Monday, January 01, 2007

Down time

Well folks, this is it for a spell. We are headed out to the west coast for a whirlwind 5 day visit to family and friends. Thank god mom springs for the plane tickets and that there is a thing called Priceline. We saved %70 on the hotel room and the rental car. They are forecasting Santa Ana winds for our arrival so the views should be spectacular. I will be taking lots of pics and some vids too to foist on you upon our return.

Today, we pack and prepare. I noticed that we are not allowed to bring any liquid/gel thing in a container larger than 100ml. Which means toothpaste is not allowed. It's in a 120ml container, don't you know. The million dollar idea of the year is the toiletry kiosk that should be set up in the arrival section of the airport. When that baby went through the scanner at LAX a couple weeks ago, it was probably because all the agents were busy confiscating toothpaste. (Did that sound bitter enough?)

I may check in while I'm there but don't count on it. At the very least I'll be back next Monday. Have a great first week of 2007 everyone!


Jack said...

Have a fun safe trip you guys!?

May 2007 be smooth sailling for you 2!?

Anonymous said...

Hope this is the start to your best year yet!

Anonymous said...

Have a safe flight and a great visit.

As to foisting those vids on us: no! no! anything but that! throw us in the brier patch, but don't show us your vids! [do you know how much we (or I, at least) enjoy those vids!]

HNY, Torn and Serge!

Jane said...

Enjoy your trip! I eagerly await the pics and videos.

BTW - You could get a bunch of the mini toothpastes that the drugstore sells.

Snooze said...

All the best of 2007 darlin'. Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Have a fun trip. Is Sara going with? If not will all miss you guys until you return. You know I love the videos! Happy New Year!!!

CoffeeDog said...

Bon voyage, Bonne Annee!

Anonymous said...

Travel safe and have a wonderful time! Bring the pup a gift back!

Polt said...

May you and Spouse have a safe and fun trip!


Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip guys! Say hi to your momma from all of us. Get the little travel sized toothpaste/shampoo and conditioner/mouthwash. Or just carry the rest of it in your suitcase. Isn't it just limited to what you carry on? Anyway, remember to pack all liquids in a ziplock bag. You do not want that shit all over your stuff. Oh no, I'm doing that mom thing again. I can't wait to see the pics/videos/blog entries when you return!

Doug said...

Have a wonderful trip!

That liquid/gel restriction is sooo annoying! I have to get lots of little bottles of lube, and that's so expensive! ;)

Jess said...

Have a fun, safe trip!

BTW, I think the size limit on liquids is for stuff in carry-on bags, so just put that stuff in the checked luggage.

Can't wait to see the photos and videos from the trip! Enjoy!

teh l4m3 said...

I see Hollywood
I see Palm Springs
I see gay boys' underthings.

GayProf said...

Ugh -- That liquid thing is one of the dumbest ideas they have yet to implement. Man, I thought the shoe thing was annoying...

Have a safe and fun trip! Enjoy your time with friends and family!

Anonymous said...

I travel lots, so either put your large toiletries in your check-in luggage (in a spill proof bag!), or just buy the very small travel size toiletries for carry-on.

Safe journeys to you and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year pal!

Not only are you restricted to 3oz containers, you can only bring one Quart-size bag of aforementioned 3oz containers in your carry-on. Learned that the hard way during my New York visit.

And of course, they lost my checked baggage.

Have fun visiting.

madamerouge said...

I haven't flown since June 2006. Those new measures are sure to annoy me. They strike me as not much more than something to placate the masses--while threats like cargo and attacks from the ground remain.

Timmy said...

Have a great trip! You will be missed!


Anonymous said...

Happy new year and have a good time out west. Take pics.

Joel said...

Have a GREAT time back here! Hope you have a great start to the year with this trip!

Anonymous said...

G'Day Stud,
Found your blog through a g8t blogger mate over at human nature...Just thought I would drop by & say I enjoyed your posts & lastly HNY Cutie!!

Anonymous said...

Be safe, have fun and enjoy the screenings and cavity searches. God knows I do.
Hugs honey,

vuboq said...

don't even get me started on the stupidity of the liquid/gel security rules. GAH. hope you have a brilliant trip! *smooch*

dpaste said...

Have a wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels, and miss your blogging already!

Enjoy the down time, you both deserve the break from landlord stresses!

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip and dont forget the suntan lotion....sunscreen whatever you kids call it these days...

Enemy of the Republic said...

Enjoy your trip.

Nicki said...

Have a grand time.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Happy New Year and hope you're having a nice time of it :>)

Anonymous said...

Boo Santa Ana winds. Bring a humidifier. Or just swing down to San Diego and you can borrow mine. :)