So Serge washed them and then placed them back in their spot to dry overnight. Some days later, as I was vacuuming, I went to move the rugs so I could vacuum underneath, and they wouldn't budge. It seemed like they had been glued to the floor. As I tried to lift the rugs, it was like pulling on really sticky tape. And then this:

It seems as though the wet carpet and the varnish had some kind of "superglue" reaction and now if we pull up the carpet, the varnish and stain on the floor come up too. I was and am horrified at this. The tag certainly didn't alert us to any danger to our floor from the carpet. (Which would be very very salient, considering you would be placing the carpets onto the floor.) When Serge saw it, he was delighted. Why? Because now we can REDO the hardwood floors. Of course he's right, but my solution is going to work just as well at a fraction of the price (and work). Buy new area rugs for those spots! This could become a source of future discord, I'm sure.
I vote for redoing the floors [I realize you aren't polling your readers. I just felt compelled]
Redoing the floors? O the pain! O the anguish! O the humanity! (but probably necessary sooner or later).
Our new house has nicely finished hardwood floors nearly throughout. I am well nigh anal about keeping them nice, especially when we ripped up the carpets in the former house and discovered what a mess the hardwood floors underneath had become.
They go in the washer do they also go in the dryer? Lesson learned. At least now they won't move around. They are not worth having discord about them.
WHEN you end up re-doing them (not to encourage the future discord or anything), you should consider staining them dark. I love me some dark hardwood floors.
No offense, but why would you ever put a wet rug back on the floor to dry? Wouldn't you hang it, like over a shower curtain or a banister or something, to let it dry first?
Yeah, I'm kinda with david. Serge knew the mats had rubber backing, right?
Wouldn't it kinda be the same as if you put a glass without a coaster on a wooden coffee table?
But, newly finished floors always look so lovely.
i was wondering the same as David when i saw the pic..
Wet anything on a wood floor??
As soon as I read the part about "machine washable" I thought to myself "PLEASE don't tell me he put those damp rugs down on the wood floors..."
I always throw my washable area rugs in the dryer on low heat for a few minutes, but hanging them to dry is fine too, of course.
hmmm. let's examine the facts.
serge put the wet rugs on the floor and then was subsequently "delighted" at the prospect of refinishing the floors.
that's either a helluva case of turning lemons into lemonade (good luck translating that one) or serge had a secret ulterior motive.
actually, let's blame the big corporation. it's ikea's fault!
Those are the types of things that ruin a whole day.
I need to redo our hardwood too. Seems the last people that did sanded the floor against the grain. It looks rustic but drives me insane.
Rubber backed rugs will do damage to lino too, they really are the devil's work!
Is that your hand or Serge's?
We've always washed rugs in the tub by hand, then let them drip dry in the sun.
But isn't it so perfectly 'IKEA' for them to come apart? Although I love the store immensely, there's always a part missing or something not quite right with IKEA's products.
Oh the mingled joy and pain of being married to a home "fix-it" kind of guy. Although I lose myself in admiration of any guy who can fix things. "Guyness" is the hugest aphrodisiac for me.
That's what you get for shopping at Ikea :) (joke)
I also sense a sort of purpose in Serge's putting (while damp) down on the hardwood floor.
Yikes that looks nasty. I'd say a pint of chocolate ice cream is called for (to dull the pain).
Refinish hardwood floors = an unbelievable amount of dust. I have to disagree with Dantallion. We put dark, espresso coloured hardwood down in our place. It looked beautiful for one day. Then the dust settled. Then every single cat hair was visible. Not to mention that every single scratch, indent, dent, etc is instantly visible too. I knew the risks going into it, and thought it would be ok, but I will never, ever put dark hardwood down again. Not unless we have no pets, never walk on it and have it cleaned professionally every week.
Oh - and I totally think Serge did it on purpose.
I'd say just move forward and do what ya gotta do, because otherwise it could get down right ugly. IMHO
Serge knew all along that would happen to the floors. I'm onto his devious plan.
BTW, get a professional to do it - it will save you a lot of headaches (and arguements).
Mmm, I think -no don't take offense - that I would've never placed wet carpets on any type of floor to dry.
I'm with you, though, in that I would probably cover it up with new carpets.
But, I guess that if Serge is eager to redo the hardwood floors, well then let him at it.
Smile and let him do it -but help some.
He wants to redo the floors over THAT? Give me a break.
I'm with you -- just buy new area rugs.
Had the same problem with the IKEA rugs over here! Dammit.
Uh, how bout you just don't do what you are doing in that picture ever? When you move just throw in the nice little area rugs with the sale price and run like hell.
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