Well I figured I owed some skin this week, so I reenacted something that keeps happening in the shower. When I bend over to soap up the legs, sometimes I accidentally shut off the water with my ass. I hate it when that happens.
Last night we had a wee bit of marital discord. This often happens when one member of the couple tries to do something nice for the other member, but in doing so, ends up screwing something else up. You're not supposed to get mad at someone when they try to do something nice for you. But mad, I got.
See, spouse decided to "clean up" my computer. Apparently, he felt it was performing slowly, so while I was feverish in bed, he took to defragmenting the computer and getting rid of unused programs. Here's the problem. Just because HE doesn't use a program doesn't mean I don't.
So when I tried to edit some text, I no longer had Microsoft Word, and when I tried to edit a picture, I no longer had Microsoft photo editor. Oh and he also erased the program I use to download the pictures from the camera.
I was pissed. But I wasn't allowed to be because, after all, his intentions were to help.
Anyway, he installed other programs (the ones HE uses for such tasks) so that I can work with my text and pictures. It's just I'm still a little bitter because I now have to train myself on the new procedures.
He still thinks I should be thanking him.
I said, "I'll thank you if you promise not to delete any programs without asking me first."
To date, he refuses to promise this.
Don't know what HNT is ? Click here to see.

Love your pic, I can see how that water shut off happens.
And your spouse is being unreasonable. I hate when that happens.
Happy HNT!
Dont you just hate dropping the soap? lol.. Happy HNT!
At least you have Paint Shop Pro like you requested, your camera works even better because accessible like a drive letter and Skype is fully accessible. Na!
Nice HNT
Damn...THAT's one Hot arse! My spouse does the same crap and expects the same appreciation. LOL. HHNT
Fun pic!
Now, if the spouse is weaning you off the evil Microsoft machine, you should be grateful.
Hehe, maybe he installed OpenOffice instead ;) Uninstalling programs ussually doesn't change much. He should delete what start in the registry, thats already help more.
But hey, if he changed your Internet Explorer for Firefox, Installed you Paint Shop Pro, Open Office, and fixed skype and the camera, it's kinda good you know !
Nice ass ;)
And to me, 'reorganizing' someone else's computer is akin to going though their personal filing cabinet. Spouse or not, it's just not done without permission.
Give him a kiss, thank him, and slap a password on that sucker. (I'm kidding, of course...well, sort of)
And here I thought the marital-discord story was going to involve your ass and shutting the water off. . . Damn.
I'm always trying to keep the household computer baby alive and well. A few times I've even had to lobotomize it from the web ramblings of my partner. Ah well what can you do, can't live with 'em, can't sell them at auction.
I would only ask that if I evern need tools to be handed to me...your ass will cheerfully be my ass-istant.
Love the pic.
Jimmy is famous for that... just "cleaning" stuff up.
Nice bum, where ya from?
Be blessed you have a spouse to be angry with...
I don't like anyone touching my computer either. Nice HNT!
Hot HNT.
Jebus, I thought having opposable thumbs was something special. Having a prehensile ass capable of manipulating chrome objects? Wow! Now, that IS special.
I feel your pain about the computer issue. I had an ex who used to do that. Plus, he would load tons of programs from work to figure out how they worked, so the computer was CONSTANTLY crashing. I solved the problem by getting my own computer. Maybe you should consider that.
Nice tush, by the way.
You think that's bad, I worked for a small company where the owner would go so far as to organize the icons on your desktop as she saw fit. And you weren't allowed to change them!
I'm on your side, I'd be pissed.
i'd be compelled to return the favor by "organizing" my spouse's files, desk, bag, whatever. i can be one helpful bitch when i set my mind to it.
The shot is quite cool, as it is both kind mysteriously sexy AND humourous at the same time. Happy HNT!
AS for the spat, I know what you mean. Been there, done it! LOL
cool - what a naughty ass, though! HHNT!
Nooo, no one touches my laptop without my express prior consent. I feel your pain, there's no good intentions in touching someone elses technology ;)
glad you did too bud, nice HNT
Your husband used your computer!
I better not let my husband here about this or he might get ideas and think he's allowed to use the computer too.
Great picture!
Happy HNT!
It looks like a perfect bubble butt. All this time and I never noticed.
What's Skype?
you have the cutest butt!
wow ... great pic
has anyone mentioned how lucky your husband is?
rebekah, skype is a voice over ip program. To talk with peoples around the world free since it use the internet.
You can plug a headset, or a voip phone etc. You connect and talk. It's getting very popular
I think we have the same shower stall! Is yours the narrow but longer than normal one? It looks totally like mine!
Oh and I can totally relate to spousal tweaking...that is why he got me my own so he could tweak away.
I'm going to piece together all your HNT pix so I can get a complete composite. I think I'm still missing a left ankle. Please oblige.
PS: You are so hot.
and then there are days when I wish i was a shower spiggot
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