December really arrived brusquely. We were in the single digits (F) all day yesterday and a big snowstorm is forecast for this evening. We better get used to it, Environment Canada has issued their winter forecast and they're calling for the coldest winter in 15 years. Yesterday, I didn't leave the house but I made a lot of progress on the Christmas cards. I hope to crank out the rest of them today. Spouse has convinced me to wait until next weekend to put up a tree (he's right, it'll get too dried out if we put it up today.)
My mom is out deep sea fishing on her annual 17 day trip to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The boat she's on has some kind of uplink and (much like a blog) there are updates from the trip posted every day. I saw this shot of my mom posted there. This fish she caught weighs more than twice what she weighs. Pretty impressive, I'd say.

I'm not really fond of the bloodbath that is fishing, but boy do I love the smoked tuna mom makes with her catch.
We used to go out into the Atlantic fishing with my Uncle growing up. I hated the smell and the fact his boat had no facilities, but I enjoyed being out with my Dad and Uncle a lot... and the meals Mom and my Aunt prepared with the catch was always assured to be wonderful.
Fond memories from my youth... hope she gets a lot of tuna; fell free to give her my address to ship some down this way!!
-C (
HOLY MACKERAL! That is one huge fish. It is very good for your Mom to stay so active. My mom gets winded pushing a cart at wal-Mart. Ed
How does one reel in a fish like that?
She goes for 17 days?? Holy moly.
So cool that your mom goes deep sea fishing. Great photo!
Hunker down for the storm! Lots of hot chocolate and romantic movies.
Um, your mom ROCKS! That is unreal. I had no idea a person could catch a fish that big. I, too, don't get into fishing, but that is impressive.
Fishing isn't my thing, either, but good for your mom for being out there enjoying her life!
I keep hearing that Environment Canada warning too and I think back of the last winter we lived here and it was -48C. My parents were visiting and my dad asked "How do you people live in this shit?!"
Hey I saw an Outhouse calendar yesterday and thought of you. Is that wrong?
I remember your mom's tuna-fest last year, I hope she sends you a case of it!
I am so cold already and it just barely turned December.
The fish is impressive.
i LOVE your mom!!! Good for her!!!
That's the biggest fish ever!!!!
That's an impressive fish, and an impressive mom for reeling it in.
I have romantic ideals of snow. That may be because I have never really experienced it.
Hey, Christopher, at least you, being a guy, could piss off the side of the boat. Wish I were so lucky.
my mind can't even process that photo, it looks unreal! she's no chicken of the sea, your mom.
errr, sorry, that was really awful.
Christmas cards? Ugh. Ours are piled up neatly in their little boxes.
Weatherwise the same thing happened here in the northeast U.S. We went from 50's and 60's down to 20's and 30's. And they're predicting a cold winter and with oil prices over $3 a gallon I'm not looking forward to it.
How cool that your mom does deep sea fishing.
Wow, what a fish and what a mom! I went deep sea fishing in Hawaii and caught a blue marlin. When I got it to the boat a crewman took out a small lead bat and started beating the fish. I asked why? They responded that they had to kill it before they brought it into the boat. I was appalled and told them I didn't plan on keeping the fish, let it go. They wouldn't do it. Even though I didn't want the fish, they wouldn't let it go because it looked good for their boat to bring in a big fish. That was the end of my fishing days. I puked over the side of the boat then.
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