* I weighed myself for the first time in a few years yesterday. I am my heaviest ever. 185.
* Did you hear how somone got killed because they were making too much noise while the World Cup playoffs were on? I wonder how many people are going to die over this game before it's all said and done.
* Isn't falling in love just a bad case of obsessiveness?
* Confession: Spouse lost the receipt (for which there might have been the weest marital discord) and the Hydrangea is still a brown stick.
*I washed my robe and then lounged about in it all fluffy and warm. Then I took a shower and discovered green crack lint. Gobs of it.

* One's first mistake is usually to assume that others experience things in the same way. If there's one thing humans aren't, it's uniform.
The firts English match of the world cup last week produced the record for most arrests for brawling in England in one day.
and I think they were all rooting for England...lol
it's amazing how many people (myself included) make the assumption others have the same set of experiences as them...
Green crack lint. You certainly know how to paint a vivid picture.
I passed what I thought was the aftermath of a Portuguese parade on Sunday, with lots of cute cops around. It turned out that two men had been stabbed in the post game festivities.
On another note, I agree with six shooter - quite the vivid imagery of green crack lint.
Forget and forgive, spouse is probably sorry he lost the receipt. Buy a new bush and plant it together. Make a video of it and we can all share in the sure to be amusing experience.
I agree with ed. Also your last snippet is so true.
Isn't falling in love just a bad case of obsessiveness?
Now THIS is something for me to think about... THANKS!
YOu should have taken a pic of the crack lint...that would have been sexy...lol...NOT.
I love Snippe Friday...always gives me some chuckles.
almond extract smells exactly like cherry extract in my opinion so the similar taste would make sense.
I hope its not an assumption to believe that your robe was in fact green and not something else?
I literally fell out of my chair at the prospects that your ass had a green hairball in it. LOL Tears...the sweet tears of laughter.
We weigh the same, excdept I'm creeping towards my skinniest.... :(
Wouldn't it be amazing if at some point, I ended up weighing less than you?
And my mouth gooshed just at the picture of the Dairy Queen.
Oh thanks a lot! Now I'm craving Dairy Queen in about the only town in North America that is NOT home to one!
Be happy the receipt was for something as inexpensive as an Hydrangea! My other half has lost MAJOR receipts which forced us into ownership of costly items we didn't even need or want.
It’s like the songs says: “Love is a stranger in an open car to tempt you in and drive you far away...”
Awfully convenient for you to blame the robe for your green-crack lint.
I hope love isn't a paedophile.
I think I've done the same thing with Cherries and Almonds as well. Strange. And I love Dairy Queen, and I don't know why because the ice cream isn't very good. (just my opinion) And I love the falling in love being equated with obviousness.
I love your friday snippets and I think I am going to try to do my own Friday bits now too! You are an inspiration :-)
umm, hate to sound dumb, but what's gooshing? A lot depends on this.
I don't get it. Almonds. Cherries. They taste TOTALLY different for me. Totally. You must be a scientific marvel. :)
My daughter works at DQ. Did you know that people ALWAYS eat the curl first? She watches them in drive through and has never seen anyone eat it differently.
Yeah, how tall are you, cuz 185 seems kind of light...mind you, you do have those lovely abs. hm. I'm going to try not to think about this one too much. ha!
Now that i have received your kind instruction on gooshosity, I concur. That totally
makes me goosh.
Amazing how the so called sacred and profane are in such close proximity, in all of life. I think the proximity makes stuff exciting.
*CrY**WaIL**WaH* I miss Dairy Queen!!! I want a peanut buster parfait NOW!
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