This was sunset yesterday. We barbequed caribou that our friend Dan brought over. That was the first time I've eaten caribou. I liked it. It has a tanginess like liver, but not too, too.

It just kept getting better and I left the table several times to take pictures of the sky as it morphed from gray to pink to purple. You're lucky I'm only posting three. (Click for ginormous versions.)

After our guest left (or maybe he was the chef) we turned on Meet the Fockers. I'm sorry but the most important funny bit in that movie is the word Asshole, but since it was on broadcast tv, they had to cut everyone to say ass. Excuse me, but if a baby's first word is "ass", that might make a few oldsters chuckle. However, if baby's first word is "asshole", well, now we're in comedy territory (which is how the movie is written). They could have even kept it funny if they had dubbed it to "anus". But no, it was like, oh I don't know, taking out the Baby Ruth scene in Caddyshack.
This reminds me of a story one of my co-workers told us. Her little girl said to her one day, "Daddy sees a lot more assholes when he drives than you do!"
Love it.
I love the sunset pictures, too.
Censors are simple-minded people working for other simple-minded people furthering simple-minded goals.
And they suck (the censors, that is...well, the goals, too.)
I adore that it all comes down to the outrageous possibility of taking the Baby Ruth scene out of Caddyshack. Comedy territory is as comedy territory does. Plus, what is so funny about a baby's first word being assole? (As you know, my babies were well versed in the art of obscenities...)
I get really frustrated watching movies on network television. All the editing and dubbing just distracts me.
Hoffman and DeNiro have worked together so much that watching them act together in a scene feels voyeuristic. They have such intimate connection.
I haven't seen the film, but the title alone is priceless. Ah, wit!
MTF is hilarious! totally loved it. Totally would NOT love caribou.
What channel was that? I just watched MTF on City and asshole was left in. I hate watching censored movies.
Why is it that sunsets, something that you can see EVERY SINGLE DAY still manage to amaze us? It's weird, but cool.
beautiful pics.
and i love those crazy fockers.
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