* Okay all you marketing geniuses, it's time we make "old" the new "young". Imagine if all the youth were running around painting on wrinkles and dying their hair gray. I can see it now: boob sagging contraptions and facelift reversals. Why not? Fat used to be thin.
* I found some tight boxer style undies at the dollar store for spouse. He has pronounced them acceptable but if he finds out where I got them, he will never wear them again. (Let's hope he bores early of this post.)
* I have this bad habit of doing something distasteful if someone gets too starry-eyed over me. I have been known to rip out a nasty booger and wipe it on a person. This usually breaks the spell.

*I don't have any emotional connection with the name Ann(e?) Coulter. I understand she gets a rise out of quite a few people. Something like Lady Rush Limbaugh. Why put yourself through it? Just ignore that shit.
*The Friday snippets thing is starting to make me feel hemmed in. This is bad.
That booger thing is just disgusting. The note was adorable, but the booger part has traumatized me.
no F
(Don't you hate it when people show off? Me too.)
I won't wear dollar store underwear either. My bits deserve pampering.
That was Pampering, not Pampers!!!!!!!!!!!
I heart Serge and his cute little notes! We have the same printing style...willy nilly!
How many boogers has he had to endure?
The whole word verification stumps the hell out of me sometimes too, do they HAVE to cram the letters together?!
Serge's note is so cute. :) Yes, a little late but cute nonetheless. :)
These word verification thingys are getting too long.
love the note. love that he calls you beby. love that he wrote a script for you, complete with musical notes and flowers.
oh dear. this comment is starting to sound starry-eyed. please don't wipe a booger on me.
I'm going to try and channel Ann(e?) Coulter to get to the bottom of this "e" or no "e" question.
Ms. Coulter? Torn would like to know how your name is spelt?
--You're a witch Torn. Every time you post a snippet a fetus is miscarrying with your hatred for democracy and your hatred for America. You hate America, you hate, you hate, you hate. Liberals want to destroy this blog and the internet on which it exists.--
There's your answer. Happy friday! xoxox :)
I hope you realize that everyone is falling in love with Serge thanks to the note AND thinks that you two are a great match.
(But a lil part of me thinks there might -- **might** -- have been maybe just a tiny bit of screaming just once...)
As for the Friday snippets, I can see where they could make you feel hemmed in, but they are so enjoyable.
Ann(E) Coulter is off her rocker when she has the damn gall to say those women who's husbands were killed in the World Trade Center are glad it happened. Please don't scream at Serge anymore, o.k.? I read in Dear abby this morning that a lady wanted to have her (grand) son circumcised because he is 15 and starting to turn gay. The columnist pointed out all the gay people that were cut and still turned out gay.
I am not anonymous my name is Ed!
You wiped a 'screaming booger' on your beau to get him up? That's wrong, I'm just saying.
If the Friday tidbits are hemming you in, perhaps you could post another picture like the HNT one. No hems on that thing, I'm sure...and seeing you in something like that is very pleasing to the eye.
Just tryin to be helpful.
Imagine if all the youth were running around painting on wrinkles and dying their hair gray.
Hey, it worked for the 18th century. Why do you think George Washington and crew wore white-powdered wigs? I mean, yes, part of it was to hide their lice, but they could have opted for any color wig. Back in the day, looking old suggested wisdom (which was considered smokin' hot). My how we have fallen as a nation.
I heard Washington and Jefferson were actually lesbians.They just dressed like that so they could meet girls.
And your disgusting thing...I don't think it would work on me. I operate in reverse on that one. On most things, come to think of it...
The two of you are too cute for words. Please don't wipe your booger on me.
I also hate some of those word verifications. This one was dcsazzr.
Love the note and dollar store undies snippets. You two are way too adorable.
Serge said to tell you the dollar store undies have elastic that cuts into his tender skin and they scrunch up to far. I will add his boys deserve only the best.
I hate it when verification codes are stuck together. It looks like "qsalipqr" to me.
I love your spouse's message, very sweet.
I feel like I should be working for some sort of top level code-breaking agency every time I punch in the damn word verification. It feels very tense and important every time, like perhaps the state of the world depends on me being able to crack the code.
But at least I'm not dramatic.
Well, who could help but get starry-eyed over you?
You know, I seem to remember you wiping boogers on me just to be gross. I don't believe starry eyes had anything to do with it.
But again, I am old, and don't always remember things too well.
I HATE these comment boxes that have the verification on them. I never understood why I was lucky enough to NOT have that on mine. Hmmmm. Lately though, it's even more frustrating when the letters don't even show up so you can't comment.
This comment is in no way designed to divert traffic to my blog. The author of this comment assumes no responsibility for the actions of readers of this blog who willfully choose to click on the link accompanying this comment. The choice is theirs and theirs alone. Thank you.
Like the pants! they are almost as short as girls' skirts but then again I suppose they are more like belts!
BOOGERS Sorry took me a few secs to fathom that, bit slow here well it's Saturday!
So when will the scarf be up for viewings?:>)
Take Care
I've never seen dollar store underwear, but rest assured I'll be looking for them every time I go now. You can find anything in those places!
I don't wear underwear anymore except for special occasions...
lol. Boogers? OK...THAT would certainly make my starry eyes turn to coal real quick!
Boogers? You wipe boogers? Oh. MY. GODDESS! I laughed out loud! And boxers at the dollaer store? You are so wicked!
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