This might look familiar. We ate out at the same restaurant as last year. That wasn't the plan of course, no, the plan was to walk to the best Mexican restaurant in town. And we did walk there. Unfortunately they were closed. The sign said open. But there was another sign that said "Will Return at 12:15" It was 6 o'clock and the sign said they opened from 11:30 to 9:00. The 12:15 part was perplexing. Anyway, then we had to walk all the way home. We phoned the other place I had in mind to see if they could take two in ten minutes. They said, "No, we can take two at 10:30 though." (Oh yeah, gee now that you mention it, I didn't really want to come eat dinner in ten minutes - I wanted to come in in four hours, thanks for the suggestion) Serge kept suggesting we try a "new" restaurant but I stood firm insisting on going to a place I already know is good. Why spoil a birthday dinner by chancing a lousy meal? So that's how we ended up walking two blocks to the same place we ate last year. We had a bunch of appetizers and a bottle of wine. Twas delightful.
Spouse got me the man's package over at the spa for my gift. Pedicure, facial and massage - all done in a four hour session. I've never had two of the three and I don't like massages because they always hurt. Serge told them this and they promised no discomfort. What do they call it if you just want them to lightly tickle the skin with their fingers? I don't think the last masseuse I had had normal hands, it seemed like they were all knuckle. I don't want to be kneaded, I want to be tingled - a tingly massage.
I was talking to my mother yesterday when they had the earthquake in California. It was scary as I listened to the commotion in the background. Turned out to be a fairly mild one, bumpy but not damaging. Mom remarked that it wasn't a side to side movement but more of a jolt straight up in the air movement. As in all things, every earthquake is different.
Glad your mom is ok, have you heard from Laverne? They say that this earthquake might be the first, and to expect one maybe in another 2-3 days. Do you ever recall seeing the earthquake lady there in CA? I think her name is Kate Hutton? She's family (of course) and is a friend of a friend. Little bit 'o trivia for the day.
I got excited when I read that Spouse gave you his package. Then after rereading it saw it was a Spa package. The best laid plans...anyway alls well that ends well. ed
Interesting. I always prefer to go go to a new restaurant, rather than go to one I've been to before.
I'm with you on the massage issue, though. I know people who love to be brutalized. I just want the muscles gently kneaded.
I think they call those "Fru-Fru" massages... ;-)
Actually I think that's the "Swedish" massage...
What do they call it if you just want them to lightly tickle the skin with their fingers?
Given the title of this post, I thought that this was more toilet humour. Like post-restaurant..
Better title: The Man's Package.
I agree with whoever is over my head and willing to try new restaurants. I mean, is it that much of a crap-shoot up there, encountering bad food? If so, your logic is best.
It must be weird hearing an earthquake over the phone. And yeah, scary. At least you knew right away that she was alright and didn't have to try to get through to her later.
I enjoy sampling appetizers rather than getting one large entre sometimes. It sounds like a nice dinner once you found a place to eat!
I can't ever hear about earthquakes without envisioning Charlton Heston. It was the reason I left California, I went thru the 89 one in SF and was visiting my friend in LA in 94 for the Northridge Quake. When I got back to SF finally, it took 4 days. I was packed and gone in 3 weeks. I met the ex a few weeks later, but that's a whole different QUAKE!
I'm like that - wanting to stick to places I KNOW are good and I tend to order the same things. Glad you had a great bird day.
I forgot to link to this birthday cake yesterday Torn. It's truly you: the decoration, the "lost in translation" i.e. needs ESL (it says Happy Birthday btw). Anyways, the rest of this blog is hilarious too.
Here's your cake:
Oddly, when I heard about the earthquake, I thought of you and some kind of joke (that didn't materialize) about how the earth shook back in your "native" home on your birthday. Little did I know that you were on the phone with your mom when it hit. That must have been totally weird but, as java mentioned above, at least you knew right away that your mom was fine.
I think that type of massage could be called "light touch therapy" You know all goose bumpy and tinglingly (I think I just made up that word) alive!
I want credit now if it becomes the newest "thing."
I don't like pain in a massage either. Maybe a "rub down" is the right phrase?
I enjoy the massages, but only with people I know. My theory is it feels damn good when they stop! LOL!
A pedi though? I'd die. I hate having people touch my feet. Well, if they are massaging them, but I don't want anyone buffing or gouging me with their unsanitary instruments. :)
Glad your mom is okay.
The meal looks delicious. I love the simple tomato and mozzarella with balsamic and oil... perfect summer salad.
I agree with you. It's your birthday, so go where you're most comfortable.
It's your massage, and you are responsible for saying something if they work too deeply. Tell them you want a fluff and fold. And then stop them if they go deep.
I always hated the "Rollers", the kind that sort of made you feel queasy and sick. The "Shakers" were the ones to watch out for as it felt like the building was about to come down around you. I so don't miss California.
Where we were the earthquake was rolling. It reminded me of looking out our upstairs window and seeing the telephone poles moving one at a times as the earthquake rolled toward us. You know, in '89. But first there was this whole train rumbling thing that I don't remember ever experiencing before.
I'm glad that Momma is okay.
Kate Hutton. Swoon.
It sounds like the very extreme massage is called "Rolfing." I do not like that type of "deep tissue" massage. For some reason, my skin and muscles are tender when prodded and I tense up rather than relax and go with the flow.
Glad your mom is ok. We live in earthquake country as well and they always get my attention when they start rolling and jumping.
Food looked delicious!
What a nice evening, even with the closed place. Congratulations. Enjoy your Spa day. 8-)
Your Mom was right, it was a "thrusting" quake in Chino Hills, about 7 miles from where I live. It seemed Diamond Bar took the brunt of it, as the news reported the damage.
Glad you enjoyed your bird day dinner.
Mark :-)
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