Thursday, December 06, 2007

HNT and candidature

Hey guess what? This blog has been nominated for an award! Actually, I don't know if it's an award, but it would certainly give one bragging rights. I'm in the category "Best GLBT Canadian Blog" over at this site, where, if you scroll down a ways, you'll see my category. And if you've gone that far, you could also VOTE for me. I don't need to win, but I'd hate to come in way last which is where I'm sitting now. Also, I don't know anything about the competition, so maybe I deserve to be way last, who knows. It's still great to receive recognition. Everybody loves that.

Also, since it's thursday and all, (and since I want your vote lol) and since I've neglected my half-nekkid-thursdays duties for some time, I thought I'd show you the fetching style of Hanes I'll be wearing for the next 5 months. Happy HNT!


Lapis Ruber said...

Not come across your blog before. I am impressed by all that snow as we don't often get it here in UK.
Hope the Hanes keep you warm where it matters.:-) Happy HNT

Zoely said...

nice but i think the silk longjohns are both warmer & less obtrusive!

Doug said...

HHNT Torn! I'll be voting Tornocrat in this election.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about elections one way or another, but I'll vote for you just because you're so damn sexy!!! I'm drooling over here! ;)

HHNT hottie!

Anonymous said...

Nice :-)

Polt said...

On you, anything is 'fetching'! Always love your HNT's, perhaps because they're so rare!


dantallion said...

The Hanes are a great idea. It's freakin' freezing out there this morning.

Anonymous said...

Sexy Torn I tried to vote but all I got were titles with no selections such as Best comedy. BEst adult, Best Australian and yes even best Canadian Blog but nothing listed under the headings. I'll try again later. Ed

Lacey said...

Well THAT gets my vote! Apparently others feel the same way, as I see you have moved up in to second place at the moment.

Lemuel said...

Perhaps if some politician participates in HNT, I'll consider voting for him, too. :)

Anonymous said...


You got my vote for sure. HHNT!!!

about a boy said...

now thats hot!

Jason said...

I'd vote anyway.

BTW, I'm not eating ever again.

Rox said...

Way to get votes, dude!!

GayProf said...

I SO voted for you for Homecoming Queen or... er . . . BEST LGBT CANADIAN BLOG.

Patrick said...

Wow. Yum. I had no idea. I haven't been reading your blog that long, I guess.

My adventures said...

fetching indeed!!!

My adventures said...

and your in second place now... vote whore!!! lol!!! i'm sure if you posted naked pics, it'd be a landslide... ha!! good luck, i'll keep voting as long as i can remember!!!

Vixen said... make Hanes look goooooooooood.

TK Kerouac said...

Very sexy, love that you are from Quebec
Happy HNT!

dpaste said...

I'm nominated, too, and I voted for you already. I guess from the comments you can vote multiple times. Good luck!

Curtis said...

I wasn't going to bother to vote, but you showed us your long underwear, so, okay, I'll vote now.

Patricia said...

i must be an old married lady because i want to see more of that great looking bathtub.

oh and is it just me as i go through infertility crap or does your t.p. holder look like a giant sperm?

Cooper said...

I have the exact same ones! It's now -28 degrees and I need them!

I have voted. You ARE the GLBT people's choice!

Steven said...

That's a nice pattern on your shower curtain! And the colors seems to be reflective in the colors of your blog. Where did you get that shower curtain?

All kidding aside, "WOOF" is right. I can even see the "six pack" showing. Stay warm in your new Hanes!

Johanne said...

You should participate more often... For sure, you will be nominated in many other blog awards... ;-))

TJ said...

You got my vote, and nice long johns.

Anonymous said...

Wow, actual long john underwear. Reminds me of my youth.

Congrats on your nomination, dude. Your blog is choice. I'm not surprised somebody highlighted with an award.

Chicks will be digging that photo. Too bad, huh?

Cameron said...

I just voted, and sure hope you win.

You deserve to win because your blog is EXCELLENTLY written, great subject matter, and you're very faithful about posting.

I'd have to say that your blog is my favorite, followed closely by Lightning Bug's Butt. You guys know how to WRITE, and to reach your audience.

Mark in DE said...

Nice HNT photo!

I voted for you, and see that you're in 1st place in your category. GO TORN!!!

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to say it...

I'm not...

but you know what I'm thinking...

lattégirl said...

Keep posting pictures like that and I'll invent an award just for you.

Java said...

Hmm, very Canadian Winter. Not quite as sexy as 'about a boy and his breifs(' but damned good looking nonetheless.

Torn, you are such a good looking guy you'd look sexy in just about anything.

Lyvvie said...

Thermals!! Oh the splendid joys of extra warm underthings. I heart thermals.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

i voted for you. love the blog.

Anonymous said...

Just back from the polling station, and very pleased to discover that you are way out in front. Of the poll, that is... ;)

bardelf said...

Indeed ye are a fetching lad!

Anonymous said...

Hot. And I'd vot for you more often if you did a "other half naked thursday" pic. Of course, I did save that pic you sent me...