts, and the longer you go without, the more infrequent they become. Every now and then, I still have a doozy, lasting for a longer period but not so strong, and it's been two and a half years.
I love to watch the sky, and there is no better sky to watch than the one here in Alberta, so big and ever-changing.
That is freaky stuff about the gaybashers, I feel sorry for anyone who grows up under the influence of ignorant, mean people. Yuk!
And, hello??? 35+ degrees outside, I would want to slit my wrists! Thank God for A/C. Have a great Friday!!
Regarding fat: having lost a fairly significant amount of weight this past year, I can say that I am happy it is gone. Still, my old ass, with the added fat padding, was just more comfortable to sit on.
High school gay bashing: This is why I will never, ever attend school reunions (though most of my physical torment came at the hands of junior-high classmates). I am just guessing, but I imagine you ended up better looking and with a much more enjoyable life than any of them.
Congrats on 3 months cig-free.
Having lost some weight, I have no desire to put it back on, but I don't mind if my b/f has some extra. Go figure.
Regarding the gay bashing incident: Reading things like that just makes me sick. I have no clue how anyone takes any pleasure in inflicting pain or suffering on another. And that kicking you in the face shit...cowardly. I wonder how they would feel if their children were gay and suffered the same acts of violence?
Take care and have a great weekend.
torn - ad tattoos on foreheads are so 2005.
I am assuming Classmates is some kind of internet service? I would send them each a message along the lines of "My face has healed since the time you kicked it. Hope your soul has as well."
I actually don't like A/C. I can't sleep with it on. I know, not in the mainstream. So be it.
Okay, so here's what you do:
Look up the fuckers' home addresses. Then, write each of their darling wives a letter describing in detail the three-year affair you've been having with their husbands. Explain that you just can't live with the guilt anymore, and that you feel they simply must know about your transcendent love. Sign the letter "Gilda" or something similarly fabulous and send it priority post. Then crack open a beer and enjoy the sweet taste of revenge.
Well, that's what I'd do, anyway...
Do you wonder how many bugs crawled on those strawberries before you ate them without washing them first? I am such a spoil sport. Maybe that is why I too was picked on as a child. In this small town the ones who took my lunch money and shoved my down and threw my homework in the mud puddles are now the city council members and business owners here in town. I was a 90 pound weakling and they certainly made me pay for it. I am not Jesus Christ either but I know he will make them answer for what they did someday. Still I would like to see them all humiliatied. Where is Carrie when we need her? Also, the bicycle with no seat could be a lot of fun;-)
OMG is that one of those thermometers that not only tells you the temperature inside but outside too? Q's parents have been buying them for the whole family this year. They absolutely love theirs and made sure that we all revelled in it's amazingness. I got one for my birthday.
I totally agree about the fat thing. Big in bed is better. But on someone else, not me. Strange huh?
I still love cigarettes too.
Do not eat things in nature. It is not safe. Eat at McDonalds instead. They fry all the scary stuff (like nutrients) out of the food.
I can't stand having a tattoo anywhere on my body, let alone my forehead. :P
As for those gay bashers, I tend to think the Universe is ultimately fair so they'd get what they deserve maybe not in ways you can see but they will. :)
I hope you had your spouse with you at the reunion. Walk up to the bastards and deep tongue your spouse in front of them :)
Now that you're 6'3" giant with a spouse, you can fight them off if they want :)
I can't believe anyone would want to do something that bad to someone as cheerful and upbeat as you.
Then again, maybe they were jealous of that fact. I bet the girls in high school loved you, even though they knew they had no shot.
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