1. Life is hard and full of suffering. Only once you accept that, does it become easier.
2. When you understand that you can control your feelings, you will stop giving time to the bad ones. Like jealousy and guilt.
3. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
4. The only thing that really exists is this moment, now.
5. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the power to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I think #1 is key. It took me forever to realize that [as in, until this year] and so I used to get so upset when life wasn't going well.
Wow, after the day I had yesterday, I really needed to read this! :)
Too much for my "morning" brain ;)
Thanks for this!
how timely! this post really spoke to me this morning. thank you, tornwordo. cheers!
Thanks. I needed that!
Awww, that's nice. Being a bit bithcy, though, I prefer:
"May those that love us love us; and those that don't love us, may God turn their hearts;
if He won't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping."
Well, I'd have to disagree with # 1... (Don't hit me)
I'd have to say that most of us have it pretty damn easy actually... Real suffering is something that most of us have not experienced. Even when we might have a life crisis such as a death or sickness in our family or even ourselves... we still have it pretty easy, lots of people (outside of USA & Canada) have no one to turn too either economically or medically...
Minorities suffer in ways that some of us cannot imagine even in our own countries...
That said.. I agree with everything else...
The Zen Tornwordo...
How did you get so damned enlightened? Nice pic, you're too cute for words with the puppy!
There is a price to pay for everything we do in this world. So if your willing to pay that price do not let fear or common sense hold you back!
I appreiciated this post. Kind of timely.
Simple and clear. A beautiful (and absolutely correct) perspective.
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