* Can you honestly say that you are 100% happy and fulfilled? Is this even a valid question?

* According to that book I just read, 72 species on the planet perish every minute. Much of this is due to rain forest destruction.
* Video Snippets I fantasized about making this week with the cellphone:
-Spouse comes home drunk
-My hemmerhoid: An in-depth look
-Dog bodily functions - this week, grass eating followed by barfing
- Talking to Quebecers: What happened to your teeth?

* Can I buy unstained and untorn jeans? I picked up (but did not buy) a pair of $130 Guess jeans and it had both stains and tears. $130!
* Wicked, wicked thunderstorms Wednesday. I was in heaven.
I feel 100% happy and fulfilled occasionally, much too briefly though, and not at this middle of the night, unintended sleep deprived moment. 100% happy and fulfilled 100% of the time might seem boring or go unrecognized without some back drop.
I couln't bring myself to buy jeans for $130.
A pet rooster? Did you live on a farm? I would have been terrified of it too. As for your planned videos, I think drunk spouse is the one to go for. I loved your HNT pics, but don't feel that I need to see your hemmerhoid.
You were scared of the rooster, but you have gummy cock feet. A sublimal connections exists somewhere.
I had a pet rooster named Oscar. He was a Rhode Island Red. They are known for their tempers. Mine was no exception. One day he got out of his pen and I went out to get the mail. On the way to the mailbox I was flogged by him several times. Everytime I moved he would jump at me an scratch my legs. I was 8 or 9 years old. I stood still for what seemed like hours until he wandered away and I ran for the house. A few days later he attacked my mom while she was out hanging clothes on the line. We had roasted chicken for Sunday dinner.
Those storms were fantastic, weren't they?
As for your video fantasies, if you ever do go ahead with that, please label them clearly when you post them Particularly the hemmerhoid thingy.
You were afraid of your Red cock? Interesting.
(Sorry, someone had to say it.)
What about that caramel spread they eat there?
Quebecers also love their Vachon cakes and cream soda.
I can easily comment on each and every one of your snippets, but I won't... ok, maybe a couple of 'em.
I've seen what dogs eat, and I'm surprised your dog barfed it out, instead of, you know, the other bodily function for removal of waste.
I've wanted to ask what's wrong with certain people's teeth, but am afraid I will be left without my own after asking the question.
I've never bought an expensive pair of jeans b/c I can ruin them just as easily as a $50 pair from the Gap.
The gummies definately put a smile on my face indeed, and I love the lemon lime cave.
I LOVE a good thunderstorm!
Cool cans :>)
have a happy weekend
i tend to think that if and when i'm 100% happy and fulfilled, it'll be time to go to the next level. game over, thank you for playing.
frightening that the vanishing species seem to play by the opposite rules.
I would have made some gay-man/cock jokes, but many others beat me to it. Drats!
I hear, though, roosters are mean.
Happiness is not a natural human state, it is temporary and transitory. It's a survival instinct - don't want to get too complacent when there are predators afoot.
I wouldn't buy any jeans that cost over $50. It's just not that important to showcase my ass.
I did some research on hemorrhoids on the net preparing a post on Sen arlen specter, who is a hemmorrhoid. Some of the most godawful uuuuugly pics imaginable. So I look forward to the post.
Also, Gummy cock feet is somehow just too exciting. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it.
Gummy Cock Feet? Wow. That I've never seen. When are the gummy penis' becoming available?
I'm a huge fan of loud thunderstorms and we got some this week too! :)
After reading all your comments I have to add...$130 is nothing for a pair of good fitting jeans. You can wear them every day, unlike stupid $300 dresses that women wear once or twice. I don't go for the prestained, ripped look though.
somehow, I never made it past gummy cock feet. Cocks have feet?
But stained jeans are HAWT!!! I recently bought a pair with bits of white paint splattered near the left pocket - the pattern the paint makes is so deliberately random - I just love them. They are so very wicked. :)
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