Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12 of 12

I took all these over a 24 hour period from mon to tuesday. This is my first shot at 12 of 12.

It all starts with a sunrise. This is out the back and I caught this as I was refilling my coffee.

Off to work, I walk down to the metro after crossing the train track bridge.

A sad but frequent sight downtown. Apparently there's no room inside for the guy sleeping.

Hard to see, but snow blowing off the roofs of downtown buildings.

I love this city, there's such magnificence in the old buildings.

Cops patrolling downtown on horseback.

Just outside Serge's work, you see the Jacques Cartier Bridge. This is one of the main arteries leading to the island of Montreal.

The up high billboards for the folks crossing the bridge.

Down in the underground city. A corridor snakes out of sight.

I give classes here at the magnificent Caisse de Depot building downtown.

Then the walk back to the subway. It's always dark when I go home now.

Finally, home sweet home.


Java said...

Wonderful pictures! You live in a gorgeous city.

Anonymous said...

I can see why you love this city so much... lovely photographs and not one sngle dog turd amongst them!


My adventures said...

I've only been once for a very short visit but it looks cold, I'll wait till summer to see it all again! I stayted in Mont Royal, is that right? Anyway, it was gorgeous!!!

Doug said...

Awesome photos. As Christopher said, it is a beautiful city.

Snooze said...

You capture it very well.

Anonymous said...

Torn, your city is beautiful and if you ever need extra cash you could be a tour guide.
I love your sunrise pictures. The homeless person sleeping in the doorway of a cathedral speaks volumes to my human soul, thanks. Ed

Lemuel said...

That was a cool pictorial journey through your day. Thank you for sharing!

I have been in Montreal twice in my life and both times I was struck by the magnificence and ["old" European?] grandeur of the city.

I also must concur with your assessment of the sadness of seeing a homeless man sleeping on the steps of a church. What an indictment!

Summer said...

Nice pictures, the church and homeless person speaks volumes. Love the underground pic. I was in Montreal once many years ago. I remember cobbled streets and no one would speak English in the store. Going to visit again someday.

bardelf said...

I love Montreal. Thank you for reminding me of its beauty!

Patricia said...

how lovely to tag along with you through your day. as always, you saved the best - home - for last.

Cooper said...

Lovely winter mosaic. I really like the train tracks and the snaking metro. And placing a little of home and hearth at the end was perfect.

Polt said...

Oustanding!! I never get such awesome shots for my 12 of 12.


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are always great. Are you like me though? I have to take 120 photos to get 12 good ones.

Rox said...

You sure get around in a day!! Stellar pictures! You have a good eye. Well, you probably have two good eyes I guess. :)

lattégirl said...

Not born but definitely bred in that city, I must say you've taken some exceptional photos that made me pause and think: "Where is this? Which building?"

I don't know why I had the impression that your teaching job was on the West Island. Now I know you're in Le Vieux... nice place to look at, and take pictures of, but nowhere to go for lunch!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rox said stellar.

I love your pictures. Thanks.

Mark in DE said...

I like this concept of "12 of 12". Might this become a recurring Sticky Crows feature?

Montreal is beautiful!

Mark :-)

Devo said...

Great pictures, why is it that although they were all great, the start and finish are my favorites? Nice tree, all aglow like that.

TJ said...

A very interesting way to give people a view of your world. I love the pictures and what they represent as part of your everyday life at that particular moment. You have given me an idea of which I may steal from you. Anyway, with all that said beautiful pictures of a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

we were just in Montreal this past weekend.

we stayed at place d'armes hotel in old Montreal and went to our favourite restaurant on Duluth called au pied du cochon

it wasn't too cold either!

Jen said...

Hey Torn, just as I was about to read your blog today I was thinking "I need to so something different with my blog" and then here was your post. Mine compliments yours not just by being in the neighbourhood (Ottawa) but has the sunset. Enjoy.

Cameron said...

EXCELLENT PICS, especially #1, #2, #8 and #9.

All of the shots provide an insightful, vivid look into your city.

Thank you for sharing!

Lacey said...

Yes, it's a wonderful format for a blog. You DO believe that imitation is the highest form of flattery, don't you?

about a boy said...

beautiful. awesome. great idea! i might have to borrow it.

thank you so much for sharing your little patch of the world.

Tony Adams said...

Wow. Those pics really brought me right back to Logan Street for some reason. Thanks. I really need to return for a visit (but not till winter is over)

Willym said...

damn you made me homesick - almost want to be back living at Peel and Sherbrooke rather than in Rome. You'll notice I said almost - but it still makes me homesick.

Anonymous said...

What a great sequence of pics! I enjoyed these.