Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bird day

That's what serge calls it anyway. It's my bird day. Actually most of the native French speakers don't say that word quite right. They'll substitute "d" or "t" or "s" in place of that unvoiced "th" in the word "birthday". The Quebecers tend to substitute with "d", hence bird day. Today is my bird day and I've got to work as it turns out. No matter, 43 is really no big cause for celebration. I think I'll insist on going out for dinner, however. We'll see. In the meantime, here look out our happy hour cloudburst we had yesterday.


CoffeeDog said...

Happy Bird Day

You and Serge are so cute, like little kids out there in the rain.

My adventures said...

Hope it's a great day!! That was some storm. You guys should really visit down here when there's a hurricane since you like storms so much, it would blow you away. Figuratively and literally!

Lemuel said...

Have a great birthday!

Jen said...

'appy bird day/ bonne fete

dpaste said...

Hippo birdie two ewes.

I'd forgotten we are only a few months apart. I join you in October. I'm feeling 43 is going to be a "meh" birthday as well.

But you'll always be older than me. :-)

Polt said...

Well happy birthday, you dirty old bird. :) I hope you get only the presents you want. :)


Patricia said...

Happy Day, Richard!

Totally do dinner. And dessert, too. Do they do the disgusting clapping and singing thing anywhere? If so, I think you should go there.

Greg said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

I was moving on my 43rd last year AND hosting a Christmas party at work, I think. (In college, it was usually finals...)

So working isn't so bad...enjoy your dinner out and have an wonderful day!!

(Oh, yah, if you're setting up for some lightning photography ...you really should do it before that first martooni...cute video)

RJ March said...

Definitely insist on dinner out.

Wish I could buy you a Martini-- "from the guy at the bar..."


A Lewis said...

oh, I'm afraid I must disagree that 43 isn't worthy of anything. I think it's VERY SPANK WORTHY. Swat, swat, swat, swat, swat...shall i go on? I thought not. Happy birtfday.

Mark in DE said...

Here's wishing you a very happy birthday!

Mark :-)

Curtis said...

And many happy returns of the day!

Lyvvie said...

Happy birthday!! Hope it's brilliant! Hope you get lots of pressies. Remember - no smoking on your birthday - that's not a present you want.


Anonymous said...

In California, rain would be a wonderful birthday present right now.

Have a good one!

Rox said...

Happy Birthday Torn! May you never lose your fascination with the little things like rain, flowers, church doors and turds.


Anonymous said...

Happy B-day (whatever the "B" stands for) without smoke (except for the candles after you blow them out)!


Phronk said...

'appy birdtfsday

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I was just 43. It was a lovely time of life.

Greg said...

Hippo Bird Day!

just thought I'd take it to the extreme. Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Bonne fĂȘte! So that means you're three weeks older than I am. Like you, I'm not finding 43 to be a big deal. At any rate, do insist on and have a great dinner tonight!

Anonymous said...

I'll add my good wishes to you this day. It's good to see that you don't take the numbers seriously.

The storm looked like fun, and Serge knew just how to celebrate: with a martini!

Butch said...

A very Happy Birthday and may you have many, happy returns!!

Only 43, eh? From where I'm perched in the tree, 43 looks mighty young to dis ole birdy. ;-)

Java said...

Happy Bird Day, Torn! My dad's second wife always pronounced that precipitation "rang". She wasn't from Quebec, though. She was from Arkansas. So are you celebrating your bird day in the rang?

The thunderstorm looks fun. :)

TJ said...

Happy B-Day! All the best!

Summer said...

Happy Birthday to a fellow Leo! I wish I was 43.

don said...

Appy Bird Day Eh! Tabernac!

dantallion said...

Happy birthday, Wordo.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. It may be true that 43 doesn't sound momentous, but that doesn't mean it's not worthy of celebration. Hope you had a lovely dinner with your lovely man!

David said...

Happy Birthday, Torn.

You had a down pour, we had an earthquake.


Patrick said...

Happy Bird-day Torn, sorry I'm so late to the party. I'm glad to see you followed through in dinner out, even if it the place you'd hoped for. I just turned 42 myself, and was feeling like it was pretty unnoteworthy as well. when is the next 'biggie'? 45? 50? Maybe we should start making big fusses over all of them.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had fun celebrating the 14th anniversary of celebrating your 29th bird-day! :-)