I got the tree put up yesterday. It almost didn't happen because I'm suffering from some kind of bug I picked up. I pushed through the sickiness to get it done. Then I tried to do some on-line shopping and had a heck of a time. See, a lot of sites only let you purchase if the billing address on your credit card is in America. I have an American credit card, but since I live here...... you get the idea. I was particularly disappointed in the M&M's site because even though they say "US and Canada" only, the form only accepts US billing addresses. I had wanted to use
Patricia's idea and get some customized candies where you can have words printed on them. I thought this would be a great souvenir for our upcoming family holiday gathering. But no. Sheesh, I sure am having trouble as a customer lately. Does nobody want my money? It took me over an hour to get the Cheesecake Factory site to let me purchase two gift certificates. I almost gave up. I think I'll try to find things on Amazon, as I have been buying with them for years and never had a problem.
Yesterday, one of the tenants moved out (back to France) and we (mostly serge, me sicky) had to do some deep cleaning for the new tenant due to move in today. I love it when the Europeans leave as they leave so much behind. Our haul this time included a bicycle, ironing board, 3 big cans of maple syrup, flour, sugar, coffee, butter, and a big package of prosciutto among other things. The guy also left a bunch of shirts that I guess he didn't need. Cha ching! Like an early Christmas.
I've never thought about mail order to Canada... if you need an American billing address, feel free to contact me and use mine. I won't even charge you a custom m&m.
Hope you get to feeling healthier quickly.
-C (http://christopherc.wordpress.com/)
Your tree is so lovely. Your apartment is very nice. What I like most of all about the picture is Sara sitting there looking unamused.
I like your frugality. The guy went ot France and left lots of treasures. Please resist teh temptatin to wrap any of this stuff up for Christmas presents.haha! Ed
Looking good with the decorations! And weird and wild about the whole credit card/US deal....I do like the idea of hot, cute men leaving behind their sweaty shirts for you/me/anybody, though. Yummo. Good luck on feeling better.
Now, here's the question; are the shirts the right size?
And I'm so weird about other people's foodstuffs. I mean sure, I'll eat something you made, and I know there's far more opportunity for germs and whatnot to be in something that's been handled, but still. I'd only want the things if the packages weren't opened. Still, a bicycle even by itself is pretty cool.
I'm sorry you feel icky.
When I saw the words "package of proscuitto" I felt a small wave of nausea. Like laverne above me, the idea of someone else's foodstuffs is a little off-putting.
I hope you're feeling better and that you don't have the soul-killing bug that R and my mother and Blobby got. Yuck.
I hope the "icky" at the end of your Christmas is over soon. Mmmmm, maple syrup. I love the stuff so much, there are few things I wouldn't enhance with it. Score!
I have found the address thing a problem, too ... even when I tried to sponsor an American for a charity walk, they wouldn't let me.
I've had the same problem with the credit card issue. The way I've solved is to keep an American credit card linked to an address in the US and choose paperless online statements so whoever's address you use are not bothered by your bank statements in the mail.
Again, I feel like everyone is ready for Christmas except me. I have yet to dig the tree out of the box and set it up. I feel like the March Hare..."I'm late! I'm late!"
Feel better soon! Have some gatorade. I swear it is the miracle cure for me whenever I feel yukky!
I had this problem all the time during my almost 4 years of living in Japan. I kept and used my US credit cards, but had a hell of a time.
I love the customized M&Ms. Do you have someone in the US who will help you maybe make the purchase and then you can pay them or something? I'd be happy to help if I can!
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am beginning to think I am the only person in the world who doesn't put up a tree.
Hope you feel better soon!
It sounds like a tenant moving out is like getting your own personal dumpster-diving spree. What a deal!
Don't get me started about credit cards. I had the audacity to move to a different zip code.
My card works with some web sites, but one on others it won't work. So one day I put my old address into the site that wouldn't accept my card. Bingo! It worked.
Seems that some card processors in the U.S. don't get updates from issuing banks, or maybe are connecting to an older server of the issuing bank.
Good thing I remember where I lived.
the tree looks very nice. I hope your ickiness is history.
We won't put up a tree for at least another week, maybe longer. I do a tree mainly for the kidlets.
Feel better soon.
And I'll be happy to take whatever money you would like to send.
Sorry you've got a bug! Maybe you could go down and breathe or cough all over Mr. Chopy's food. :D
Very nice tree.
Very nice tree.
I cannot be bothered anymore.
And I love Sara, bored, maybe a bit amused.
Good timing, we just bought some village stuff here for the crhistmas tree :)
wrap up the French presents for yourself and put them under the tree. Put Love, The French on every box.
You should get an American PO box. And also an American to check the PO box and send you your stuff.
your tree is beautiful!
i can't believe the M&Ms site won't ship to you. but like all the others, i'd be happy to oblige and ship them to you. i even have a code to get an extra bag for free :)
smooches to sara!
Pretty tree. Get well soon, and enjoy the holidays!
Such a beautiful tree :)
Great haul! I love bonus gifts.
Gotta love those European jet-setters. Free stuff for you!
Guess I never considered the difficulty those outside the US might have with online shopping.
Here's an idea: get a new credit card just for online shopping, and have the billing address be your parents address in CA. They can always forward the bill to you. That way you can shop online like an American!
Congrats on the early Christmas presents a la the exiting tenant!
Mark :-)
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