I threw up the moment after I took this picture. (See what I put myself through to bring my life to life for you?)
These potatoes were inside of a refridgerator at the new place. Pornstar had decided that it would be better to seal the entire fridge with duct tape instead of cleaning it out. And then, as a bonus, he unplugged the fridge - all the better for festering don't ya know.
We had to clean it out and tidy up the newly available apartment. (Because pornstar kicked out the old tenant who was apparently a junkie and a perpetrator of robbery. Oh but he didn't mention any of that to us until he had already done it. Even though we're the owners. We had to chastise him severely for this and talk to the police. He doesn't seem to take chastising well.)
Since it appears we are no longer on speaking terms with pornstar (a child he is, plain and simple) I foresee other little surprises. (And I sure hope he's not reading this, lol)
The good news is that he and his wife have found a new place to live and will be out within two weeks.
That is just discusting!?
I never heard of storing Potatoes in the Refrigerator. I have smelled rotten ones though, not an odor to make one hungry. Can't wait to read about the surprises Pornstar left in the bedroom.
yecch! rotten potatoes! it's a wonder you held your cookies long enough to take the pic. from the picture they are too far gone to consider planting.
and HOO-ray for the impending departure of porn star! we'll all plan a party in two weeks to help you celebrate.
All I can say is I'm so happy for you that you've decided to take over sooner rather than later, and get rid of these people. Life's way to short for that kind of crap.
good to hear that he is getting out!
Do you have shoes that match a neon yellow HazMat suit?
At least he's leaving. You'll only have to clean that place once. Hopefully.
Lots and lots of hot water and bleach.
Plus, I loved that you used "eh" in a sentence.
gross gross gross.
And barfing? Way gross.
Pornstar sounds like a nut job. The whole sealing and then unplugging seems to be directed at you, the new owners, rather than at the kicking out of the old tenent.
By what stretch of imagination could doing that be called a good thing?
My mind is reaching trying to figure out his reasoning.
He's crazy.
Jacques Strap the Pornstar has a wife?
Mon dieu.
That's just nasty. If you can't have faith in Porn Stars, who can you trust?
What a nutjob!
Glad you will be through with him soon.
Ewww. That's one of the reasons why I'm not too keen on being a landlord.
Although there is no yousmell.com, there was an ismell.com briefly back in the dot.com days. The iSmell was a little device that had different scented cartridges that you plugged into your PC. The theory behind it was that they could generate different smells depending on the different site you were surfing, game you were playing, etc. Somehow it didn't survive the bubble burst.
That leaves me wondering what smell would come out when your computer crashed? And I can't begin to imagine what all the spyware/adware/viruses would do to it today.
Spuds you don't like! hee heee
sorry we have Spudulike here, it's a cafe/ fastfood spud chain if my remark was wasted
nice video of place too, was that a well deserved beer in the hand of spouse? :>) hope you had one!
I just hate it when somebody plays to the sterotype, like PornStar. It's taking the low road, you know, the one more travelled.
HE'S MARRIED!?!?!? And did you really throw up? The thing is that the whole duct tape on the fridge makes absolutely no sense? What bullshit.
As I've written in the past about the slovenly nature of my own apartment's previous tenant, I feel your pain.
Whoah... that is nasty....
The only thing that smells worse than a rotting potato is, well, nothing really SMELLS worse than that does it?!
I would have puked too. I hate cleaning fridges, even my own. I would rather scrub a hundred toilets than clean one fridge. BLECH!
the tator pic made me gag. i can't imagine smelling them.
Nasty taters, NICE tile floor though...
The thing that bothered me the most was when you said Pornstar will move out in TWO weeks. If he's still living there I would have insisted he clean out the frig!
I had ONE bad potato here the other day and I gagged - I can't imagine a fridge FULL of 'em!
You and your spouse are adorable :)
Rotten potatoes, delinquent pornstars and home renovations...Clearly your marriage can survive anything! Hopefully things will only be getting better!
WHY do people DO stuff like that?!
What happened to the wiring in their brains?
Why on earth would he seal the potatoes in an unplugged fridge??
just being a dick I guess
Not even a chance to examine D's tater sack up close & personal would make me want to deal with those rotten taters! JAJAJAJA!
When I saw the pic, I knew there was going to be trouble.
2 more weeks?
I would be very nervouos about what PS and wife could do in that time.
I knew, vaguely and he wasnt a friend, a guy who smeared poop all over teh walls when he was booted out. I hope you dont get that at least...
Omg, I can almost smell that from here. That's just SOOOOO incredibly foul. What a dickhead he was.
A chld porn star? And with a wife, no less. Are those legal in Canada? :)
The potatos...yeah, I've pulled similar science projects out of the back of my fridge as well...although, to be fair, they weren't duct taped inside...
Actually I find it sad that Pornstar + appendage are moving out -- they've provided you with a wealth of material!
This guy is like a character in a bad sitcom that you would say was way too over the top if you saw it on TV. The fridge sound disgusting. And I would say that on the "suck" meter those potatoes are a little higher than having to go through your old penny-pinching budget books.
what can i say....plain gross but you're simply hilarious. great blog you have there!
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