The sun shines right into our bedroom in the am. Even the thick red drapes don't adequately block it. This wakes me up. Spouse isn't bothered by the light. I added the star only to avoid marital discord.

The other love muffin in the morning.

Spouse was awakened when his mom and boyfriend came by. I'll spare you a pic of his grumpiness and instead show you Tigars, MIL's dog. This is the only non-blurry picture I have, as this dog never stops moving.

Me and the MIL.

After they left, Serge went back to sleep. I had to get out of the house, so I went down to the huge sidewalk sale downtown. It was miles of discounted merchandise, bands, buskers and crowds. I only bought one thing. Gelato. It was delicious but at $4.50 a cone, it will be an infrequent splurge.

Check out the pimped out police Segue. Instead of only two wheels, there's 3. It's got all the equipment that the police car has too - radio, computer etc.

Then it was time for the annual Twin Parade. Thousands of twins march through downtown as part of the Just for Laughs festival. This was the first time I'd seen the event. I took lots of pictures, but this is probably the best one.

On my way home, I saw this Cookie Emergency truck. There's something oxymoronic about cookie emergency, but it's a cute idea. It was only after getting home that I noticed the smiley face on the back of the truck.

Once home, Serge had awoken and it was well past five on Saturday. That means martinis.

She's usually more discreet than this.

Serge likes to tidy her up after her movements. (kidding)

Finally, dinnertime. Those are not my cigs. I'm on day 13 today and feel like king of the world. Have a lovely Sunday peeps.
This is all just so wonderful, and I'm thrilled for your Day 13!
Good thing the weather behaved for the outdoor activities...
I must visit Montreal again. I was there as a teen. It looks beautiful with so much to do. I thought I liked my bed, Serge really slept til 5:00? Must have been some night before!
You know I like poo jokes, especially visual ones. Thanks!
Serge gets a star of David! We should rename it to Star of Serge.
Ha! I can only imagine the marital discord that would result if I posted a photo like that, star or no star...
I like the concept of waking up as a justification for breaking out the martinis, tho! ;)
oh, what's wrong with a little friendly marital discord once in a while? i do like the star, though. and i can just see my little mason crapping on our patio starting this week when we move to the condo! just like yours!
I admire Sara more than ever. She sleeps on the bare floor between her bed and a rug. As if to say, "I'll sleep anywhere I damn well please!" Then she poops on the Deck for the same reason. After all it is her house, she just let's you guys live there. You go girl! Ed
I was still blinded, even with the "star."
I always have a cookie emergency, so I would've spent some time at the creepy looking truck.
Twins, how cute. Never dress them alike if you truly love them. They'll hate you later in life.
Yeah for Day 13!
Almost two weeks... isn't the first two weeks the hardest? You can do it, I know you can!
And wowee... must've been some fun Friday night. How late did you all stay up?
You look all tan in the picture with the mil. And like you're strangling her dog in the picture. :)
A cookie emergency is genius.
13 days is almost half a month. That's pretty good.
I love the rainbow thing trailing away from the cookie truck. Happy accident.
I love pictures of animals dumping. Does Sara read your blog? Will she be cranky about the exposure?
Serge looks so long in that top pic that I thought he was you.
Holy red room Batman! Get some tinfoil up in that window so you can sleep until 5 too!
saw "yaz" in concert last week and i thought of you..and paul. Had to re-tell the whole ending saga to n who faithfully listens to all the "stories". thank goodness for spouses!
missing you (and those crazy daze a little bit), congrats on the non smoking of the things that do nothing for you.
It sounds like a great day! I wish I were in Montreal now. Congrats on day 13. You're doing grand.
I always live pics of Sara and now Tigars, too!
I loved the Police Segue. In our former home they were going back to bicycles for routine patrols (cruisers for emergencies).
Have you tried shades in the bedroom? They have them specifically to block out percentages of light. Me, I like to sleep in a cave-like atmosphere, I can't stand the light.
The artichokes and pasta look yummy but try as I might, I couldn't figure out the other item.
I wanna come to that parade in a few years :)
The meal looked delicious and I noticed those tempting cigarettes on the table. Good for you!
Nice bunch of pictures du jour.
A Sticky Crows post without feces is like a day without sunshine.
I'd love to go to the twins parade, but I'm sure I'd be freaked out. I find twins a little scary....
Oh that puppy looks just like my Casey girl. So damn cute!!! My dog isn't spazzy though, she sits still a lot compared to most other pups. Good job on the non smoking, you ROCK! Din din looks yummers, what are the reddish bits, steak?
I am guessing it's the only "still" and non blurry photo you have of that dog because it appears that you are in the process of strangling it.
I have those exact same red swirl martini glasses! Although I think I have managed to break all but one of them because, well, that's what retarded people do when given martini glasses.
yay for martinis! i love the red room, but i wouldn't be able to sleep in it either :-)
Sara clearly knew that you were going to be buying a power washer for the deck!
Great photos...looks like a fun day. I can't believe Serge slept through almost all of it, especially with that pointy star right there!! Good for him...
A cookie emergency!?! That's just BRILLIANCE, sheer brilliance!! I bet they're good, too!
Congrats on your two weeks!!
"Spouse was awakened when his mom and boyfriend came by."
So your spouse also has a boyfriend and he visits at the same time as your mother-in-law? Kink-ee. And possibly very fun, though I think I'd be a little put out if my partner woke up for his boyfriend but not for me.
Thoroughly enjoyed all the pictures, especially the one of the doggie's indiscretion. Makes me feel that my puppies aren't so terribly alone in their indiscretions. Nice to visit your pages again . . . it's been a little while. XO
Dang I nearly spit my morning coffee out at the star, hehe that made me lul big time.
Love the pimped out Segue too, nice!
Love the sexy photo of Serge. I think suggestive photos like these are more sexy than full nude ones.
I have the same martini glasses as you, with the red swirl. I have ones with a black swirl, too. They came 4 in a box - 2 red, 2 black.
Glad to see Sara is doing well.
Congrats on 2 weeks smoke-free!!!
Mark :-)
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